CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
To achieve a competent result for this unit you must satisfactorily complete all the assessments requirements listed below.
Assessments for this unit are as follows:
Assessment Number
Type of Assessment
Description and location
Assessment 1
Short Questions/Multiple Choice Questions/True or False
There are short questions found in this booklet.
You will be given the opportunity to respond to each question in your own words in a written format. In special cases you may respond verbally.
Assessment 2
Case studies/Scenarios
There are Case studies/scenarios in this booklet. Read the case studies given and answer the questions that follow. Use your own words in answering these case studies.
Assessment 3
Research Activity
There are research activities found in this booklet. You are required to research the topic and respond to each question in your own words in a written format. In special cases you may respond verbally.
Assessment 4
Personal/Reflective Journal
Instructions for the journal are in the supervised work placement booklet
Assessment 5
Third Party Observation
Will be performed by the workplace supervisor while the student is on Work Placement.
Assessment 6
Work Place Observation
Your workplace supervisor observes you in the work place setting demonstrating the practical application of the skills and knowledge that you have gained in relation to these units. Your supervisor is required to observe you performing tasks in the workplace using the checklist provided in the third party report. During the observation your assessor will make a judgment as to whether you have met the required skill level for the qualification, or if further practice is required. Instructions and checklist for work placement are in the supervised work placement booklet. When an assessor is unable to visit the workplace they shall liaise with your workplace supervisor to confirm your ability to perform the tasks as part of the training package.
Assessment 7
In your portfolio you should collect information relevant to the unit such as the Children’s Developmental Stages, Playground policies etc.
Instructions to the Student
Please read all the information given to you before you start any assessment task. If you do not understand some or all of the questions, please ask your trainer/assessor for assistance.
Attempt to answer ALL questions in your own words on the assessment paper provided. The questions are designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your underpinning knowledge.To satisfactorily complete this assessment task you are required to complete the whole assessment. To do this you will need to answer all questions correctly and demonstrate you have achieved the required knowledge to industry standards. This assessment is intended to be fair and flexible. If you feel that we should change any aspect of this assessment to be fair, equitable or flexible, immediately contact your assessor who will attempt to make alternative arrangements.
Assessment Tasks Outcome
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Student ID:
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Student Name:
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Assessors Feedback
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
Tasks included in submission
Assessment Tasks
Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Re-submission Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Short Questions
Assessment 1
Case Study 1-2
Assessment 2
Research Activity 1
Assessment 3
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor Signed:
Assessor Name:
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Assessment 1
Short Questions
1. a. Write up to five words to describe your self-identity - choose words that reflect who you are – your self-dimension, your cultural beliefs and values.
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b. Describe one value that you hold as an adult that can be directly attributed to your upbringing. Reflect and comment on why this value has stayed with you into adulthood.
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c. Describe your best personal attribute. Now describe how this attribute contributes to your self-identity.
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d. Describe a tradition or ritual that is practiced by you and/or your family. Reflect on the meaning of this ritual and describe how it contributes to your self-identity.
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e. Imagine you have been transported to a place in the world where the culture - language, traditions, values, beliefs and practices, food, dress, gender roles, religious beliefs, individual rights, family roles and child rearing practices are completed different to your own. You are required to live in this place for 6 months without any contact with your home or family.
Describe how you might feel.
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f. What would you miss most?
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g. What assistance would you like from your new community to help you settle in and feel safe?
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h. Referring to your answers from above, how would you support children in your care who come from families from a culture different to your own?
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2. What aspects of the environment have an influence on an individual’s cultural identity?
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3. a. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (2009) describes cultural competence as ‘the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures’. Complete the following:
According to the EYLF what does cultural competence encompass?
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b. Select one of the above skills that you feel you could work on to improve your own cultural competence and describe how you would go about acquiring or improving upon the selected skill.
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c. With reference to the EYLF:
Principle 2 Partnerships,
Principle 4 respect and Diversity
Outcome 1 Children have a Strong Sense of Identity
How can Educators acknowledge and support children’s family and culture? Educators can:
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d. How can you access more information on the National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards?
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4. Educators can demonstrate cultural competence by gaining knowledge of the cultural practices and protocols of families using the services.
Give two examples of cultural practices Educators need to consider when communicating with families and community members from diverse cultural backgrounds.
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5. a. Explain why Educators should avoid saying to children ‘We are all the same’?
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b. Provide one example of how Educators can use routine experiences as opportunities to talk about differences and similarities?
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6. Colonisation has had a severe impact on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Historically government policies have been identified as contributing to the disadvantage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture past and present.
a. What are some of the impacts of government legislation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture?
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b. What is the role of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner?
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c. Outline the distinctive rights that Indigenous Australians hold as the original people of this land.
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7. Outline three ways Educators can find out more about the Indigenous cultures within their community
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8. List 2 examples of policies and procedures an educator needs to follow in relation to working with children from a different cultural background.
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9.How can childcare educators interact with children to help them have a strong sense of identity and wellbeing within their world?
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10. How might you obtain information about the cultural identity of families attending a service?
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11. Identify three ways Educators can create a culturally inclusive physical environment in a Child Care Setting .
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12. Identify eight practical tips to consider when working with families where English is a second language.
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Assessment 2
Case Study 1
Read each scenario and using the strategies below identify how the Educator could address the bias.
· Address misinformation and stereotypes
· Promote pride in own culture.
· Explore similarities as well as differences
· Intervene; let children know that words can be hurtful.
· Give children factual information
· Broaden children’s knowledge of diversity
· Talk about fairness and empathy (thinking about the needs/feelings of others)
You are sitting on the lounge reading a story to two 4-year-olds, Jock and Max. The story is about an Aboriginal boy and his dog called ‘Rabbit’. The boy tells the story