In 1300 words or more, answer the following questions regarding the Case Study using three scholarly sources.
1. How do information technologies contribute to the business success of Sew What? Inc.? Give several examples from the case regarding the business value of information technology that demonstrate this conclusion
2. . If you were a management consultant to Sew What? Inc., what would you advise Megan Duckett to do at this point to be even more successful in her business?
3. How could the use of information technology help a small business you know to be more successful? Provide at least three examples to support your answer. Chapter 1: Foundations Iof Information Systems in Business presents an overview of the five basic areas of information systems knowledge needed by A the conceptual system components and major business professionals, including types of information systems. N In addition, trends in information systems and an overview of the managerial challenges associated with information systems are , presented. W • Chapter 2: Competing with Information Technology introduces fundamental concepts of competitive advantage through information technology and illusJ trates major strategic applications of information systems. A Completing these chapters will prepare you to move on to study chapters M(Module II), business applications (Module III), on information technologies systems development processes I (Module IV), and the management challenges of information systems (Module V). E 5 5 6 7 B U 2 obr76817_ch01_002-044.indd Page 3 09/09/10 9:50 AM user-f501 207/MHRL043/kno31619_disk1of1/0070131619/kno31619_pagefiles: Management Challenges CHAPTER 1 Business Applications Module I Development Processes Information Technologies Foundation Concepts FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS C H Ch apt er Highligh t s Section I Foundation Concepts: Information Systems in Business The Real World of Information Systems Real World Case: eCourier, Cablecom, and Bryan Cave: Delivering Value Through Business Intelligence The Fundamental Roles of IS in Business Trends in Information Systems The Role of e-Business in Business Types of Information Systems Managerial Challenges of Information Technology Section II Foundation Concepts: The Components of Information Systems System Concepts: A Foundation Real World Case: The New York Times and Boston Scientific: Two Different Ways of Innovating with Information Technology Components of Information Systems Information System Resources Information System Activities Recognizing Information Systems Real World Case: Sew What? Inc.: The Role of Information Technology in Small Business Success Real World Case: JetBlue and the Veterans Administration: The Critical Importance of IT Processes R I L ea r n i n g O bj ect i v e s S the concept of a system and how it T 1. Understand relates to information systems. I 2. Explain why knowledge of information systems is important for business professionals, and identify A five areas of information systems knowledge that N they need. , 3. Give examples to illustrate how the business J A M I E 5 5 6 7 B U 4. 5. 6. 7. applications of information systems can support a firm’s business processes, managerial decision making, and strategies for competitive advantage. Provide examples of several major types of information systems from your experiences with business organizations in the real world. Identify several challenges that a business manager might face in managing the successful and ethical development and use of information technology in a business. Provide examples of the components of real world information systems. Illustrate that in an information system, people use hardware, software, data, and networks as resources to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into information products. Demonstrate familiarity with the myriad of career opportunities in information systems. 3 obr76817_ch01_002-044.indd Page 4 7/28/10 10:10 AM user 4 ● /Volumes/207/MHSF191/foe85387_disk1of1/0073385387/foe85387_pagefiles Module I / Foundation Concepts SECTION I Foundation Concepts: Information Systems in Business The question of why we need to study information systems and information technology has evolved into a moot issue. Information systems have become as integrated into our daily business activities as accounting, finance, operations management, marketing, human resource management, or any other major business function. Information systems and technologies are vital components of successful businesses and organizations—some would say they are business imperatives.