Goldilocks zone-the distance with the right temperature for water to remain liquidExoplanet-a planet that orbits a star outside the solar systemTerrestrial planet-earth like planets made up of rocks or metals with a hard surfaceDwarf planet-a celestial body that orbits the sun has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape but hasnot cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and is not a moon.Satellite-A celestial body orbiting another planetGas giant-A giant planet composed of mostlyhydrogen and helium the 2 in our solar system are Jupiter and Saturn sometimes called failed stars because their composition is similar to starsSuper Earth-a class of planets more massive than earth yet lighter than Neptune and can be madeof gas , rock or a combination of both. Between twice the sizeof earthand 10 times largerAsteroid-a small rocky body orbiting the sun range in size from Ceres )(1000km) to dust.A comet-an icy small solar system body made of rock, frozen gases, anddust. Has an orbital period of less than 200 years. Rogue planet-A celestial body that is the size of a planet but does not orbit a star. As many as 200 billion in our galaxy alone.Meteoroids-are chunks of rock or dust in space that usually come from comets or asteroids. When they enter the earths atmosphere, they become meteors It creates heat and produces a streak of light in the sky because of the friction with the air. When meteors hit earth, they are called meteorites. The craters of the moon were formed by meteorites