Behavior Model: Maintain Class Records Sequence Diagram
The Courses and Classes Records System contains the Maintain Class records use case description and the class diagram of a new software product that keeps track of the records of both courses and their offerings as classes for educational institutions.
The goal of this software product is to maintain and track information about the courses offered by the institution and the classes with which these courses are offered. The product supports two kinds of classes—online classes accessible over the internet and face-to-face classes offered on the grounds of the educational institution. The users of the system are the staff of the institution.
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IT 315 Module Five Courses and Classes Records System:
Maintain Class Records Use Case Description and Class Diagram
This document contains the following models for the Courses and Classes records system:
· Use case description for the Maintain Class records
· Class diagram for the Courses and Classes records system
The following is the Maintain Class records use case description:
Use Case Name: Maintain Class Records
Importance Level:
Primary Actor: Staff Member
Use Case Type: Detail, Essential
Stakeholders and Interests: The staff member maintains (i.e., creates, reads, modifies, and deletes) class records for a given course.
Brief Description: This CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) use case maintains the educational institution’s records of the classes it offers (for a given course). It provides the staff member actor with complete control over the creation, deletion, modification, and reading of class records for a given course.
Trigger: A staff member wanting to maintain the class records for a given course
· Association with the staff member actor
· Include relationship to the log in into the Courses and Classes Records use case
Normal Flow of Events:
1. The staff member enters the course whose classes are to be maintained.
2. The system responds with a list of all classes (either online or face-to-face) for the entered course.
3. The staff member then selects one of the classes and commands the system to perform one of the following operations on the selected class:
a) Delete the selected class.
b) Modify certain fields in the selected class.
4. Alternatively, the staff member actor can create a new class offering for the course, classify it as an online or face-to-face class, and then enter the required information for all kinds of classes and for each classification as follows:
a) For all classes:
i. Class begin date and class end date
b) For online classes:
i. Class URL
ii. Class browser
c) For face-to-face classes:
i. Class building
ii. Class room
Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
Alternate Flows: Each one of the CRUD operations is considered an alternate flow through the use case.
Exceptional Flows: This is when the course entered does not exist in the system.
The diagram on the page below is the class diagram for the Courses and Classes Records System: