~ DrtvetrtcketDetails ~-------------------------<
USING MICROSOFT ACCESS 2016 Independent Project 7-5
Step 1: Download start file
Independent Project 7-5 The New York Department of Motor Vehicles wants to extend the functionality of its database. You use Design view to finish building a main form, add a calculated control to concatenate the first and last name, and add header and footer sections. You also add a table as a subform and customize the form to add sections, modify properties, enhance the look of the form, and add a calculated control. This project has been modified for use in SIMnet®.
Skills Covered in This Project • Edit a main form in Design view. • Add Form Header and Form Footer sections to a form. • Edit a control to add an expression to
concatenate fields. • Change the tab order of a control. • Change the border style property of a form.
• Remove the record selector. • Add and edit a control in a form. • Use a table as the subform in the SubForm Wizard. • Use an aggregate function on a subform. • Add a control on a main form that refers to a
control on a subform.
1. Open the NewYorkDMV-07 database start file.
2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor.
3. Enable content in the security warning.
4. Complete the main form. a. Open the DriverTicketDetails form in Design view. b. Set the following property for the Form: Enter 6" in the Width property. c. Set the following property for the Detail section: Enter 4" in the Height property. d. Edit the Control Source property of the Unbound text box to contain =[FirstName] & “ ” &
[LastName], and enter 1.5" in the Width property and DriverName in the Name property. e. Add Form Header and Form Footer sections to the form. f. Set the following properties for the Form Header section: Enter .6" in the Height property and
select Green Accent 6, Lighter 80% (the tenth column, second row, in the Theme Colors area) in the Back Color property.
g. Set the following properties for the Form Footer section: Enter .6" in the Height property and select Green Accent 6, Lighter 80% (the tenth column, second row, in the Theme Colors area) in the Back Color property.
h. Add a label control into the Form Header section and enter Ticket Details by Driver into the label.
i. Set the following properties for the label: Change the Width property to 2, the Height Property to .25", the Top property to .2", the Left property to 2.5", the Font Size property to 14, and the Font Weight property to Bold.
j. Change the tab order of the controls to the following: LicenseNumber, Gender, DriverName, BirthDate, Address, City, State, and ZIP.
k. Remove the record selector from the form. l. Save your changes to the form. Your form
should look similar to Figure 7-115. 7-115 Design view of main form
Access 2016 Chapter 7 Creating Advanced Forms Last Updated: 1/11/18 Page 1
T,d.,tDat" T City
ltmBI 2/1/2016 New York 4235894352 2/14/2016 Albany
4235895548 5/11/ZOlo Buffalo
unsafe Speed
License umber
Birth Date
Gender EE
Address 1274 w 145th street I City INewYork I State ~ ZIP 110039 I
TicketsSubform TlcketNumt • TlcketDate • City
4 235~3852 2/1/2016 New York
4235~352 2/14/2016 Albany
4 235~5648 5 / 11/2016 Buffa lo
RHord: ,~ 7 01 3 · • .i • l;.. No F 1t-2r searm
Fine FirstName LastName
$45.00 Amanda Freed
unsa es Parnng/
unsafe s
Passing/lan e Violations s120.00 Javier Torre s
unsafe speed $180.00 Alex Rodnguez
USING MICROSOFT ACCESS 2016 Independent Project 7-5
5. Add a table as a subform in a main form. a. Ensure that Use Control Wizards is turned on. b. Use the Subform/Subreport button to add a subform onto the main form. Position the subform
near the left border at the 2" high mark. The SubForm Wizard launches. c. Choose Use existing Tables and Queries, add the TicketNumber, TicketDate, City,
PrimaryFactor, and Fine fields from the Tickets table into the Selected Fields area in the SubForm Wizard. Also add the FirstName and LastName field from the Officers table into the Selected Fields area.
d. Select the Show Tickets for each record in Drivers using LicenseNumber link statement. e. Enter the name TicketsSubform instead of the default name and click Finish. f. Save the main form. g. Switch to Layout view. The Detail section of the
form should be similar to Figure 7-116. h. Click the Next record arrow in the Navigation
bar of the main form to advance to the next record. Verify that the subform updates to display no tickets for Hossein Badkoobehi.
i. Switch to Design view. j. Increase the width of the main form to 9" to
provide space to see and modify the subform. k. Set the following properties for the
TicketSubform: Enter 8.6" in the Width property and .1" in the Left property.
l. Save and close the form to ensure that all updates are correctly processed. If prompted, save your changes.
6. Customize the subform to adjust field widths and remove the border, Navigation bar, and label. a. Open the DriverTicketDetails form in Layout view. b. Click to select the TicketNumber column in the subform. c. Move the pointer to the right border until it changes to the resize arrow, and then click, hold,
and drag the resize arrow to increase the width of the column until you can see the entire label of TicketNumber. Recall that the column widths of a subform can only be changed in Layout view.
d. Adjust the width of the additional columns in the subform so they look similar to Figure 7-117. You may need to temporarily change the width of a few columns to smaller than shown to be able to adjust the LastName column.
7-116 Form view of the Detail section of the main form
7-117 Adjusted column widths in the subform
Access 2016 Chapter 7 Creating Advanced Forms Last Updated: 1/11/18 Page 2
e. Save your changes. f. Switch to Design view. If prompted, save your changes. g. Click to select the TicketsSubform and enter 1.2" in the Height property, and select
Transparent in the Border Style property.
Ticket Details by Driver
UcenseNumber 10001532
Birth Date
City New York
~ OrtYertkketDebls ~------------------------------ Ticket Details by Driver
LioemeNum ber ~ Gender ~
Name ~1mothy smnh
Birth Dale~
Addres5 (214 w 145th Street
Ctty !New York : State ~ ZIP 110039 I TlcketNumber • Tld:etDate City Prlma~Factor Fine FlrstName LastName 4235893852 2/1/2016 New York Unsafe Speed S4S.OO Amanda Freed 4235894352 2/14/2016 AIOOny Pnssmg/lone Violations Sl.20.00 Jevier To rres 4235895648 5/11/2016 BIJffalo Unsafe Speed 5180.00 AleK Rodriguez
Total a>'il o f fin- $345.00
USING MICROSOFT ACCESS 2016 Independent Project 7-5
h. Click the Select All box in the subform to select the subform. The Select All box in the subform updates to display a black square.
i. Select No in the Navigation Buttons property. j. Delete the TicketsSubform label. k. Save the form. l. Switch to Form view. Verify that the border, Navigation bar, and label have been removed.
7. Add a calculated control onto the subform and enter an aggregate function. a. Switch to Design view. b. Click, hold, and drag the vertical scroll bar on the subform to move down to the Form Footer
section. c. Click the Form Footer section bar and set the Height property to .5". d. Add a text box control to the Form Footer section of the subform. e. Enter =Sum([Fine]) into the Control Source property and SFTotalFine in the Name property. f. Delete the label that was added with the text box. g. Save the form.
8. Add a text box to the main form and reference a control from the subform. a. Add a text box control below the subform and make the following changes to these
properties: Enter =[TicketsSubform].[Form]![SFTotalFine] into the Control Source property, .8" in the Width property, 3.5" in the Top property, and 5.4" in the Left property. Select Currency in the Format property, Transparent in the Border Style property, Bold in the Font Weight, and No in the Tab Stop property.
b. Click the label control of that text box and make the following changes to these properties: Enter Total cost of fines in the Caption property, 1.2" in the Width property, 3.5" in the Top property, and 4.1" in the Left property. Select Bold in the Font Weight.
c. Save the form.
9. Enhance the look of the form. a. Switch to Layout view. b. Select all of the controls shown in Figure 7-118. c. Press the right arrow key 20 times to move the
selected controls to the right. d. Set the following property for the Form: Change the
Scroll Bars property to Neither. e. Save the form.
10. Switch to Form view to view the completed form. The form should be similar to Figure 7-119. Depending on the default font size, the width of the fields in the subform, and the specific record you are viewing, scroll bars may display in the subform.
11. Close the database.
12. Upload and save your project file.
13. Submit project for grading.
7-118 Selected controls to move
7-119 Form view of completed main form with a subform
Step 2 Upload & Save
Step 3 Grade my Project
Access 2016 Chapter 7 Creating Advanced Forms Last Updated: 1/11/18 Page 3
Independent Project 7-5
Skills Covered in This Project