School of Computing, Science & Engineering Assessment Briefing to Students
Learning Outcomes of this Assessment A2 - show awareness of a variety of graphics toolkits and select an appropriate one for a given task A3 - discuss the capabilities of various input and output devices and their relationship to graphics programming A4 - use appropriate mathematics to perform standard graphical transformations A5 - application of graphics programming skills in a real-world application
Key Skills to be Assessed C/C++ programming Use of OpenGL API Application of low level graphics principles & data management techniques for developing interactive graphics application Critical Evaluation of tools used
The Assessment Task Your task is to demonstrate your newly acquired skills in C and OpenGL programming. This will be achieved by producing a demonstration application that will offer a simple visualisation comprising a collection of discrete objects located in a navigable space. Fundamental to the successful completion of this assignment is careful consideration of the management of scene data, using resizable dynamic memory structures, and the application of appropriate mathematical models for simulation, navigation and interaction.
The form of this assignment will be a basic solar system simulation in which a dynamic collection of planetary bodies will be simulated. These bodies will be represented by simple graphical forms and have the ability to show a historical trail of their movement. The bodies motion should be defined by a simple gravitational system simulation which calculates forces based on the masses of the bodies and uses this to derive discrete step changes to acceleration and velocity.Inital starting conditions for the planetary bodies should be random (mass, position, starting velocity and material (colour)). Advanced solutions should consider the actions taking place when collisions between bodies occur. In these cases the collision should be detected. The mass and velocities of the bodies should be combined (thereby removing one of the bodies from the data structure) with the major body taking priority. Ideally the size of the resultant body should be changed to reflect the enhanced mass. You should also provide mechanisms to add bodies during the runtime of the simulation (based on random data) both at user request and to maintain a set number of bodies in the system.
Assessment Title : Computer Graphics Assignment 1: OpenGL Programming - Solar System
Module Title : Computer Graphics
You are provided with an example solution to evaluate and a template project, including a maths library, camera model and basic utilities as a starting point.
The implementation of the assignment problem will be assessed in the following areas
1. Design and implementation of a suitable dynamic data structure that will maintain an ordered list of the render-able objects with facilities to add and remove entities at the beginning, end and middle of the list. This structure should support an efficient rendering process for drawing the objects as part of the rendering cycle and provide the data components necessary for efficient progression of simulation.
2. Design and implementation of the simulation component. This will provide initialisation of the data structure and enable discrete updates (progression) of the model based on accepted principles of force and motion. The simulation should support features to start and stop updates, add new entities, etc. Advanced solutions may include functionality for automated collision detection and response.
3. Rendering processes. The basic visualisation required is for simple spheres to represent planets, with a dimension (radius) proportional to the mass and randomised materials. More advanced solutions should include a variety of geometric forms for representing planetary bodies. An extension of this is to include a trail for the bodies motion, represented as a line curve. Better solutions will seek to utilise rendering efficiencies (display lists and client side rendering functions) to optimise the graphical display. Advanced solutions may seek additional graphical fidelity with the use of texture and additional rendered artefacts/forms to enhance the visual display, e.g. texture of planet surfaces, fading of planetary trials, variable length/number of trails, support for non-simulated features (e.g. dust clouds, spaceships, lens flare, etc) .
4. User interaction. Basic solutions will use the camera model provided and simple key presses to control the simulation parameters. More advanced solutions should seek to use the menu system to provide graphical command structures. Very advanced solutions may seek additional user functionality. These may include selection and manipulation of parameters for a specific body, variation/control of the graphical representations (e.g. changing the representation/length of trails) and in very advanced cases may also include features such as the ability to change focus of the navigation mechanism to enable relative navigation/tracking of a single body, and/or changing the mode of navigation
Throughout the implementation you should seek to apply best practices for C coding and programming methodology. All code should be clearly presented using a consistent style and format. More advanced solutions may also consider decomposing code into multiple files or libraries. The assignment must be delivered as a Visual Studio (2015) project that will both compile and run without modification. Submission should be as a single zip file including all source code, project files and a running executable.
Recommended Reading
The OpenGL website ( will be invaluable in helping you to complete this assignment. Key areas within this site are the reference documentation and the example programmes
Equipment and Facilities to be Used The university laboratory computers are installed with MS Visual Studio 2010. A template application (Visual Studio solution is provided) and a working executable is also provided for reference. Workload This assessment should require approximately 60 hours of effort.
Marking scheme The work will be assessed using a marking grid comprising 4 equally weighted components (provided below). This is indicative of the standard of work required at different levels within the assignment
Assessment criteria
0-19% 20-39% 40-59% 60-79% 80-100%
Level 6 Assessment Scale
Extre mely Poor
Very poor Poor
Unsatis factory
Adequat e Fair Good
Very Good Excellent
Outstandi ng
Design and implementation of Data Structures
Definition of a basic body structure(s) (non dynamic) to encapsulate the parameters required for simulation and rendering
Implementation of fixed size data structure for planetary/solar system.
Definition of a refined structure(s) to encapsulate parameters for rendering and simulation with additional functionality for occupancy of a basic dynamic data structure
Implementation of a dynamic data structure with facilities for addition/removal of elements at end points
Definition of an extended structure(s) to encapsulate parameters for rendering and simulation with additional functionality for occupancy of an advanced dynamic data structure for storage of entity of a single type or form
Implementation of a dynamic data structure with facilities for addition/ removal of elements within data structure and at end points without incurring memory leakage.
Definition of an extended generic single structure to encapsulate all possible parameters for rendering and simulation with additional functionality for occupancy of an advanced dynamic data structure and support for refined rendering solutions.
Ability to store and manage entities with differing representational types (geometries)
Ability to snapshot and write current data state to a file format of your own devising.
Implementation of a dynamic data structure with facilities for addition/removal of elements within data structure and at end points
Definition of an extended generic single structure to encapsulate all possible parameters for rendering and simulation with additional functionality for occupancy of an advanced dynamic data structure and support for refined rendering solutions.
Ability to store and manage entities with differing representational types (geometries)
Ability to add non- simulation bodies to the render-able population.
Ability to snapshot and write current data state to a file format of your own devising.
Ability to read a stored data description into a switchable data model.
Implementation of multiple, switchable dynamic data structures with facilities for addition/ removal of elements within data structure and at end points
Simulation Component
Initialisation of data model based a set number of bodies hard coded parameters
Basic animation of bodies enacted using time based manipulation of the rendering system (eg using glRotate)
Basic progression of simulation applying velocity to update position without considering forces in system
Initialisation of data model based a set number of bodies with randomised parameters.
Basic progression of simulation applying velocity to update position without considering forces in system
Fixed simulation time
Initialisation of data model based a random number of bodies with randomised parameters.
Runtime addition of bodies to simulation in response to user request.
Progression of simulation using forces derived from body masses to update acceleration and velocity for planets (i.e. basic orbits should be formed)
Damping of system used to ensure that stable energy levels are achieved (ie simulation system does not become unstable)
Maintenance of a fixed length trail (position history) for each body
Fixed simulation time, based on monitor refresh rate
Initialisation of data model based a random number of bodies (with different representation forms) with randomised parameters.
Runtime addition of bodies to simulation in response to user request.
Runtime addition of bodies in response to user instruction to maintain a set population.
Progression of simulation using forces derived from body masses to update acceleration and velocity for planets (i.e. basic orbits should be formed)
Damping of system used to ensure that stable energy levels are achieved (i.e. simulation system does not become unstable)
Collision detection of bodies with basic collation of parameters (i.e. no prioritisation) and removal of redundant body.
Maintenance of a controllable length
Initialisation of data model based a random number of bodies with randomised parameters and randomised sets of representations
Runtime addition of bodies to simulation in response to user request.
Runtime addition of bodies in response to user instruction to maintain a set population and/or performance
Progression of simulation using forces derived from body masses to update acceleration and velocity for planets (i.e. basic orbits should be formed)
Dynamically controlled damping of system used to ensure that stable energy levels are achieved (i.e. simulation system does not become unstable)
Collision detection of bodies with priories collation of parameters preserving the major body and removal of the redundant body
Rendering & Display
Basic sphere based rendering of the bodies within the system using retained colour values and positions to draw the body
Externalised rendering function which queries data structure
Basic sphere based rendering of the bodies within the system using retained material values and positions to draw the body.
Body size based on mass
Externalised rendering function which queries data structure
Basic sphere based rendering of the bodies within the system using retained material values and positions to draw the body.
Body size based on mass Trail rendering using simple unlit line with colour based on material properties.
Rendering function which queries data structure for retained instructions to draw the body and queried positional information.
Multiple object type (at least 5 different types) rendering using standard forms within the GLUT/GLU function set using retained material values and positions to draw the body.
Body size based on mass Texturing of some bodies within the system
Trail rendering using simple unlit line with colour based on material properties.
Inclusion of trail fading of historical position information
Rendering function which queries data structure for retained instructions to draw the body and queried positional information.
Use of client side rendering functionality for trail rendering
Basic sphere based rendering of the bodies within the system using retained material values and positions to draw the body.
Body size based on mass
Texturing of some bodies within the system
Additional body shapes and artefacts included in the body set.
Inclusion of additional rendering features to enhance display (eg fog, particle based trails, etc)
Trail rendering using advanced geometries (ie tape, etc) with colour based on material properties.
Inclusion of trail fading of historical position information
Rendering function which queries data structure for retained instructions to draw the body and queried positional information.
Use of client side rendering functionality for trail rendering
User interface/ Interaction
Basic key controls to enact user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Basic key controls to enact user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Menu based systems for user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Basic key controls to enact user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Menu based systems for user interaction and control of the simulation environment
User interaction functionality to enable control of global rendering features (ie affects all bodies)
Basic key controls to enact user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Ability to lock camera focus to a planet with viewpoint tracking motion. Navigation becomes relative to planet
Menu based systems for user interaction and control of the simulation environment
User interaction functionality to enable control of global rendering features (ie affects all bodies)
Selection of bodies based on mouse pointer position
User interaction functionality to enable control of specific features for simulation and representation
Basic key controls to enact user interaction and control of the simulation environment
Ability to lock camera focus to a planet with viewpoint tracking motion. Navigation becomes relative to planet
Multiple modes of navigation
Menu based systems for user interaction and control of the simulation environment
User interaction functionality to enable control of global rendering features (ie affects all bodies)
Selection of bodies based on mouse pointer position
User interaction functionality to enable control of specific features for simulation and representation
Submission Details Work should be submitted as a zipped file through the blackboard assignment system. The zip file should contain a copy of the entire visual studio solution directory structure, with an executable version of the programme, and an annotated copy of the criteria based marking grid in which you have performed a self assessment of your work. You should also include a basic instruction document and explanation of any advanced features implemented.
Feedback Feedback, in the form of an personalised annotated marking grid and comment sheet will be available within 3 working weeks of the submission date. Given the large cohort size for this module there is a slight possibility that marking and provision of high quality feedback may take slightly longer. In this case the tutor will notify the group as soon as this becomes apparent and provide regular updates on progress. These will be available from the module tutor (by appointment) and will be delivered with a discussion of the work submitted.