WK3 Final Project Framework Worksheet
This worksheet will help you prepare for your final project by organizing the information that you’ll need for your final paper and walking you through the process of defining your topic, researching and analyzing primary and secondary sources, crafting a thesis, and creating an annotated bibliography. Once you have completed the worksheet submit it to the online classroom for grading.
After your instructor has graded the worksheet, please be sure to use it and the feedback provided to you by your instructor as you construct your final project. 1. Statement of Topic:
What topic will you be researching for your final project? You have the choice of:
· African Americans
· Native Americans
· Women
· Immigrants
You must choose only ONE of the above groups. Which group have you chosen? Native Americans
2. Events
You will need to choose at least 4 specific events that you plan to discuss in your final project. You should choose events that show how life in the United States changed over time for the group that you chose. Two events must be from the period between 1877 and 1945 and two events must be from the period 1945 to the present. On this worksheet and in your final project, be sure to discuss the events you’ve chosen in the order that they happened. This will help you put together a project that makes historical sense.
Event 1: 1877 to 1945
Event: Assimilation into boarding schools
When: When did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade? This happened in 1879, This school was a model for institutes all over. “Between 1880 and 1902 there were 25 schools that were established to educate between 20,000 – 30,000 Native American children.
Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country? These schools were opened all over America and in the Canada region.
Who: Happened to Native American kids who were assimilated into these schools and the U.S. Army Captain Richard H. Pratt founded the Carlisle Indian Industrial schools.
Why: These schools were to teach the Native Americans to be civilized or Americanized as the whites, because they were thought of as being savages. Whites also felt that they were superior and needed to be assertive. To reinforce power relationships and cultural identities of the Native American kids.
How: How is this event historically significant? What events or issues contributed to this event happening? Because it shows the control that the government had over the Native Americans and how these little American Indian kids were treated very badly.
Event 2: 1877 to 1945
Event: Wounded Knee Massacre
When: when did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade? This happened on the morning of December 29th, 1890
December 29, 1890
Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country? Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota reservation in South Dakota.
Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event? It was an issue between Ghost dancers and some armed military personnel’s’. This was the cause of 250 Native Americans to being killed. This included the Lakota Sioux Indians and the American military. It was the last battle of the 19th century.
Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening? The U.S. governments began to force the Native Americans into reservations and at that time the Lakota’s adopting the Ghost dance. This was a spiritual movement for Indians that this was a lesson of defeat and that they angered their God by abandoning their traditional ways and is being why they were sent to the reservations. They believed if they rejected the ways of the white men, then their Gods would create a new world for them and go back to how they use to be before the Europeans came and took their lands. This Historical event is a reminder of how far the white men and government would go to get what they wanted and destroy anyone who got in their way, including taking their culture and spiritual beliefs and assimilate them to a Westernized way of living. The government felt threatened by it and believed it would cause an uprising, because they would lose their control over the Native Americans. The U.S. government to believing that Sitting Bull was its leader was killed during his arrest.
How: How is this event historically significant? This event was Historically eventful because it would be the end of frontier- era Native American resistance.
Event 3: 1945 to the present
Event: American Indian Movement (AIM)
When: When did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade? This was founded in July of 1968
Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country? This happened in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event? The founder of AIM was Dennis Banks and the American Indian Activists.
Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening? The goal of this movement was to address issues of tribal sovereignty, and racism toward the American Indians and to expose the neglect and corruption within the federal government.
How: How is this event historically significant? This movement was to educate and to give employment programs in the Native American communities. It also insisted on the renewal of obligations from earlier treaties with the U.S. government.
Event 4: 1945 to the present
Event: American Indian Religious Freedom Act
When: when did the event happen? Did it happen on a specific date? During a specific decade? August 11, 1978
Where: Where did the event happen? In a specific city, state, or region of the country? Throughout the country? This happened all over America.
Who: Who were the main people involved in the event? What specific group of people was involved? Are there specific individuals associated with this event? This act was introduced by James Abourezk and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.
Why: What events or issues contributed to this event happening? American Indian’s civil rights were noticed by two organizations.
How: How is this event historically significant? _This Act had protected and had preserved the traditional religious rights and cultural practices of the Native Americans. They were able to have access to sacred sites, freedom to worship and were able to have possess objects that were considered sacred to them.
3. Sources
You will need to locate two primary sources and two secondary sources related to your topic. Use the primary source analysis tool for help with analyzing primary sources.
Primary Sources
APA Citation for Primary Source 1:
Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations. ______ Reyhner, Jon. "Reconsidering Indian Schools." History of Education Quarterly History Educ Quarterly 45.4 (2005): 636-42. Web.
Annotation for Primary Source 1:
Provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what questions it raises, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations .
_This source is an autobiography of Richard Pratt of his life as a superintendent of Western Boarding schools and as a school inspector and his perspective of how he thought it was best for Indians to be assimilated and Westernized.
APA Citation for Primary Source 2:
Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.
Clabaugh, Erik K. "The Evolution of a Massacre in Newspaper Depictions of the Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee 1876-1891." Alanta Review of Journalism History 12 (2015): 38-64. Communication and Fast Media Complete. Web.
Dejong, David H. ""Unless They Are Kept Alive": Federal Indian Schools and Student Health, 1878-1918." The American Indian Quarterly 31.2 (2007): 256-82.
Annotation for Primary Source 2:
Provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what questions it raises, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations .
This journal speaks about the chain of events in newspapers trails of the wounded Knee Massacre, the Sioux Indians with the Ghost Dance movement to the government feeling this was a way of defiance and trying to get ahold of the situation to an outbreak of shooting which caused many deaths. Americans wanted to Americanized the Native Americans and make them civilized and this is how the congress passed the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. This event is what later connected to the event of the Wounded knee massacre. Because these Native Americans were forced onto reservations and were being controlled and they felt that they were limited of freedom on their reservations that they engaged in this spiritual movement called the Ghost Dance. It helped them celebrate their traditional culture and helped them promote self- discipline and harmony with the whites. The government this would cause an uproar and defiance, that they would lose control over the Native Americans and this conflict became a massacre at the wounded Knee creek in South Dakota at the Lakota reservation.
APA Citation for Secondary Source 3: D'arcus, B. "The Urban Geography of Red Power: The American Indian Movement in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, 1968-70." Urban Studies 47.6 (2010): 1241-255. Econlit. Web.
Annotation for Secondary Source 3: This article is about Native American civil right activist organizations, between 1960-1970 and it encouraged recognition of their treaty rights.
Provide an annotation explaining what the author's thesis is, how they prove their thesis, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations .
APA Citation for Secondary Source 4:
Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.
Harjo, Suzan Shown. "The American Indian Religious Freedom Act -- Looking Back and Looking Forward." 19.2 (2004): 143-51. Web
Annotation for Secondary Source 4:
Provide an annotation explaining what the author's thesis is, how they prove their thesis, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to clearly identify which specific event this source relates to. Here are some examples of annotations .
This article is about a federal law that was passed in 1978 and it is a law to protect and to preserve the traditional religious rights and culture practices of the Native Americans.
4. Thesis Statement
Being stripped of their land and traditions, the Native Americans were forced into Americanized ways and fought hard to gain back their traditions and culture.
Once you have analyzed your sources, consult the AWC’s “Thesis Statement ” and use the writing center's Thesis Generator to craft a thesis on your topic, based on your findings from your sources.
Please remember that there are primary listed in the Week3 Discussion Board 1. You are free to use one or more of those primary sources or you may find your own. You are also welcome to use the secondary sources throughout the course listed as “recommended sources.”
Thesis: Being stripped of their land and traditions, the Native Americans were forced into Americanized ways and fought hard to gain back their traditions and culture through an AIM and through the AIRFA.