Capstone Project - Developing Smart Goals/Objectives For Your Project
In this assignment, you will
1. Find 2 articles on the use of SMART goals/objectives: what are they, how are they used, and why they can be a useful tool. Summarize content of each article by writing a summary paragraph for each.
2. Next, select 3 peer reviewed articles that address your chosen area of focus for you Capstone Project. You will use these to cite your Capstone Project goals/objectives. A table is provided in the assignment document for your use.
3. Lastly, create a minimum of 3 and no more than 5 goals/objectives for your Capstone Project.
Remember: You must use in-text citations and references using correct APA format.
Assignment is due by Saturday 2359 Central Time (CT)
N4685 Capstone Seminar
Module 2: Capstone Project – SMART Goals and Project Objectives
Overview: Capstone Project – Smart Goals and Project Objectives
In this assignment, you will locate and summarize content of 2 articles on the use of SMART goals/objectives: what they are, how they are used, and why they are effective. Assignment must contain citations and references in correct APA format.
You will also select 3 peer reviewed articles that address your chosen focus area for your Capstone Project and create 3-5 goals/objectives for your Capstone Project using the SMART Goals/Objective format.
· Summarize 2 articles discussing what SMART goals are, how they are used, and/or why they can be an effective tool.
· Create 3-5 objectives for Capstone Project using SMART format.
· Select 3 peer reviewed articles addressing chosen focus area to include in the provided grid.
Use this rubric to guide your work on the Module 2 assignment.
NOTE: All assignments and discussion posts are expected to be completed on time.
1. SMART Goals Article Summary (what they are and why are they important)
(40 pts)
Clear and strong summary of 2 articles on use of and purpose of SMART goals. Writes 2 summaries - one summary for each article. Each summary is 1 paragraph of 3-4 well-written, original sentences. (40 pts)
General statements reflecting article summary and/or missing one article summary, missing SMART goal format.
(20 pts)
No synthesis of articles on use of and formulating SMART goals.
(0 pts)
2. Creates 3-5 SMART goals/objectives.
(20 points)
Creates 3-5 goals/objectives using SMART format including Bloom Taxonomy terms.
(20 points)
2 or less goals/objectives utilizing SMART goal format using Bloom Taxonomy terms.
(10 points)
Goals/Objectives not written in SMART goal format and/or no use of Bloom Taxonomy terms.
(0 points)
3. Cites 3 peer reviewed articles related to the chosen focus area of Capstone project (management, education, or clinical specialty)
(30 pts)
Correctly cites 3 peer reviewed articles for chosen focus area of Capstone project
(30 pts)
Cites 2 or less peer reviewed articles.
(15 pts)
No peer reviewed articles cited to support SMART goals/objectives.
(0 points)
APA format
(10 pts)
Articles and lists the APA references correctly – no errors. (10 pts)
Articles and lists the APA references correctly. 1-3 errors. (6 pt.)
Articles and lists the APA references correctly. 4 or more errors. (0 pts)
1. Summarize Articles on SMART Objectives Format (Type in the box below)
Summarize content of 2 articles found on SMART goals/objectives. Write your summary in proper APA format. Must include in-text citations and references for both articles. Write one paragraph for each article summary. Should have paragraphs.
TYPE IN THE BOX BELOW (Box will expand as you type in it)
2. Create 3-5 Project Objectives
3. Cite 3 Peer Reviewed Articles on Chosen Focus Area for Capstone Project. One article may support more than one objective. However, you must have 3-5 objectives and at least 3 peer reviewed articles to support your project.
Create a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 objectives based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy (See an overview at or for more in-depth study of Bloom’s view and you can always “google” Bloom Taxonomy for more information-may need to cut and paste these websites into your URL line to access). These objectives reflect the changes you want to see in the behavior of the participants/audience as a result of acquiring the information that you present. Remember: Objectives must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed (S.M.A.R.T.) and each must include a Bloom term. At a minimum, at least one objective should be “immediate” and one “long term.” Use the table below to record the Objectives and Content for your Capstone Project. (You must create at least three objectives. If you have more, insert rows in the table).
Remember that your final project will need at least three references (less than five years old). See the example for how to format this grid.
Example Objectives
(3-5 Objectives)
Example Content and Citing of Peer Reviewed Articles
(Total of 3)
(Journal listed with no DOI should have URL referenced)
1. By the end of the presentation, 98% of the audience will be able to identify three ways to prevent falls in the LTC until.
(Note: this is an immediate outcome, there is a time frame, there is a % of the audience, identify is the Bloom term. This goal is measurable).
· Fall prevention
Doe, J. (2014). How to prevent falls in a long term care unit. Journal of Fall Prevention, 8(26), 23-32. doi:8:2014-445.31.271
2. Within three months of the presentation, 95% of the audience will be able to recite three reasons to use a fall assessment form with any change in condition for residents.
(Note: this is a long-term goal, there is a time frame, there is a % of the audience, and “recite” is the Bloom term. This goal is measurable).
· Fall assessment forms
Smith, J. (2013). Why are fall assessment forms important? Journal of Fall Assessments, 7(4), 12-15. Retrieved from
3. (Write your third outcome here – it can be either immediate or long-term. Remember it must be SMART and include a Bloom term).
· Content Topic
Must have at least one reference here as three are required for this assignment – one for each outcome. Please note that for your final project, you will need three references for each outcome that you have for a minimum of nine references. If you have four outcomes, you will need a minimum of twelve references.
Grid provided below for assignment completion.
Complete this grid with your information. Must have a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5.
Project Objectives
(3-5 Objectives)
Content and Citing of Peer Reviewed Articles
(Cite 3 Articles)
Uploading Completed Assignment Template:
· Save this completed assignment template with your individual assignment content to your computer in a file you can easily retrieve.
· Upload the completed assignment template into Module 2: Assignment 2 of 2 area in Module 2 of the course.