Part III Groups in the Organization112CHAPTER 10 -LEADERSHIP AND CREATING TRUSTCHAPTER OBJECTIVESAfter reading this chapter, students should be able to:1.Summarize the conclusions of trait theories.2.Identify the limitations of behavioral theories.3.Describe Fiedler’s contingency model.4.Summarize the path-goal theory.5.List the contingency variables in the leader-participation model.6.Explain gender differences in leadership styles.7.Differentiate transformational from transactional leadership.8.Identify the skills that visionary leaders exhibit.9.Describe the four specific roles of effective team leaders. 10.Summarize how leaders can build trust.LECTURE OUTLINEI.WHAT IS LEADERSHIP?A.Defined1.Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. a)This influence may be formal, such as that provided by the possession of managerial rank in an organization. b)Nonsanctioned leadership is the ability to influence that arises outside of the formal structure of the organization.2.The leadership literature is voluminous, and much of it is confusing and contradictory.II.TRAIT THEORIESA.Introduction1.On the basis of the general connotations in today’s media, one might list qualities such as intelligence, charisma, decisiveness, enthusiasm, strength, bravery, integrity, self-confidence, and so on.2.The search for characteristics (such as those listed) that would differentiate leaders from nonleaders occupied the early psychologists who studied leadership.3.Research efforts at isolating these traits resulted in a number of dead ends. 4.However, attempts to identify traits consistently associated with leadership have been more successful. 5.Six traits on which leaders differ from nonleaders:a)Drive and ambition.b)The desire to lead and influence others.c)Honesty and integrity.d)Self-confidence.e)Intelligence.f)In-depth technical knowledge related to their area of responsibility.6.Traits alone are not sufficient for explaining leadership. 7.Their primary failing is that they ignore situational factors. III.BEHAVIORAL THEORIESA.Introduction1.The inability to find traits led researchers to look at the behaviors that specific leaders exhibited.
Chapter 10 Leadership and Creating Trust 1132.Researchers hoped the behavioral approach would provide more definitive answers and have some practical implications quite different from those of the trait approach. a)If behavioral studies were to turn up critical behavioral determinants of leadership, we could train people to be leaders.b)The difference between trait and behavioral theories, in terms of application, lies in their underlying assumptions. (1)If trait theories were valid, then leaders were basically born.(2)If there were specific behaviors that identified leaders, then we could teach leadership.3.A number of studies looked at behavioral styles. The two most popular studies are the Ohio State group and the University of Michigan group.B.Ohio State Studies1.The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories resulted from research that began at Ohio State University in the late 1940s.a)Researchers sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior. b)They narrowed over a thousand dimensions into two categories that substantially accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by subordinates. (1)initiating structure(2)consideration2.Initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment.a)Organize work, work relationships, and goals3.Consideration is described as the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates' ideas, and regard for their feelings. a)Showing concern for his followers’ comfort, well being, status, and satisfaction4.Research found that leaders high in initiating structure and consideration tended to achieve high subordinate performance and satisfaction more frequently than those who rated low on either initiating structure, consideration, or both. 5.But the high high-style did not always result in positive consequences—it led to greater rates of grievances, absenteeism, and turnover and lower levels of job satisfaction for workers performing routine tasks.6.The Ohio State studies suggested that the high high-style generally resulted in positive outcomes, but enough exceptions were found to indicate that situational factors needed to be integrated into the theory.C.University of Michigan Studies1.University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center studies were done at about the same time as those being done at Ohio State with similar research objectives.2.The Michigan group came up with two dimensions of leadership behavior:a)employee-orientedb)production-oriented3.Leaders who were employee-oriented were described as emphasizing interpersonal relations; they took a personal interest in the needs of their subordinates and accepted individual differences among members. 4.The production-oriented leaders, in contrast, tended to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job—their main concern was in accomplishing their group’s tasks, and the group members were a means to that end.5.Researchers strongly favored the leaders who were employee-oriented in their behavior.