Community Health
P A G E 1
Field Project Activities List
The purpose of this field experience is to expose you to the practice of nursing where care interventions are focused on a population as patient. This is different from past courses
where you may have worked with a single or limited number of patients. However, it is
similar to previous clinical experiences in that you don’t truly understand and appreciate
what the nurse does until you are acting as a nurse. In this field experience, we want you
to associate with community health professionals in order to learn care from their perspective. For example, you can learn some things from observing a health fair, but can
gain a deeper understanding of a community health professional’s role in designing
community interventions by interviewing and working with the organizers.
Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators/Topic Areas to Choose for Field
Access to Health Services Access to:
mental health services
dental health services
health services Promotion of health literacy
Examples: mobile clinic, mental health agencies, PCPs, EDs, NAMI, health department,
social worker/case manager, EMS, police department, prosecutor, substance abuse
treatment facilities, mental health court, schools, government officials, low income clinics,
schools, community members, churches
Older Adults
Promotion of:
vaccinations injury prevention
prevention of social isolation
Examples: those who organize Meals-on-Wheels, conducting home safety surveys,
immunization clinics, senior center, PT, OT, PCP/geriatricians, orthopedist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, hospital, home health, assisted living centers, nursing homes, medical
supply companies, pharmacist, department of aging, health department, exercise classes
directed toward seniors, city/county offices for programs to support making senior homes
and public facilities safer
Environmental Quality and Physical Environment
Promotion of healthy physical environment, including:
air quality
land quality water quality
Examples: Health department, local industries, government officials, school nurse,
PCP/pediatrician, pulmonologist, allergist, local university, air quality expert, Sierra Club
&/or other environmental groups, American Lung Association-local division, local media sources, radon inspection/removal companies, bicycle-riding programs
KMP1: Community Health Field Project Activities List
P A G E 2
Injury and Violence
Unintentional Injuries Prevention of:
workplace injuries
pedestrian injury and death
Prevention of motor/recreational vehicle related death/injuries: Bicycle
Examples: schools, driver’s education, Department of Motor Vehicles, coaches, pediatricians, parents, hospital, Safe Kids Coalition/Council, youth centers, daycares, Health
Department - injury prevention program, poison control, police department, fire
department, churches, appropriate recreational businesses affiliated with your community
(i.e. kayak rental, ATV rental, ski resort), concussion protocols. Are there car seat safety, bicycle safety, seat belt safety, pedestrian safety programs? Hunter safety? Gun safety?
Prevention of:
domestic violence/intimate partner violence prevention of dating violence
prevention of gang violence
prevention of community violence
bullying/cyber-bullying suicide/depression
human/sex trafficking
Examples: school counselor, school nurse, GBLT groups, church leaders, youth centers,
mental health agencies, PCP, pediatrician, local colleges/universities, military installations/VA centers, NAMI, Health Department, SANE/SAFE programs, domestic
violence/sexual assault victim advocates, OB/GYNs, EDs, EMS, crisis shelter, safe
houses/shelters, mental health agencies, prosecutor, religious leaders, hair stylists, social
workers, United Way, schools, YWCA, Department of Human Services, Boy’s & Girl’s Club,
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, youth centers. Look for any programs that teach young men/women positive coping behaviors and self-confidence. Look for parenting classes for
older children/teenagers that you can audit.
Maternal, Infant and Child Health Women’s and Maternal Health
Prevention of:
unintended pregnancies
Examples: school nurse, health teacher, school counselor, Health Department, WIC, Planned Parenthood, OB/GYN, churches, youth centers, March of Dimes, local college/university,
pediatricians, United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters. Are there any other
programs/organizations that try to keep youth out of trouble?
Promotion of: breastfeeding
Examples: WIC, OB/GYN/midwives, pediatricians, childbirth educators, breastfeeding
classes, lactation consultants, baby-friendly hospitals, United Way, breastfeeding vs former
breastfeeding vs bottle-feeding mothers, La Leche League leader, other support groups, March of Dimes, breast pump rental companies, local businesses (working nursing mother
policies), any public facilities where breastfeeding could occur, government officials
regarding breastfeeding-friendly laws.
KMP1: Community Health Field Project Activities List
P A G E 3
Early and Middle Childhood Prevention of:
neonatal mortality
Prevention of unintentional childhood injuries, including:
sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) poisoning
motor vehicle related (child safety seat and seat belt use)
sports related pedestrian related
Prevention of child abuse
Examples: Health Department (FICMR, Nurse-Family Partnership, child health), Division of
Human/Child Services, daycares, schools (nurses, counselors, teachers), CASA, police department, prosecutor, mental health agencies, churches, EMS, hospitals (post-partum
and peds education), crisis child care center, parenting classes, pediatricians, support
services for special needs parents
Promotion of vaccination Examples: Health department, pediatricians, PCP, school nurse, daycare providers, hospital-
mother/baby & peds, community members, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood, senior
centers, nursing homes, home health, adult daycare providers, assisted living centers,
college/university (dorm living), Emergency Prep coordinator for the county (e.g. H1N1).
Mental Health
Access to mental health services
Prevention of suicide/self-harm Mental illness screening
Example: Mental Health Agencies, PCPs, EDs, NAMI, health department, social worker/case
manager, EMS, police department, prosecutor, substance abuse treatment facilities, mental
health court, schools.
Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
Promotion of:
achieving mean daily intake of total vegetables
physical activity prevention of obesity among children, adolescents, and adults
Prevention of food deserts
Examples: PCP/pediatricians, community members, daycares, health dept., school nurse,
school dietitian/cafeteria director, principal, PE teacher, health teacher, YMCA, parks & rec department, WIC, dietitian, lactation consultant, food banks, churches with food programs,
food stamp office, grocery stores, farmer’s market, nursing homes, assisted living, soup
kitchen, meals on wheels
Oral Health
Prevention of:
dental caries
periodontal diseases
Early diagnosis of oral and pharyngeal cancers Oral and facial pain (e.g. dentures, TMJ)
KMP1: Community Health Field Project Activities List
P A G E 4
Examples: state dental planner, lactation consultant, daycares, dentists, school nurse,
pediatricians, family practice physicians, parent’s/community members, businesses (dental insurance)
Reproductive and Sexual Health
Prevention of: sexually transmitted infections.
prevention of HIV/AIDS, including
sexual transmission
prenatal transmission IV drug use transmission
Examples: Health dept., Planned Parenthood, PCP, OB/GYN, pediatrician, health teacher,
school nurse, college health center, jails/prison, agencies working with homeless, church
clergy, community center, youth center, GLBT groups
Social Determinants of Health
Disability and Health
Promotion of health and well-being, including:
Access to disability related services and devices, Limit barriers to participating in home, work, school, or community activities
Social Environment
Prevention of homelessness:
safe, affordable, and quality housing Examples: Health dept., churches, government officials, police dept., mental health
agencies, EMS, emergency dept., department of human services, homeless shelters,
homeless coalitions, schools, VA services, low-income clinics, Habitat for Humanity.
Focus your efforts on what is being done to keep people in their houses and low-cost housing efforts.
Students graduating from high school
Access to park and safe sidewalks
Cultural acceptance
Examples: school nurse, school or community-based meal programs for school-aged children
Substance Abuse
Responsible alcohol consumption Energy drink abuse
Prevention of:
IV drug use
Prescription drug abuse Illegal drug use
Examples: Police department, probation officer, school nurse, school counselor, health
department, health teacher, mental health agency/workers, church leaders, local hospitals,
PCPs, youth center, prosecutor, drug court, social worker, local college/university, homeless agencies, pharmacies, MADD, transportation services
Tobacco Use
Prevention of smoking
Examples: Health dept., school nurse, health teacher, government officials, PCP/pediatrician, smokers/former smokers/nonsmokers, American Lung Association local
division, youth centers, local businesses, churches
KMP1: Community Health Field Project Activities List
P A G E 5
1. A community needs to reduce or better yet eliminate access to cigarettes for
youth. Here you would explore what the laws are about selling to minors, where cigarettes are sold, how youth are obtaining cigarettes (adults buy them? They
use fake ID? They obtain them through the black market?, etc.). Do stores sell
“loosies” meaning one cigarette at a time rather than by the pack? This also
contributes to youth smoking. Talk with police about enforcement of current laws. What is being done to raise the price of a pack of cigarettes through
additional taxes on cigarettes to make buying a pack very expensive and so act
as a deterrent to smoking? In New York City, a pack of cigarettes is $12. What is
being done to enforce the requirement to provide ID when purchasing cigarettes?
2. A community needs to reduce or eliminate the ability to smoke in public spaces
such as restaurants, bars, stores, other employers, public buildings, etc. to
further deter people from smoking and make it very difficult to smoke. This would include investigating what is being done in the county to reduce or
eliminate smoking in public places outdoors as well as indoors. What are the
regulations, what is pending to make the regulations stricter or more
encompassing and what is being done to enforce the regulations? What sort of
public acceptance is there of these efforts? Are parents allowing children to smoke at home? Are employers allowing youth to smoke at their jobs? What are
the schools doing?
3. A community needs to change attitudes and norms to reflect a determination not to be accepting of youth smoking and to actively work against it.
Promotion of community resilience Preparation for adverse health impacts of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
Natural or manmade disaster response
Response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
Examples: city/county disaster-preparedness drills, Red Cross American Red Cross, Fire Department, Police Department, Health Department, search and rescue, media,
meteorologist, local hospitals, mental health agency, schools, churches, nursing homes,
home health companies, assisted living centers, medical supply companies, veterinarians
(care of pets), mortuaries, grocery and hardware stores, pharmacies, local colleges/universities, water treatment plant, hazmat, sewage treatment plant, the landfill,
electric plant, propane distributors, natural gas distribution plant, Community Emergency
Response Team director