Mini-Project Assignment #2 SAP vs. Oracle vs. Microsoft Dynamics: Strengths, Weaknesses, Tradeoffs and Trends
Computer Science
Question Description
Purpose of the Assignment:
This assignment has a two-fold purpose:
1. To help students better understand Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the three leading ERP vendors: SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics.
2. To find out the strengths, weaknesses and tradeoffs that tend to neutralize the appeal of each of these leading ERP systems.
Requirements of the Assignment:
Visit the websites of SAP at, and Oracle at, and Microsoft Dynamics at, then, identify the following:
1. The strengths, weaknesses and tradeoffs that tend to neutralize the appeal of each of these leading ERP systems;
2. Three major trends we would expect to see with SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics between now and the near future.
Write a short report on the findings of the above items 1 and 2 with appropriate comparison, contrast, analysis and discussion. The report should be in APA (American Psychology Association) style but without a cover pager. The report should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 pt font and double spaced, with no less than FIVE and no more than SIX double-spaced and numbered pages (with 1” margins on all sides), excluding figures, tables, illustrations, and references. Fewer or more pages will result in points deduction.