Socioautobiography--Your Socioautobiography assignment is due this week. The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the sociological imagination to your everyday life: to make connections between your everyday life and the broad sociocultural structures within which you live. In this assignment, you will reference appropriate Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) that relate to your socioautobiography. You can find the TCOs in this course listed in the syllabus and in the weekly objectives. This assignment can be related to all of the TCOs.
The Socioautobiography is a reflective paper that allows you the opportunity to explore the interconnections between biography (a slice of your life), the social structure, and culture. In preparation for this paper, please read the sample socioautobiography and theSocioautobiography Information and Rubric document, both posted in Doc Sharing. As you develop your socioautobiography, refer to the TCOs and indicate in the body of the text to which TCOs your sociological concepts refer. An example of how to do this is provided below.
The final paper will be due at the end of Week 5. It should be three to four pages in length and must be in APA format, double-spaced, with a title page. Your submission should reference at least six sociological concepts covered in the weekly readings or lecture. In addition, boldfacethe sociological concepts you are using, as demonstrated below.
Consider the following example:
As I think about my college experience, because of my lack of English language skills, I realized that I was at a disadvantage with other students who where from upper-middle-classsuburbs. I grew up in a farming community and, while there was the expectation that farm kids were going off to college, the community’s educational policy was based on the idea that farm kids would take over the family farm. As such, learning proper academic language was not a high priority (TCO 5 and TCO 9).