Group #1 Discussion Topic:
Evaluating Your Approach to Writing (LO 9.1, LO 9.2)
Evaluate yourself with regard to each of the writing practices listed in the table below. Circle the appropriate number for each.
1 – Rarely/Never 2 – Sometimes 3 – Usually 4 – Always
Before I write routine messages, I make sure I’ve gathered all of the relevant information. 1 2 3 4
Before I write routine messages, I spend a significant amount of time analyzing and piecing together the information. 1 2 3 4
Before I write routine messages, I learn as much as I reasonably can about the needs of the message receiver(s). 1 2 3 4
As I write routine messages, I think about how the message receiver(s) will feel while reading the message. 1 2 3 4
As I write routine messages, I think about how the message receiver(s) will respond. 1 2 3 4
As I write routine messages, I think about how quickly and easily the message receiver(s) will be able to read the message. 1 2 3 4
Before sending a routine message, I place myself in the position of the message receiver(s) and reread the message imagining how the message will be interpreted. 1 2 3 4
Before sending a routine message, I carefully double-check the entire message to make sure it is appropriate and accurate. 1 2 3 4
Before sending a routine message, I frequently ask people I trust to read the message or ask them how they would handle the communication. 1 2 3 4
Before sending a routine message, I use a spell-checker. 1 2 3 4
Add up your score and consider the following advice:
35–40: You are a strategic, other-oriented writer. You think about how to send a well-thought-out message that meets the needs of others. Continue with such awareness of the impact of your written messages.
30–34: You are a careful, considerate writer. You spend time thinking about the content of your message and the needs of your message receiver(s). Consider taking more time in the planning process to think your message through even more carefully, and pay close attention to the needs and potential responses to your written messages by message receivers.
25–29: You are an inconsistent but self-aware writer. Sometimes you are careful about developing your message and considerate of the needs and reactions of others. Other times you are not. Always engage in excellent analysis when you craft your message and think carefully about your message receiver(s).
Under 25: You need to improve your approach to writing. You likely send most messages without spending enough time to think through the problems and impacts on others. Often this approach is harmless.