Report Instructions The EE598 seminar will have the following requirements: 1. Each student registered for EE598 has to participate in 80% of the seminars where participation does not mean only to be physically present but also to engage and ask questions. 2. Each student registered for EE598 has to write two reports of two pages summarizing two different talks. The written report should contain: (i) Why is the research problem important ? (ii) What is the innovation or the technique developed? What have you learned for your future career?(I’m majoring Computer Engineering, my future is about software, bigdata, mobile application, AI something like this) And (iii) How does the proposed (described) algorithm, mathematical approach, methodology works? How do you see it can be improved with respect to the application field or other application domains. To satisfy the requirement 1, a seminar attendance together with a random check by the faculty will be taken during each seminar either at the beginning or at the end of the talk. For the second requirement, each student has to discuss with the faculty in person or via email ( the deadline by which it will be submitted (usually 4 weeks after the seminar took place but no later than that). The submission of reports should be done in the first 4 weeks of the date in which the talk took place. Please send your reports early in the semester and do not wait for the last minute. After each seminar we will post the slides of the talk and/or related papers such that you can use these resources for writing your reports. Please email me if you cannot access them.