USING MICROSOFT WORD 2016 Independent Project 5-6b
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Word 2016 Chapter 5 Using Templates and Mail Merge Last Updated: 1/10/18 Page 1
Independent Project 5-6b For this project, you create folder labels for individual employees for Courtyard Medical Plaza. This project has been modified for use in SIMnet®.
Skills Covered in This Project • Use the Mailings tab or Mail Merge Wizard to
create labels. • Sort a recipient list. • Insert individual merge fields.
• Use an Excel file as the data source for merged letters and labels.
• Apply formatting to merge fields. • Preview merge document.
IMPORTANT: Download the resource file(s) needed for this project from the Resources link. Make sure to extract the file(s) after downloading the resources zipped folder. Please visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step instructions
1. Open the PrivacyNotice-05-Labels.docx start file. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
3. Use either the Mailings tab or the Mail Merge Wizard to start a labels mail merge.
IMPORTANT: If using the Mail Merge Wizard, be sure to select Use the current document in Step 2 of the wizard.
a. Select Avery US Letter, 45366 EcoFriendly Filing Labels. b. Select the CourtyardMedicalPlaza-05 Excel file, downloaded from the Resources link, as the
recipient list and select the Employees$ table in this file. Verify the First row of data contains column headers box is checked.
c. Sort the recipients by Last name in ascending order. d. Select the entire document and change the font to Cambria and the size to 10 pt.
4. Insert merge fields and text in the labels. a. In the first cell (upper left) in the labels table, insert the Last and First fields. Separate the last
and first name merge fields with a comma and space. b. Press Enter and type Employee Number : c. Space once and insert the EmpNumber merge field. d. Press Enter and insert the Department merge field. e. Space once and type Department. f. Select the first line of the label (<< Last>>, << First>>) and apply bold, italic, and small caps
5. Update Labels and preview the merge. After previewing the labels, turn off preview.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to turn off the Preview Results before submitting your file for grading.
6. Save and close the document (Figure 1-90).
7. Upload and save your project file.
8. Submit project for grading.
«Lt sr», «-Fmsn;
Employee Number: «EmpN1milier.1t
«Departm.e11:r» Departm.em:
«N1,.Y.-r Rr:tiJH.D»«U!Sr.», «FIR i-»
Employee Number: «EmpN1milieD
«.DE-pa.rtmeuo) De-pa.rtmem:
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·ttJH.o»«LJlST»., «FlR r»
Employee Nuuilier: «EmpN1uuber.1t
«D-e-pa.rt1ue1u De-pa.rttuem:
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·ttJH.D»«L1ST»., «FI r»
Employee Number: «EmpNmuber.1t
«D-e-partmen.rn Oe-pa.rttueut
«N1::x:r R1:·toH.o»«Ulsr.», «Frnsr»
Employee Number: «EmpN1uub er .1t
«.DE-part1ne11:rn O-e-parttnem:
«N1:·x:r Rt:·tiJH.WHd.ASr.», «.FIITr»
Employee Nunilier: «EmpN1milier.1t
«Depa.rttneu:r» Departmem:
«NEX-f R1:·tiJH.D»«U!Sr.», «FIR i-»
Employee Nunilier: «EmpN1milieD
«DE-pa.rt::meuoJ De-partmem:
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·ttJH.o»«LJlST»., «FlR r»
Employee Nuuilier: «EmpN1uuber.1t
«De-pa.rttuernt De-parttuem:
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·ttJH.o»«L1Sr.», «.F'IRS"r»
Employee Number: «EmpN1uub er .1t
«DE-pa.rtm.ernt» O-e-pa.rt:Inem:
«N1:·,y_-r Rt:·tiJH.D»«LJlSr.», «FIRS,·»
Employee Nuuilier-: «EmpN1u1ilier .1t
«.DE-pa.rt:Ine1.1.:r» Depa.rt:Inem:
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·tOH.01HfL.lsm «F'IRSf»
Employee Number: «EmpN1uub er-.1t
«De-pa.1·t111en.rn De-pa.rttuem:
«N1::rr R1:·ttJH.01H(Ulsn;., «FlRSf»
Employee Numb er: «EmpN1milier.1t
«De-part111en.rn De-parttuem:
«N1:-r1· R1:·(.·iJH.o»<d.ASr.»., «FIRS-1·»
Employee Number: «EmpN1miliel'>t
«.DE-partlueur» D·e-pa.rt:Ineu:r
«N1:·.Y.-r R1:·-tCJH.o»-ffL'1Sr.»., «F'IRSr»
Employee Number: «EmpN1milier .1t
«De-partmem: De-pa.rt:Inen:r
«N1:·,y_-r R1:·-tOH.D»«L'1Sr»., «F1RSf»
Employee Number: «EmpN1milief'".1t
«D-e-partmem: De-pa.rtmen:r
«N1:.-.,cr Rf:.·t:011.o.»<d.1S1-»> «FIRS''l"»
Employee Numb er: «EmpN1u1ilier .1t
«D-e-pa.rtmem:» Depa.rt:I11em:
«N1::xr R1:·(:0H.D»«V1S1-», «FIRS'l"»
Employee Nmnbe!': «EmpN1u1ilier .1t
«D-e-pa.rt:Inem:» De-pa.rt:I1.1em:
«N1:.·x.,- Rr:.·ca11.o»«Ulsr».. «F'IRS-r»
Employee Numb e!': «EmpN1unb er .t+
«D-e-part1ue11t» Depa.rt111e11t
«N1:.·x.,- Rr:.·ca11.o»«UlsT»., «FlRS-r»
Employee Numb er: «EmpN1u1ilier .t,,
«.Departtneut» Departtuent
«N1:.·xr Rr:.·COH.D»«L'1S1-»> «FlR n,
Employee Numb e!': «EmpN1u1.ilier .t,,
« Departtuem:» Depart111e1u
«N1:.-.,cr R1:·co11.o.»<d.1S1-»> «FIR 1·»
Employee Number: «EmpN1u1ilier .t,,
«.Depa.rtmem:» De-pa.rt:I11em:
«N1,:x·1· R1:·.c:-011.o)X(LJlS1-», «FIRS'l"»
Employee Number: «EmpN1u1ilier .t,,
«.De-pa.rt:Inem:» De-pa.rt:n.1em:
«N1:.·x.,- Rr:.·C(JH.D»«U!Sm«F'IR n>
Employee Numbe!': «EmpN1unb er .t+
«.Depart1ue-11t» Depa.rt:I11eut
«N1:.·x.,- Rr:.·C(JH.D»«UIST»., «FlRS"I"»
Employee Number: «EmpN1u1ilier .t,,
« Depa.rt:Iue-m:» De-pa.rt111e11t
«N1::xr Rf:.'C(J11.o»«.L1Sn>., «FlRS"I"»
Employee Number: «EmpN1u1.1b er .t,,
« Depa.rt:Juent» Depa.rtmem:
«N1::xr Rr:.·co11.ww.LJ1s1».,. «Fms-,·»
Employee Nmuber: «EmpN1u1ilieni
«.Depa.rt:Iuem:» Depa.rtme11t
«N1:.·xr Rr:.·co11.o:»-<f.UIS1)>.. «Fms-,·»
Employee Numb er: «EmpN 1u1ilier .t+
«.Departtuem:» Depa.rt11.1e1111:
«N1.:x-r R1:·co11.o»«l.AS1».,- «FIRSr»
Employee Numb er: «EmpN1u1ilieD
«.De-pa.rttuent» De-pa.rt:mem:
«N1:·x-r Rr:·COH.D»«L dT.»., «F'IRS"r»
Employee Numb er: «EmpNtuJ.ilier .it
«.Department» Department
«N1:·xr Rr:.·ca11.ID.l-«Ulsr»., «F'IRS"I·»
Employee Number: «EmpN1m.1b eD
«.Department» Department
USING MICROSOFT WORD 2016 Independent Project 5-6b
Figure 1-90 Word 5-6b completed
Word 2016 Chapter 5 Using Templates and Mail Merge Last Updated: 1/10/18 Page 2
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