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...Ti. .. ,■ 'J- ■fe o O D M O R. We a t h e r# Todayto d ^tonisi79,1a-----^Ms g k tVAe eAbout ARTEC: Ihe scpoalition puts a focus ‘academies*Mo n e yRaslgnatlon accejitetchairman steps down — stom i over his lavishO u t d o o r s Luck anil loaJ; U planDiros looK excepoona into the fall opener.' Sp o r'I's , ;wie: Golf^ teen-age p tees off in Boise to d ^©PINIO N Ticked over tags: Idal hunters deserve a fair at leftover big game h tag;^ todsty^ editorial.Co m in ghFamily tiesH ie F iends of CSI Ph opens its season with < duction of “’night Mot FHday In The Tlmea^ewIndexClassified .E&16 MoviesComics___06 NationCommunity .E2 ObltuariiComunldad .El OpinionCrossword . .A7 OutdoorDear Abby..A7 Sports.Horoscope .A7 WealheiLM. Boyd . .A7 West. JMagic Valley .01 World . Money . . .E3-5OWtpMtnnejdM ntm mtckULog on t o ...3 'w i n F a lls , I d i[daho/98thycaTj_No. ) R N I N G j g ,iav: C lear tajandl i g h t , ^ BAGHE•PPointe. Page A2 assembhn ^ , comprisec^L/EYmembers- “S rm s on Iraqi policIraqi offid Pago C l In on 1 Iraq^ muted : N Y SE " Iw nam id Ii! , J___lig e J 3__________=land game_______ifi^'goufgP ag eD le phenom day.Page B ldahoa i r s h ^ e e h u n tin galsays. H j HPage A6U P P IIHorizon IMeean E ___making I,e By ShariS - s slother.n ie ;-w* from tlAlberisc the Ida KidcOfi “I havles . .. .C7 ersldlowsn .A2-4.E6 man sajaries . .C2I— AC °ion -----A6 Buhl i;oors .Dl-'t schoolts. Bl-4 Alberisct o . . . A 2 X S;. .02-5,7-S school x*J .. JM.E6 lie or chthe fallRep< ~ snoo|^ 4 0 M ThaWwhtng' ' ' WASHIN( Departznent lyoeen accISIIIES n>rism.hasiprovision of dut allows itIEGA-dendal me U IQ U IK ; Gen. John A S B MSiiBSi . Aabcroftv ■ ■ B i K FBlINrectoisify diat PRTwnHmithat the pti about the n ■ ^ m m H U £ Depart!m0 . 2 6 1 , . .r a q plithifwton PottfiDAD, Iraq - Iraq^ newly tcd in terio r niinister is ling a paramilitary force sed of former employees of - ntiyVsecurity services and— rs of poUtii^-party mili* pursue re s is ^ c e fi^feis vc eluded U.S. troops and >lice offlcers, according to Hcials. .X acknowledgement that m m id p a l police depart-Rew vXI Elomantary School second-gra n Bailey's class Wednesday In Je lg better-than^xpected gains onnproved4ari ChaneyH L - Teachers at Buhl Ic School should be cadng Loday.: school earned $2,450 th e J.A. and Kaihryn tson Foundation as part of d a h o Student Learning Dff Incentive Program, laven’t even let ihc tuacli- low," Principal Byron Stuu- said Wednesday. “I was to surprise them tomorrow icakc.”d is one of 17 Magic Valley 1 districts that eamed ison money for making x s on the Idaho Standards vem ent Test in tlie past 1 year. Any public, nonpub- ch artcr school that gave 01 2002 and spring 2003)ort: Feds h o p ^ into bngton Port___________ =NGTON - n ie Justice mt, which has repeated- tcciised of encroaching — jertiesin itsw aro n ter- ^ IS nev(^ actually lued a ui of th e USA Patriot Act s it to seek rccords from bookstores or other yi s, according to a confi* . xe nem o from Attomey m I Ashcroft. \yi w rote in tfae memo to to r Xlobert S. MuelleriK a d '^ d d tir d e d a ^-----^previouafy secret infor* icause of fais "concern (j, public not be misled „I m a tte r in wbidi die x tm en t of Justice, and '•> ' .mT h u r s dlans f‘Saddam; tape i more resistance' m ents are too weak t<-----Baathist—insurgonu-anterrori^ leaders of theGoverning Council want to include a domestic int gathering unit and be < with .broad powers to raids and interrogate sus offidals said. The foroA R D I.graders Treyson Thomas, left. < n Jerome. Horizon is one of tha I on the Idaho Standards AchleiteSt-SGOK. $ for area schoolsISAT test was eligible one-time-only program awarded a to tal of S t .2 n: 361 Idaho schools.The Northwest Evt Association, which pt ISAT, colnUatcd cach s typical or cxpccu'd based on national nonns ing to informaoon piw the Albertson Foundutic pcrccnt o r more of the s in cach grade level exceeded their e: growth, th e grade level r a monetary award.SchooU that adminis winter ISAT test could < lo SIO more per student.For example, if SS peihave not book recorBoise dilutes Patriot resolution -the FBI in particular, havi utilizing the authorides pr in the USA Patriot Act.“The num ber of dmes (d vision) has been used to < zero,” Ashcroft wrote I metno, which was obtained Washingtonn if r if rfi«i-Volley-in.an_e9C8latiQg ^words between AshobR « oridcsi indnde civil ties gnnqis m d n n e Demi presidential .candidates, PtNMsaeNtnUOT.I[)aranlined by the (U IgeS ' m wtpowtt ® . m Iraq and :e - E6 cal organis mer oppoa to combat voledroleirmd-fonrign-----security. , ,hecoung y ^ Some ind int the force the cotmdl i ntcUigence. haq who hi c deputized the plans t to conduct. paramilitar; :uspects,the could be use ree as out- ' government[N G PH i i a H H L ii S V v S ^ H''t. and Jessica Plzano glance at ha first recipients of cash Incei ilevement Test.___________= = = = ■ students inIc AA achieved theiiIS - A*f but the schoc-------------ISAT in thele for the level would •m. -which dent. If the sc:: million (o winter test, i per student,evaluation Theincentiipublishes a maximum <»l1 sm dents 100 percent <1 growth madeexpectens, accord- school gave thovided by District offition. If 55 happy to ref smdent.s money, but ncI met or yet how they' expected pcrccnt of tliII received school improv60 percent is s listercd a levels that ear [1 eam up be used for c< fit. als, programsjcrcent of ment.BAU.OT 01O u tm iK ll * r l C Moro than hi■■ could face la. An appellato____Outmodedbai . Srttott’-C4 [jBp-nn been 'provided(the pro- > date is in the ,Kibythefaelatest ^. :.war;-tif____and his ‘'Jirillib e r . Vmociatlc ' : , ts, whoi f , ■id a y , S e p t e m b e r 18,nilitaithe offidals would be the irerful security apparatus ' nd would give five politi- lizations headed for* osidon leaders an unri*} in the country’s internalndependent mem bers of 31 as as diplomats in have been informed of s to form the domestic ary force fear that it u s ^ as a lool by a future >nt to suppress political*R O Gu . --^ 3I at each other while working o icentlves from the J.A. and Kat3 b u i i d M jin a grade level Ileir cjqjccicd growth, We:It of the gi^de level Ined progress and die l\vlhe winter test. lh()fficials say they arc . receive the eximnone seem to know ciiiey’ll .spend it. Fony , )llie money goes m Sdpovement teams and calis spent by die grade incearned it. Money can he- equipment, materi- mc IIS and staff dcvelop-OEBATEo d e d v o t i n g m e t t i o i1 half ot Ihe states that ore still i s legal choltenses tf CalHomla'i ato court voted Mondoy to deli I baUots.wouJd te have boon ust 09 with 90I1W countiaa of townaMpionntyBanPwt«c«'E S T AVA ILAB! P C O 'try iffldissent or target enemies ilar forces have been many other Arab nadons But Ayad AUawi, the ( of the Governing Council ty committee, said the n_was.JiccessatyJwca_uw_li ular t>olicc force is “not s at aU.’n i c said the co asked Interior Ministc Badran to form a speci that would' be “a cross Please see IRAQ^RESScoirrMTtn/naitoM lg on a listening skills game In Kathryn Albertson Foundation foiion-grant!Sandra Miller, principal We.st Minico Middle School, s her staff will look at what tl need and form a list. All th grade levels at the school m: e.\pened gains and eamet total of S13.00S. n ic school i- the midst of creating a sch improvement team lo siwnd IHjrceiit of tlie incentive mom Breu Cies, data analyst furi IWin Fulls Sdiool District, s the money Ls quite a substani amount for many of the sdioi “It comes out to a pretty diunk of money,” he said.Wliile teadiers at Bulil Midi Sdiool ultimately will make i call about liow to spend'th incentive money, Stutzman khe will suggest staff dcveli ment. Buhl Middle School ha Please see SCHOOLS. Pagelod-stHI-common(till using punch-card.ballots ila's recall delay lauphold. delay the recoil becauseusod in alloast alxcounttos------shfps using punch-cvd ballotsIi'n iiiio » v______________ \ ; •V ....lit. EJ--------------------Ohkj *-,Wiies-assim- ’ \n used inns.; chairrnan Raleigh «0!% securi- S.C.I new force VWlmingloncoijimittee . ofmow.riM ;ter Noun » , ■ ecial force • ^ ,1,3 between Fin. \ ^ »Q,PageA2SOURCE: AccuW} O l d s- 7 t h e y ^ IsabeMid-Atla readies ftThe AssociatesSEA LEVK wilh the mer K0u-.1I has SIO seas off C«u>cout of lii.sbunl — ^ ro rro re tiuns] So a litde ll 2 hurricane w the 8G-year-ol< the retiremei and other old reputation for big stomis.don't Wl cane." Kowa said Wednes day at the Snug ilarboi home a; i l u r r i c a n c Isabel bar relcd towarci him with ' ^vinds of more than 100 mph, “Never did.” Isabel cloi Carolina's C Wednesday w ■MiMn ^'’•1 *he potentniin, ihreateni " flooding acros:“T a M .------------------Catcgory-2-fro7— :------------mph'moliSi^nrf O cd to be dangcL O -------------barrierisjandsstorm surge of ... ... More than? North Carolinjurged to mow .“i?' leaving theB anks' mo Evacuation on ed for low-lyiti islands of du which could gc Id 40 rorirem5ncy. northeast of Bc Hom. 1 Ie has lashedrtvn 16 kcoirfrom^lfding------------>unk. I Ie has watdiud an anspon~go uown.— ■ le thing like a Category e was not about 10 chase r-old seaman away from m ent home where he old salts have earned a 1 for fearlessly riding outw ony about a Imrri- )wal .-m .nes- ^ them ebar-lorcIph. Mike Kowalclosed in on North O uter Banks on / with 105 mph winds tcntial for up to a foot of tening to causc ruinous ‘TOSS a huge swadi of the Igy East.had weakened to-fromu-Gategoiy 5,-160.— •—-----t^nnJul'wis'stillTM^^t:-------------ingerous when it hit themds-this-moming witha-------------co f up to 11 feet, an 230,000 people in >lina and Virgiiua were love to higher ground,' ic vulnerable Outer" • m ostly evacuated.I orders were also post- lying inland areas and the Chesapeake Bay, d get a 7*foot surge.-ement home. 30 miles if Beaufort, sits right on - y with litde bul salt id some spits of sand and th e patch of ocean the Graveyard of the ' tcausc of all the ships one down there. ■ lg m en -who have taken h e sea could throw at lived to tell about it, seen as a little more onvenience.- n here eight years and . ree o r four of them,'so see HURRICANE. Page A4yould_____! t Idaho,ieialsays——ectioo because of old Iiw i t ^ ^ I e a s ^ ^ ^ l . ipm ent that oijUics say,d of a federal a m a lfkt.7zecancn&bod«KJ Jig macoflptitils tfatt?—_____Lties wotOd t e u a ^ . ,.to ira b io e fa D c h i^ ^ j;

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