Key questions to consider in this unit.
If "campus carry" legislation were introduced in the state of Virginia, would you support it or oppose it? Why or why not?
What effect would allowing guns on campus have on the classroom/campus environment? Consider the possible outcomes.
If you, your classmates, and your professor could be armed on campus, would you feel safer?
Why or why not?
Assigned Articles for Opposing Viewpoints Assignment
Students Should Have the Right to Carry Guns on College Campuses
David Burnett (2012)
PRO Students Should Have the Right to Carry Guns on College Campuses.pdf
Students Should Not Be Allowed to Carry Guns on College Campuses
Darby Dickerson (2012)
CON Students Should Not Be Allowed to Carry Guns on College Campuses.pdf
2. Write a detailed three paragraph response. Use details from these two assigned articles by Burnett and Dickerson to support your argument.
What is each author's central argument?
Identify at least three main supporting details each author uses to back up the main argument.
Whose position do you agree with more, any why? Be specific in your response.
3. Make sure all references and quotation are clearly cited, using the parenthetical form of citations.