Test Specification Development
SRS for Online Banking
Connie Farris
Colorado Technical University
Software Requirements Engineering
Dr. Debora Elam
SRS for Online Banking
Revision History
Initial Revision
Software Requirement Elicitations
Created the original document for week one
Second Revision
Software Requirements
Added Week 2 assignment
Table of Contents
Revision History 2
Software Requirements Elicitation 4
1. Introduction 4
2. Requirements 4
3. Technical Preparation Made Before the Kickoff Meeting 5
4. Skills Needed by the Developer 5
5. Requirements Specification 5
Software Requirements Development 6
Introduction 6
Overall Description 7
2. Specific Requirements/ Functionality 8
3. Usability 9
4. Reliability 10
Performance 10
Supportability 10
Design Constraints 11
11. Requirement Verification 11
Traceability Matrix 12
Test Specification Development TBD 13
Requirements Management & Engineering TBD 14
Software Engineering Processes & Methodologies TBD 15
References: 16
Software Requirements Elicitation
1. Introduction
A local bank that has been in business for about 3 years is losing customers to banks that have more up to date services. They have been operating on a traditional banking system where all transactions must be done person to person. They realize in order to get customers back and to gain new customers they will have to incorporate online banking. They researched information about this subject so they would be able to understand what online banking is about. The information found included:.
The first online banking service in United States was introduced, in October 1994. (K, 2019)
Online banking with conventional banks permits clients perform all every day transactions and some offer online loan and credit card applications. ("What is Online Banking? definition and importance", 2019) This would include balance checks and money transfers just to mention a few possibilities that are available with online banking.
With account information available 24/7 and viewed from pc or smartphone. With the growth of online banking, consumers can look forward to larger development of services offered by various banks and financial institution. These improvements will enhance the operations and efficiency of business transactions, resulting in better customer services. (Alfred, Cathy, Peter & Vivian, 2019) This information
2. Requirements
Also known as requirements gathering, this stage in the requirements development stage involves the collection of system requirements from the stakeholders and will include several techniques to successfully collect the requisite requirements for the project. These will include interviews, brainstorming, and facilitated application specification technique (FAST) among others (Olson, 2014).
The clients would like to develop an online banking platform and as such the meeting will be largely geared towards coming up with requirements that will lead to the development of the product. An online banking solution is one that provides banking customers with the capability to access banking services, information and support from a digital device like a smartphone or a computer.
3. Technical Preparation Made Before the Kickoff Meeting
During the kickoff meeting, the client will outline their basic vision for the project, including what they hope it can accomplish once it is done. For this reason, the team will get prepared to create use case diagrams as well as how to quickly develop a basic prototype for an initial user interface for the online banking solution. The kickoff meeting should establish an initial baseline that should lay the ground for the requirements process.
4. Skills Needed by the Developer
The requirements elicitation process is a normally fraught process, given how it involves two parties trying to agree on a single thing. While ideally the client’s need to be the primary focus, there are times when the developers will find themselves having to disagree with the client, especially if the client’s vision and suggestions are deemed impractical.
The developers will need to develop great communication skills so as essentially act as the guide to the vision of the client. Whenever situations arise, they find themselves in disagreement, it will be the responsibility of the developer to steer back to the right path.
Some of the software elicitation techniques will need a great deal of teamwork, especially between the developer and the client. Hence, the capabilities and skills of successfully working in a team environment will be necessary. The Facilitated Application Specification Technique (FAST) for example is one requiring a team-oriented approach to coming up with the specifications for the project (Olson, 2014).
5. Requirements Specification
After initial interviews and questionnaires, the development team teamed with the client to come up with a requirement outline. The process involved first identifying all the potential stakeholders for the solution, then listing the requirements intended for the product. Next involved sharpening the list by eliminating redundancies and then grouping them according to their importance in the final solution (Olson, 2014).
Among the requirements that were elicited for the online banking solution include the following.
· The ability of a new customer to open an account from the product.
· The capability of a current bank user to access their account and view details on the account like their transaction history, current balance and even receive a bank statement for a specific period.
· The ability for customers of the bank to make transactions from the online solution, including transferring funds to a different account, making deposits to the account, as well as withdrawal from the account to an authorized virtual wallet.
· The customer should be able to receive regular notifications on activities on their account, like receiving money, withdrawals and so forth, to not only promote convenience but also prevent fraud.
Software Requirements Development
The online banking system is being developed to provide convenience for the bank’s customers and partners. As such, the scope of the project will be to develop a solution capable of delivering the highest quality online banking experience, with an easy to use interface, speedy performance and enough features to justify its selection by customers. This paper focuses on the development of the SRS document used in online banking software and what the development process should and should not entail. In line with the guidelines of SRS development, this document is divided into sections for ease of understanding.
1. References: Date- 02/22/2019
Aljawarneh, S. A. (2017). Emerging Challenges, Security Issues, and Technologies in Online Banking Systems. Online Banking Security Measures and Data Protection (pp. 90-112). IGI Global.
Dauda, S. Y., & Lee, J. (2015). Technology adoption: A conjoint analysis of consumers׳ preference in future online banking services. Information Systems, 53, 1-15
Highsmith, J. (2014). Adaptive software development: a collaborative approach to managing complex systems. Addison-Wesley.
Hussain Chandio, F., Irani, Z., Zeki, A. M., Shah, A., & Shah, S. C. (2017). Online Banking Information Systems Acceptance: An Empirical Examination of System Characteristics and Web Security.
Krishnan, M. S. (2015). Software development risk aspects and success frequency on spiral and agile model. International Journal of Innovative research in computer and communication
Engineering, (3),
Olson, D. (2014). Information systems project management. Business Expert Press.
Montazemi, A. R., & Qahri-Saremi, H. (2015). Factors affecting the adoption of online banking: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling study. Information & Management, 52(2), 210-226.
Wilke, G., & Portmann, E. (2016). Granular computing as a basis of human–data interaction: a cognitive city use case. Granular Computing, 1(3), 181-197.
Overall Description
The bank has been exploring ways it would improve its customer service and make its products and services much more accessible to its customers. With their fast-paced lives, these customers want to be able to access their bank and be readily provided with a wide array of products and services they would have otherwise had to visit the physical branch to access. The online banking services will enable the client to review real-time account activity after client credentials have been approved at sign in for account. The software requirements specification (SRS) gives an in-depth description of how the desired system should work and the process to be followed on the development process. These specifications are modeled based on business requirements also known as the stakeholder requirements. SRS outlines the various functional and non-functional requirements. This approach may also focus on several use cases which extrapolate user interactions that will be employed in the process of software development and the functionalities to be provided. The SRS makes the foundation for an agreement that is to be set between customers of the software product and the contractors mandated to develop the software or the suppliers looked at to deliver the software (Dauda et.al. 2015).
2. Specific Requirements/ Functionality-The following requirements will be developed for the system
• There shall be the capability to log into the system using unique credentials.
• The users shall be capable of changing their credentials
• The users shall be capable of accessing different services and products within the system
• Users shall be capable of accessing their personal account information
• Users shall be capable of reviewing and updating their personal information
• Users shall be capable of conducting transactions such as transferring funds to and from their accounts
• Users shall be capable of applying for loans from the system as well as check for the progress of the application
• Users shall be capable of applying for ATM cards from the system
The system will be simple for the client and will ensure a secure and accurate way to check all accounts at their convenience from any device.
4a. Objectives of the system
1. The development of the online banking software (OBS) will enable the bank to improve its services through the facilitation of the banking process and the tracking of transactions.
2. The online banking software will help the bank to schedule maintenance and accounting processes and it will ensure consistency (Wilke et.al. 2016).
3. This system will also allow the management to analyze their revenues on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Also, the bank should realize profits by reducing redundancy of work as this system reduces the manual work done by tellers and clerks.
4b. System Context
This software serves as an improvement to the existing manual input methods. As it uses sophisticated software, the program will be fast and reliable to both the customers and the bank. It is easy to use on computers and can be accessed easily from mobile applications by clients from around the globe (Montazemi et.al. 2015).
The online banking software will give the client a chance to interact with the bank through the easy-to-use, intuitive graphical and attractive mobile interfaces. In this project, technology is set to replace the old-fashioned manual methods that have been in use from time immemorial. The software will be developed using the advanced agile software development techniques that require developers to be attentive at every step of development. This is a simplified approach that aims at producing the best software for use by the bank (Krishnan, 2015). The aim of this approach is to have a system that satisfies customers while still making profits for the stakeholders. Upon application of this software, engineers and developers will analyze the functionalities based on customer feedback with an aim of modifying the features and improving the interface.
The tried and true approach is will be applied to state the details of the development. Any arising issues will be addressed in the subsequent meetings. The non-functional requirements should be given priority to enable the proper user-software interaction. All functions will be stored and retrieved from a central database in the bank’s server. The developers should not use real clients in the test, they should instead create virtual clients and apply the various functions in a separate device. This will prevent alteration of the already concealed customer information.
3. Usability-The usability of the online banking system will be determined by how the design team makes choices regarding how easy it will be for the customers to make use of the system. This will include how fast the system responses to requests. The user should be capable of quickly locating whatever service or product they are looking for without much hassle (Olson, 2014). All new users will be required to register by pressing the ‘register’ button on the bank’s main web page. Upon submission of the relevant personal details and account’s details, a profile will be created for the new users. All other features, saving and banking services can be accessed by the registered users in subsequent times by logging into their accounts.
A feature will be developed where a client can make multiple transactions using the ‘open several windows’ button. The buttons should only be available to validated clients with a history of compliance with loan services. Clients will be able to print out their bank statements remotely. The software will be made in a customer friendly approach with easy-to-use interfaces that combine graphical presentations and available reservations
4. Reliability-The mean time between failures (MBTF) is the time that passes between one failure of the system and when the next failure manifests. These metrics indicate how reliable the system is and if it can successfully deliver on functions to its users. To avoid inconveniences to customers who will want to resume access to services as soon as possible, the MTTR will be looked upon to be a maximum of thirty-six hours to accommodate for ample time should it be needed for more complex failures (Highsmith, 2014). The online banking software is a 24 hours service available for the 7 days of the week. All services of the OBS will be provided in real time and information about the state of their account will be rendered when available.
Performance- For the system to be useful to the customers, it will need to be capable of high performance, delivering the required speeds to the users of the system. Once a customer has logged into the system, the response time will be about one second from request to fulfilment for navigating the parts of the online banking system to access products and services (Olson, 2014)
Supportability-The Admin will have unfettered access to the system, capable of monitoring all activities within the system, and intervene whenever they are needed. They will be responsible for purging users from the system whenever the need arises, analyze the transactions conducted on the system and make regular maintenance tasks. The access granted to the Admin will also allow them to install security and management features that will alert them to security threats as well as management requirements throughout the system (Olson, 2014). The OBS shall have the ability to handle high amounts of data. The system will generate a suitable error message for faulty entries but will not crash. The OBS will have a cloud backup for data recovery purposes (Dauda et.al. 2015).
The online banking software will go a long way into improving business for the bank while ensuring customer satisfaction.
Design Constraints- These constraints will largely appear in users shifting between the use of smartphones to tablets and PC. The change in form factors will mean the loss of some features and system capabilities. As it was initially designed, the system should be best accessible without issues on a PC, with the smaller form factor of smartphones representing the other end of the spectrum. These issues will be solved through continuous improvements made to the system over time (Highsmith, 2014). This OBS has been developed for Microsoft users only. The users of IOS may experience some glitches. The support team is working to make the platform more conversant.
10. License- The setting up of the online platform requires that the international monetary fund and the World Bank as well as the federal Bureau of Financial Regulations among other security and finance agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations be notified. This is in order to monitor and regulate online financial services (Hussain et.al. 2017). The system will be licensing software from various vendors, allowing to access features and requirements that were either too expensive to implement, or required too much focus and attention without being key to the system in a major way.
11. Requirement Verification- Charts, test simulations, and models will be used to discover if the system meets all requirements of the stakeholders and end-users needs. Complete validation must be met before project continues. All customers who wish to subscribe to the online program must be full members of the bank and bearers of a valid account number.
12. Requirements Traceability- This process will allocate all requirements for the system and software. They will then be categorized and given codes to distinguish each requirement for easy reference. The software will be simple to use for both the administrator and the users (customers). All transactions will be controlled through a central server that will enable the bounce back for easy local identification and traceability. Some of the major CSCI requirements will be availability, network, transfer speed, hardware, software, interface, server-updates and validation and process.
Traceability Matrix
Functional Requirements
Accessibility to the framework will be steady contingent upon the system speed of the ISP, and the device being utilized
This will be the path to the information through the sever of the bank website containing the information.
Transfer Speed
The exchange speed of the data from the server to the framework to display for the client will be prompt.
The equipment utilized for the framework will be the physical body of the framework and is additionally what will be utilized by the customer to get to the framework from device
The software in the framework will empower the client to get to various highlights in the framework and the framework by and large. Without both the hardware and programming, the framework won't work
The interface will go about as a transport or passage
between the framework and the user for access
The servers will be refreshed normally to ensure the most recent patches are verified, and new highlights can be actualized
Validation and Process
The framework won't discharge data until the login qualifications are checked by the server. On the off chance that the qualifications aren't right, the framework will permit 3 attempts before the record is bolted and an email will be sent to confirm the genuine record proprietor was the one making the endeavor to login
Appendix- I will use a casual use case format first and after a fully dressed use case. The casual format is just basic information, while a fully dressed format will address all issues included for this process. Charts and Graphs shall be used to exhibit most of the requirement information, although graphs will be the main source for future references.
Test Specification Development TBD
Requirements Management & Engineering TBD
Software Engineering Processes & Methodologies TBD
Alfred, C., Cathy, C., Peter, I., & Vivian, L. (2019). E-Commerce and Online Banking: Transaction Processing. Retrieved from https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~apidduck/CS330/W04/Seminars/chau.pdf
K, S. (2019). History of Internet Banking. [online] WealthHow. Available at: https://wealthhow.com/history-of-internet-banking [Accessed 15 Feb. 2019].
Olson, D. (2014). Information systems project management. Business Expert Press.
What is Online Banking? definition and meaning. (2019). Retrieved from http://www.investorwords.com/3420/online_banking.html