200 words
There are four Tides of Reform that the book discusses in chapter 1: Scientific Management, War on Waste, Watchful Eye, and Liberation Management.
Scientific Management focuses on the organizational infrastructure of the individual corporation. It includes the hierarchy, micro division of labor, specialization, and well-defined chain of commands. In terms of the company I work for, we have Directors, therapists, supervisors, lead staff, and line staff. Each position falls somewhere on this chain of command predicated hierarchy system that we have. Within each position there includes a division of labor, and contains specializations that separate individuals within each hierarchy placement. A major issue we have and something that this philosophy of management stresses is that there needs to be a systematic analysis that places individuals at positions they are best fitted at.
War on Waste stresses the importance of the economy. This philosophy stresses how essential it is to maintain a system of checks and balances to ensure that there are no corrupt, or wasteful expenses placed on the back of the company and its employees. These aims are usually seen through, through the assistance provided in recruiting the external help of specialists such as auditors, and inspectors. The biggest implication that the war on waste has for human resource management is usually that it indicates a gap and lax implementation of rules; pointing to a weak foundation in the company.
Watchful Eye pushes for an overall environment of fairness to the company and the public eye through the means of transparency and fairness. It creates an openness available to the public and consumer which is their right to have when choosing who to do business with in an open market. If a company is constantly hiding the truth about the business they conduct internally and the business they put out into the market, while they may create more momentary business for themselves, they are ultimately just affecting that many more lives. When said company inevitably comes crashing down; they will not only hurt their industry's economy, but possibly affect the economy as a whole in the form of public mistrust being developed.
Liberation Management a philosophy centered around triggering words like, outcomes, and results, and even evaluations. Words that stir up many different feelings for many different people when concerning the government. While this philosophy has large implications for the government, it also is reflected through many aspects of leadership in the public sector. In large part to me this philosophy is expressed through the word of mouth achieved in customer service. If you cannot provide what your customer’s need in the most upstanding way, your company will ultimately be held accountable in the form of whatever buzz you create for yourself as management. If word gets around that you do good business, the business will be good to you as a result.
In considering these philosophies in the terms of human resource management, I have to say I believe that the Watchful Eye philosophy is the most important and virtuous to the progression of any industry as a whole. In a free market economy it is everyone's right to pursue the highest degree of success available to them. In doing so though it is even more important that you are doing this in a fair way through the means of being transparent with those who you service, remembering that these same individuals are the people investing in your company versus another under the impression that you are operating fairly. To violate this unwritten contract of trust not only places you under a negative but will inevitably do more harm to those who are operating fairly under these same terms.