IMS257: ASSIGNMENT#3 JAVASCRIPT OBJECT, EVENT, FUNCTIONS IMS 257 (Web Interaction Programming) Assignment#3 (20 pts): Create a JavaScript Application for Calculating Sales Tax In this assignment, you’ll develop an application that calculates the sales tax and invoice total using the subtotal and tax rate values a user enters. 1. Open the HTML and JavaScript files in this folder: Download index.html, sales_tax.js, and styles.css files from Canvas-Assignments-Assignment3 and then, run the html file to see the user interface shown above, although it won’t do anything until you write JavaScript codes. 2. In the JavaScript file, write a javascript fuction (calculate_click) for calculating and displaying the Sales Tax and Total to textboxes when a user clicks the Calculate button (15 pts). salesTax = subtotal *taxRate/100; total = subtotal + salesTax; 3. Add data validation to this application. The subtotal entry should be a valid, positive number that’s less than 30,000. The tax rate should be a valid, positive number that is less than 15. The following error messages should be displayed in the alert window, when errors are occurred (5 pts): Must be a positive number less than $30,000 Must be a positive number less than 15 4. Bonus (2 pts): Add a JavaScript function (clear_click) for the click event of the Clear button. This should clear all text boxes, restore the starting messages, and move the cursor to the Subtotal field. Submission Guideline: You should zip index.html, styles.css, and completed sales_tax.js and upload the zip file to Canvas-Assignments-Assignment3 before the due date. ...