Marketing strategies for Sony Ericsson UK
Executive summary
Sony Ericsson mobile communications is the third largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world. It has widespread stores in various countries in Europe with its biggest concentration being the UK market. Between the years 2004-2007, the Sony Ericsson brand recorded increased sales due to the innovative products introduced in the market. However, over the last two years the company has recorded decreased sales volume and a reduction in the market share in the UK market. (Ajasafe, & Gillett, 2011). This has been attributed to increased competition from Samsung, Nokia and Apple brands. The paper aims at looking at the current marketing analysis of the company with a view of suggesting possible marketing strategies. In this regard, the paper evaluates the current business environment using SWOT and PESTLE analytical tools. The report draws conclusion from the issues addressed and highlights recommendations and marketing strategies for the company.
41 Introduction
52. Situation analysis
62.1.1 Political aspect
62.1.2 Economic aspect
62.1.3 Social- cultural analysis
72.1.4 Technological aspect
72.1.5 Legal aspect
72.1.6 Environmental aspect
82.2 SWOT analysis
82.2.1 Strengths
82.2.2 Weaknesses
92.2.3 Opportunities
92.2.4 Threats
103 Differential advantage
114. Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy
114.1 Segmentation
114.2 Targeting
114.3 Positioning
125 Marketing objectives and goals
136. Marketing strategies and programs
136.1 Product
136.2 Price
146.4 Place
146.5 Promotion
156.5 People
156.6 Process
156.7 Physical location
1 Introduction
The demand for mobile phones handsets has increased gradually in the UK market. More than three Quarters of the adults own a mobile phone (Ajasafe & Gillett, 2011). The market is however becoming competitive as mobile phone brands bring in new products. In comparison to other European countries, the consumers are getting a fair deal in terms of pricing level although there are off-net prices which are fairly high. There are changing patterns on mobile phone usage as more people prefer to use a mobile phone to text rather than to call. This has seen increased advertising of new phones with more texting and chatting options.
Sony Eriksson Mobile communications AB has recorded reduced sales as a result of the increasing competition in the market. In 2011, the company lost considerable market share because of its inability to successfully launch a Smartphone to compete favorably with Samsung and Apple brands (Gelder,2012). They launched Sony Xperia Arc and later a more improved version of Sony Ericsson Xperia Arch S which had a secondary camera installed. This was however; a little late as consumers had switched to other brands which had entered the market first .Faced with these challenges, this report presents the marketing strategies which are highlighted in the first part of the essay. The report uses PESTLE and SWOT to evaluate the prevailing business environment. The second part outlines the competitive advantages that the company enjoys as well as short term and long term strategies that could enable the brand perform better.
2. Situation analysis
The existing business environment of Sony Ericsson UK can be analysed using PESTLE and SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis evaluates the internal business environment that the company uses realizing its objectives. PESTLE analysis is an analytical tool used to evaluate the internal business environment.
2.1 PESTLE analysis
2.1.1 Political aspect
The political situation in a certain country helps to determine the profitability and pricing strategy of a company. Sony Ericsson brand has been able to set up successfully because of the stable prevailing political situation in UK and many of European countries. The concern over ethical marketing has led to increased boarder regulations and consumer goods. The brand has however not been affected because of emphasis on quality. The stability has enabled the functioning of supply chain arrangements which Sony Ericsson has been able to utilize successfully (Dunn, 2006) The UK government knows that any unforeseen political situation could immediately affect trade not only in the UK but also in the region. Consumer laws targeting mobile phone tariffs have however, affected sales volume of Sony Ericsson as people have became more conscious to prices.
2.1.2 Economic aspect
The economic downturn which affected Europe in the year 2009/10 has had a negative impact on the company sales. Disposable income of most people reduced and hence decreased consumption on non-essentials such as mobile phones (Sony Ericsson, Annual Report 2010). The situation has however improved and the purchasing power has increased. The company has however increased its strategic promotions methods which have ended up increasing the cost of doing business. The potentiality of the market is also decreasing but it is still favorable to do business. The current rates of interest and inflation levels are fairly stable at the moment (Steinbock, 2007). Any investments taken by the company looks promising because of the future prospects of economic stability.