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• Learning Catalytics – a “bring your own device” student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system helps instructors analyze students’ critical-thinking skills during lecture.

• Dynamic Study Modules (DSMs) – through adaptive learning, students get personalized guidance where and when they need it most, creating greater engagement, improving knowledge retention, and supporting subject-matter mastery. Also available on mobile devices.

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• Decision-making simulations – place your students in the role of a key decision-maker. The simulation will change and branch based on the decisions students make, providing a variation of scenario paths. Upon completion of each simulation, students receive a grade, as well as a detailed report of the choices they made during the simulation and the associated consequences of those decisions.

• Writing Space – better writers make great learners—who perform better in their courses. Providing a single location to develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking, the Writing Space offers automatic graded, assisted graded, and create your own writing assignments, allowing you to exchange personalized feedback with students quickly and easily.

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• Additional Features – included with the MyLab are a powerful homework and test manager, robust gradebook tracking, comprehensive online course content, and easily scalable and shareable content.


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Developing ManageMent SkillS

David A. Whetten Brigham Young universitY

Kim S. Cameron universitY of michigan

N i N t h E d i t i o N

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Whetten, David A. (David Allred), Developing management skills/David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.—9e [edition]. pages cm ISBN 978-0-13-312747-8 (student edition) 1. Management—Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises, etc. I. Cameron, Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2016 658.40071'173—dc23 2014024024

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ISBN 10: 0-13-312747-8 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-312747-8

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B r i e f ta B l e o f c o n t e n t s

Preface xix Introduction 1

PArt I Personal skIlls 35

1 Developing self-awareness 37 2 Managing stress and Well-Being 85 3 solving Problems analytically and Creatively 133

PArt II InterPersonal skIlls 187

4 Building relationships by Communicating supportively 189 5 Gaining Power and Influence 227 6 Motivating others 263 7 Managing Conflict 305

PArt III GrouP skIlls 363

8 empowering and engaging others 365 9 Building effective teams and teamwork 401 10 leading Positive Change 443

PArt IV sPeCIfIC CoMMunICatIon skIlls 487

Module a Making oral and Written Presentations 489 Module B Conducting Interviews 517 Module C Conducting Meetings 551 appendix I Glossary 571 appendix II references 581 Index 609

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Preface xix

iNtroductioN 1

the critical role of management skills 3 The Importance of Competent Managers 4 The Skills of Effective Managers 5 What Are Management Skills? 6 Improving Management Skills 7 An Approach to Skill Development 7 Leadership and Management 9 Contents of the Book 11 Organization of the Book 12 Diversity and Individual Differences 13 Summary 14

suPPlementarY material 15 Diagnostic Survey and Exercises 15

Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) 15 What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 19 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 21

scoring keY anD comParison Data 32 Personal Assessment of Management Skills 32

Scoring Key 32 Comparison Data 33

What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 33 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 33

PArt I Personal skIlls 35

1 dEvElopiNg SElf-AwArENESS 37

skill assessment 38 Diagnostic Surveys for Developing Self-Awareness 38 Developing Self-Awareness 38

The Defining Issues Test 38

c o n t e n t s

viii Contents

Cognitive Style Indicator 42 Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 42 Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) 43

skill learning 44 Key Dimensions of Self-Awareness 44 The Enigma of Self-Awareness 45

The Sensitive Line 45 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences 47 Important Areas of Self-Awareness 47

Emotional Intelligence 49 Values 51 Ethical Decision Making 57 Cognitive Style 59 Attitudes Toward Change 61 Core Self-Evaluation 63

summarY 65

skill analYsis 67 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 67

Communist Prison Camp 67 Computerized Exam 69 Decision Dilemmas 70

skill Practice 72 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 72

Through the Looking Glass 72 Diagnosing Managerial Characteristics 73 An Exercise for Identifying Aspects of Personal Culture: A Learning Plan and Autobiography 75

skill aPPlication 77 Activities for Developing Self-Awareness 77

Suggested Assignments 77 Application Plan and Evaluation 78

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 79 The Defining Issues Test 79

Escaped Prisoner 79 The Doctor’s Dilemma 79 The Newspaper 80

Cognitive Style Indicator 80 Scoring Key 80 Comparison Data 81

Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 81 Scoring Key 81 Comparison Data 82

Core Self-Evaluation Scale 82 Scoring Key 82 Comparison Data 83

Contents ix

2 MANAgiNg StrESS ANd wEll-BEiNg 85

skill assessment 86 Diagnostic Surveys for Managing Stress and Well-Being 86 Managing Stress and Well-Being 86

Social Readjustment Rating Scale 86 Social Readjustment Rating Scale 88 Sources of Personal Stress 89 Flourishing Scale 90

skill learning 90 Managing Stress and Fostering Well-Being 90 Major Elements of Stress 91

Coping with Stress 92 Managing Stressors 94 Eliminating Stressors 95

Eliminating Time Stressors Through Time Management 95 Eliminating Encounter Stressors Through Community, Contribution, and Emotional Intelligence 100 Eliminating Situational Stressors Through Work Redesign 103 Eliminating Anticipatory Stressors Through Prioritizing, Goal Setting, and Small Wins 104

Developing Resiliency and Well-Being 106 Life Balance 106 Psychological Resiliency 107

Temporary Stress-Reduction Techniques 112

summarY 113

skill analYsis 114 Cases Involving Stress Management 114

The Turn of the Tide 114 The Case of the Missing Time 117

skill Practice 121 Exercises for Long-Term and Short-Run Stress Management and Well-Being 121

The Small-Wins Strategy 121 Life-Balance Analysis 123 Deep Relaxation 125 Monitoring and Managing Time 126 Generalized Reciprocity 127

skill aPPlication 128 Activities for Managing Stress 128

Suggested Assignments 128 Application Plan and Evaluation 129

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 130 Social Readjustment Rating Scale 130

Comparison Data 130 Sources of Personal Stress 131 Flourishing Scale 131

Comparison Data 131

x Contents

3 SolviNg proBlEMS ANAlyticAlly ANd crEAtivEly 133

skill assessment 134 Diagnostic Surveys for Creative Problem Solving 134

Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation 134 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 134

How Creative Are You?© 134 Innovative Attitude Scale 136 Creative Style Assessment 137

skill learning 139 Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation 139 Steps in Analytical Problem Solving 139

Defining the Problem 140 Generating Alternatives 141 Evaluating Alternatives 141 Implementing the Solution 142

Limitations of the Analytical Problem-Solving Model 142 Impediments to Creative Problem Solving 143 Multiple Approaches to Creativity 143 Conceptual Blocks 148

Percy Spencer’s Magnetron 148 Spence Silver’s Glue 149 The Four Types of Conceptual Blocks 149

Review of Conceptual Blocks 157 Conceptual Blockbusting 157

Stages in Creative Thought 157 Methods for Improving Problem Definition 158 Ways to Generate More Alternatives 162

International Caveats 165 Hints for Applying Problem-Solving Techniques 166 Fostering Creativity in Others 166

Management Principles 166

summarY 170

skill analYsis 172 Cases Involving Problem Solving 172

Coke versus Pepsi 172 Creativity at Apple 173

skill Practice 175 Exercises for Applying Conceptual Blockbusting 175

Individual Assignment—Analytical Problem Solving (10 minutes) 175 Team Assignment—Creative Problem Solving (20 minutes) 176 Moving Up in the Rankings 177 Keith Dunn and McGuffey’s Restaurant 178 Creative Problem-Solving Practice 182

skill aPPlication 182 Activities for Solving Problems Creatively 182

Suggested Assignments 182 Application Plan and Evaluation 183

Contents xi

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 184 How Creative Are You?© 184

Scoring Key 184 Comparison Data 185

Innovative Attitude Scale 185 Comparison Data 185

Creative Style Assessment 186 Scoring Key 186 Comparison Data 186

PArt II InterPersonal skIlls 187

4 BuildiNg rElAtioNShipS By coMMuNicAtiNg SupportivEly 189

skill assessment 190 Diagnostic Surveys for Supportive Communication 190

skill learning 190 Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships 190 The Importance of Effective Communication 191

The Focus on Accuracy 192 What is Supportive Communication? 193 Coaching and Counseling 195

Coaching and Counseling Issues 195 Defensiveness and Disconfirmation 197

Principles of Supportive Communication 197 Supportive Communication Is Based on Congruence, Not Incongruence 197 Supportive Communication Is Descriptive, Not Evaluative 198 Supportive Communication Is Problem-Oriented, Not Person-Oriented 201 Supportive Communication Validates Rather Than Invalidates Individuals 202 Supportive Communication Is Specific (Useful), Not Global (Nonuseful) 204 Supportive Communication is Conjunctive, Not Disjunctive 205 Supportive Communication Is Owned, Not Disowned 205 Supportive Communication Requires Supportive Listening, Not One-Way Message Delivery 206

The Personal Management Interview 211 International Caveats 214

summarY 214

skill analYsis 216 Cases Involving Building Positive Relationships 216

Find Somebody Else 216 Rejected Plans 217

skill Practice 219 Exercises for Diagnosing Communication Problems and Fostering Understanding 219

United Chemical Company 219 Byron vs. Thomas 221 Active Listening Exercise 223

xii Contents

skill aPPlication 224 Activities For Communicating Supportively 224

Suggested Assignments 224 Application Plan and Evaluation 225

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 226

5 gAiNiNg powEr ANd iNfluENcE 227

skill assessment 228

skill learning 228 Building a Strong Power Base and Using Influence Wisely 228 Is Power A Four-Letter Word? 229 Abuse of Power 230

Strategies for Gaining Organizational Power 232 Sources of Personal Power 232 Sources of Positional Power 237 Transforming Power into Influence 241

Influence Strategies: The Three Rs 241 The Pros and Cons of Each Strategy 244 Acting Assertively: Neutralizing Influence Attempts 247

skill analYsis 253 Case Involving Power and Influence 253

Dynica Software Solutions 253

skill Practice 254 Exercise for Gaining Power 254

Repairing Power Failures in Management Circuits 254 Exercise for Using Influence Effectively 255

Ann Lyman’s Proposal 256 Exercises for Neutralizing Unwanted Influence Attempts 256

Cindy’s Fast Foods 257 9:00 to 7:30 258

skill aPPlication 259 Activities for Gaining Power and Influence 259

Suggested Assignments 259 Application Plan and Evaluation 260

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 261

6 MotivAtiNg othErS 263

skill assessment 264

skill learning 264 Increasing Motivation and Performance 264 Diagnosing Work Performance Problems 265 Enhancing Individuals’ Abilities 266 Fostering a Motivating Work Environment 268

Contents xiii

Elements of an Effective Motivation Program 269 Establish Clear Performance Expectations 270 Remove Obstacles to Performance 272 Reinforce Performance-Enhancing Behavior 273 Provide Salient Rewards 281 Be Fair and Equitable 284 Provide Timely Rewards and Accurate Feedback 284

summarY 286

skill analYsis 289 Case Involving Motivation Problems 289

Electro Logic 289

skill Practice 295 Exercises for Diagnosing Work Performance Problems 295

Joe Chaney 298 Work Performance Assessment 298

Exercise for Reshaping Unacceptable Behaviors 299 Shaheen Matombo 299 Andre Tate, Manager 299 Shaheen Matombo, Staff Member 300

skill aPPlication 301 Activities for Motivating Others 301

Suggested Assignments 301 Application Plan and Evaluation 302

SKILL PRACTICE Exercise for Reshaping Unacceptable Behaviors 303

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 304

7 MANAgiNg coNflict 305

skill assessment 306

skill learning 306 Interpersonal Conflict Management 306

Mixed Feelings about Conflict 307 Diagnosing the Type of Interpersonal Conflict 308

Conflict Focus 309 Conflict Source 310

Selecting the Appropriate Conflict Management Approach 312 Choosing Among the Five Strategies 315 Personal Preferences 316 Situational Factors 317

Resolving Interpersonal Confrontations Using the Collaborative Approach 319 A General Framework for Collaborative Problem Solving 319 The Four Phases of Collaborative Problem Solving 320

summarY 329

skill analYsis 332 Case Involving Interpersonal Conflict 332

Educational Pension Investments 332

xiv Contents

skill Practice 336 Exercise for Diagnosing Sources of Conflict 336

SSS Software Management Problems 336 Exercises for Selecting an Appropriate Conflict Management Strategy 345

Bradley’s Barn 345 Avocado Computers 346 Phelps, Inc. 346

Exercises for Resolving Interpersonal Disputes 347 Alisa Moffatt 347 Can Larry Fit In? 351 Meeting at Hartford Manufacturing Company 352

skill aPPlication 358 Activities for Improving Managing Conflict Skills 358

Suggested Assignments 358 Application Plan and Evaluation 360

SKILL PRACTICE Exercises for Resolving Interpersonal Disputes 361

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 362

PArt III GrouP skIlls 363

8 EMpowEriNg ANd ENgAgiNg othErS 365

skill assessment 366

skill learning 366 Empowering and Engaging Others 366 The Meaning of Empowerment 367 Dimensions of Empowerment 368

Self-Efficacy 368 Self-Determination 369 Personal Consequence 370 Meaning 370 Trust 371 Review of Empowerment Dimensions 371

How to Develop Empowerment 372 A Clear Goal 372 Fostering Personal Mastery Experiences 373 Modeling 374 Providing Support 374 Emotional Arousal 374 Providing Information 375 Providing Resources 376 Connecting to Outcomes 376 Creating Confidence 377 Review of Empowerment Principles 378

Inhibitors to Empowerment 380 Attitudes about Subordinates 380 Personal Insecurities 380 Need For Control 380 Overcoming Inhibitors 381

Contents xv

Fostering Engagement 381 Deciding When to Engage Others 382 Deciding Whom to Engage 383 Deciding How to Engage Others 384 Review Of Engagement Principles 386

International Caveats 386

summarY 388

skill analYsis 389 Cases Involving Empowerment and Engagement 389

Minding the Store 389 Changing the Portfolio 390

skill Practice 391 Exercises for Empowerment 391

Executive Development Associates 391 Empowering Ourselves 395 Deciding to Engage Others 396

skill aPPlication 397 Activities for Empowerment and Engagement 397

Suggested Assignments 397 Application Plan and Evaluation 398

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 399

9 BuildiNg EffEctivE tEAMS ANd tEAMwork 401

skill assessment 402 Diagnostic Surveys for Building Effective Teams 402

Team Development Behaviors 402 Building Effective Teams and Teamwork 402

Diagnosing The Need For Team Building 402

skill learning 403 The Advantages of Teams 403

An Example of an Effective Team 407 Team Development 408

The Forming Stage 408 The Norming Stage 409 The Storming Stage 411 The Performing Stage 414

Leading Teams 417 Developing Credibility 417 Establish Smart Goals and Everest Goals 419 International Caveats 421

Team Membership 422 Advantageous Roles 422 Unproductive Roles 425 Providing Feedback 426 International Caveats 427

summarY 427

xvi Contents

skill analYsis 428 Cases Involving Building Effective Teams 428

The Tallahassee Democrat’s ELITE Team 428 The Cash Register Incident 431

skill Practice 432 Exercises in Building Effective Teams 432

Leadership Roles in Teams 432 Team Diagnosis and Team Development Exercise 433 Winning the War on Talent 435 Team Performance Exercise 437

skill aPPlication 439 Activities for Building Effective Teams 439

Suggested Assignments 439 Application Plan and Evaluation 440

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 440 Diagnosing the Need for Team Building 441

Comparison Data 441 Leadership Roles in Teams (Examples of Correct Answers) 441

10 lEAdiNg poSitivE chANgE 443

skill assessment 444 Diagnostic Surveys for Leading Positive Change 444 Leading Positive Change 444

Reflected Best-Self Feedback 444

skill learning 446 Ubiquitous and Escalating Change 447 The Need for Frameworks 447 A Framework for Leading Positive Change 449

Establishing A Climate of Positivity 452 Creating Readiness for Change 457 Articulating a Vision of Abundance 460 Generating Commitment to the Vision 463 Fostering Sustainability 466

summarY 469

skill analYsis 471 Cases Involving Leading Positive Change 471

Corporate Vision Statements 471 Jim Mallozzi: Implementing Positive Change in Prudential Real Estate and Relocation 477

skill Practice 481 Exercises in Leading Positive Change 481

Reflected Best-Self Portrait 481 Positive Organizational Diagnosis Exercise 482 A Positive Change Agenda 483

Contents xvii

skill aPPlication 483 Activities for Leading Positive Change 483

Suggested Assignments 483 Application Plan and Evaluation 484

scoring keYs anD comParison Data 485 Reflected Best-Self Feedback™ Exercise 485

PArt IV sPeCIfIC CoMMunICatIon skIlls 487

Module A MAkiNg orAl ANd writtEN prESENtAtioNS 489

skill learning 490 Making Oral and Written Presentations 490 Essential Elements of Effective Presentations 491

Formulate a Specific Strategy 491 Develop a Clear Structure 493 Support Your Points 495 Use an Enhancing Style 497 Style in Oral Communication 498 Style in Written Communication 501 Supplement your Presentation by Responding to Questions and Challenges 503

skill Practice 507 Exercises for Making Effective Oral and Written Presentations 507

Speaking as a Leader 507 Quality Circles at Battle Creek Foods 508

Observer’s Feedback form 515

Module B coNductiNg iNtErviEwS 517

skill learning 518 Planning and Conducting Interviews 518

Planning the Interview 519 Conducting the Interview 523

Specific Types of Organizational Interviews 527 Information-Gathering Interviews 527 Employment-Selection Interviews 527 Performance-Appraisal Interviews 528

skill Practice 532 Exercises for Conducting Special-Purpose Interviews 532

Evaluating the New Employee-Orientation Program 532 Performance-Appraisal Interview with Chris Jakobsen 535 Employment-Selection Interview at Smith Farley Insurance 542

Observer’s Feedback form 549

xviii Contents

Module c coNductiNg MEEtiNgS 551

skill learning 552 Conducting Effective Meetings: A Short Guide for Meeting Managers and Meeting Participants 552 The Five P s of Effective Meetings 552 Suggestions for Group Members 557

skill Practice 560 Exercises for Conducting Meetings 560

Preparing and Conducting a Team Meeting at SSS Software 560 Role Diagnosis 560 Meeting Evaluation Worksheet 561

SSS Software In-Basket Memos, E-Mails, Faxes, and Voice Mails 562

aPPenDIx I Glossary 571

aPPenDIx II referenCes 581

InDex 609


new in this edition

• New to every Chapter Personal Inventory Assessments (P.I.A) • Chapter 2 now includes a major focus not only on managing stress but also on

how to enhance and encourage well-being. • Chapter 8 replaces the discussion on “delegation” with a focus on “engagement.” • Research continues to appear on factors that predict managerial effectiveness

and skillful performance. Therefore, we have updated references, studies, and examples to enhance each chapter’s currency.

• In an environment filled with instantaneous technology, sound bites of data, and short attention spans, we have been motivated to shorten each of the book’s chapters substantially. With these reductions, however, we have maintained the empirical evidence and the foundational models and frameworks.

• In each chapter, references to video examples found in Pearson’s MyManagementLabtm are noted.

Why Focus on Management Skill Development?

Given that a “skill development” course requires more time and effort than a course us- ing the traditional lecture/discussion format, we are sometimes asked this question by students, especially those who have relatively little work experience.

Reason #1: It focuses attention on what effective managers actually “do.”

In an influential article, Henry Mintzberg (1975) argued that management education had almost nothing to say about what managers actually do from day to day. He further faulted management textbooks for introducing students to the leading theories about manage- ment while ignoring what is known about effective management practice. Sympathetic to Mintzberg’s critique, we set out to identify the defining competencies of effective managers.

Although no two management positions are exactly the same, the research summa- rized in the Introduction highlights ten personal, interpersonal, and group skills that form the core of effective management practice. Each chapter addresses one of these skills.

Personal Skills 1. Developing Self-Awareness 2. Managing Personal Stress and Well-Being 3. Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively

P r e f a c e

xx PrefaCe

Interpersonal Skills 4. Building relationships by Communicating Supportively 5. Gaining Power and Influence 6. Motivating Others 7. Managing Conflict

Group Skills 8. Empowering and Engaging Others 9. Building Effective teams and teamwork

10. Leading Positive Change

Consistent with our focus on promoting effective management practice, the ma- terial in these chapters provides guidance for a variety of contemporary management challenges, including: “How can I help others accept new goals, new ideas, new ap- proaches?” “How can I invigorate those who feel outdated and left behind?” “How do I help the ‘survivors’ of a downsizing pick up the pieces and move on?” “How do I help people with very different agendas and philosophies work together, especially during peri- ods of high stress and uncertainty?”

Anyone tempted to dismissively argue that the answers to these questions are “com- mon sense” would do well to recall Will Rogers’ pithy observation: “Common sense ain’t common.” In addition, the research reported in the Introduction suggests that, in many cases, managers’ “common sense” isn’t “good sense.”

The premise of this book and associated course is that the key to effective management practice is practicing what effective managers—those with “good sense”—do consistently.

Reason #2: It is consistent with proven principles of effective teaching and learning.

A seasoned university professor advised a young colleague, “If your students aren’t learn- ing, you’re not teaching—you’re just talking!” Here’s what some authorities on higher education have to say about how effective teachers foster learning:

“All genuine learning is active, not passive. It is a process of discovery in which the student is the main agent, not the teacher.” (Adler, 1982)

“Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in a class listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments, and spilling out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves.” (Chickering & Gamson, 1987)

In their classic book, Bonwell and Elson (1991) list seven defining characteristics of active learning:

1. Students are involved in more than passive listening. 2. Students are engaged in activities (e.g., reading, discussing, writing). 3. There is less emphasis placed on information transmission and greater

emphasis placed on developing student skills. 4. There is greater emphasis placed on the exploration of attitudes and values. 5. Student motivation is increased, especially in adult learners. 6. Students receive immediate feedback from their instructor and peers. 7. Students are involved in higher order thinking (analysis, synthesis,


PrefaCe xxi

Our goals in writing this book were to bridge the academic realm of theory and research and the organizational realm of effective practice and to help students consistently trans- late proven principles from both realms into personal practice. To accomplish these goals, we formulated a five-step “active” learning model, described in the Introduction. Based on the positive feedback we’ve received from teachers and students, we can state with confidence that the form of active learning pioneered in this book is a proven pedagogy for management skill mastery.

MyManaGeMentlaB suGGesteD aCtIvItIes For the 9th edition we the authors are excited that Pearson’s MyManagementLab has been integrated fully into the text. These new features are outlined below. Making assess- ment activities available on line for students to complete before coming to class will allow you the professor more discussion time during the class to review areas that students are having difficulty in comprehending.

Watch It

Recommends a video clip that can be assigned to students for outside classroom viewing or that can be watched in the classroom. The video corresponds to the chapter material and is accompanied by multiple choice questions that re-enforce student’s comprehension of the chapter content.

Personal Inventory Assessments (PIA)

Students learn better when they can connect what they are learning to their personal experience. PIA (Personal Inventory Assessments) is a collection of online exercises designed to promote self-reflection and engagement in students, enhancing their ability to connect with concepts taught in principles of management, organizational behavior, and human resource management classes. Assessments are assignable by instructors who can then track students’ completions. Student results include a written explanation along with a graphic display that shows how their results compare to the class as a whole. Instructors will also have access to this graphic representation of results to promote classroom discussion.

DetaIleD ChaPter By ChaPter ChanGes Based on suggestions from reviewers, instructors, and students, we have made a number of changes in the ninth edition of Developing Management Skills.

• Chapter 2 now includes a major focus not only on managing stress—usually observed to be a negative influence on individuals—but it focuses on how to enhance and encourage well-being. Stress can be turned to good outcomes if managed effectively, and this 9th edition adopts this positive approach. It high- lights ways to flourish and enhance well-being even in the presence of stressful circumstances.

• Chapter 8 replaces the discussion on “delegation” with a focus on “engagement.” The theme of employee engagement has become a very important topic in modern organizations as they attempt to enhance their performance and help their em- ployees flourish. That is, employee engagement has become a very hot topic. This chapter provides a framework that helps you engage employees effectively.

• In an environment filled with instantaneous technology, sound bites of data, and short attention spans, we have been motivated to shorten each of the book’s

xxii PrefaCe

chapters substantially. With these reductions, however, we have maintained the empirical evidence and the foundational models and frameworks that distinguish this book from others on the market. We have maintained the scientific and scholarly basis for the prescriptions in each of the chapters because, to be effec- tive managers, students need more substance than found in traditional airport bookstore advice.

• Research continues to appear on factors that predict managerial effectiveness and skillful performance. Therefore, we have updated references, studies, and exam- ples to enhance each chapter’s currency. Whereas many of the classic studies and foundational investigations remain in the text, you will find many up-dated studies and examples through the book. This is also the case with exercises, cases, and assessment instruments.

• In each chapter, references to video examples found in Pearson’s MyManagementLab are noted. You will want to use these video supplements to illustrate certain concepts and practices discussed in the chapters. They provide real examples of management skill practices in the workplace.

tips for Getting the Most out of this Course

Whether you are an undergraduate or MBA student, or an experienced manager, based on our years of teaching management skills, here are some suggestions for making this course a personally meaningful learning experience:

• Read the Introduction carefully. Although this is not a typical management text- book, it is important that you understand its distinctive learner-focused features, especially the five-step learning model: Skill Assessment, Skill Learning, Skill Analysis, Skill Practice, and Skill Application. You’ll also find informative research on how much managers’ actions impact individual and organizational perfor- mance and the characteristics of effective managers.

• Thoughtfully complete the Skill Assessment surveys for each chapter. These diag- nostic tools are designed to help you identify which specific aspects of each skill topic most warrant your personal attention.

• Carefully study the Behavioral Guidelines and the summary model at the conclu- sion of the Skill Learning section of each chapter before reading that section. These written and graphical summaries are designed to bridge the research-informed description of each topic with the skill development activities that follow. To help you internalize research-informed “good sense,” be sure to use the Behavioral Guidelines as your frame of reference when reading and discussing Skill Analysis cases and participating in Skill Practice and Skill Application exercises.

• Be sure to complete the Skill Application exercises in each chapter. Management skill mastery requires out-of-class skill practice. How to do this is pretty straightfor- ward if you are currently working in an organization, regardless of whether you are an experienced manager or a new, part-time employee. Whether or not you are currently employed, we encourage you to seek out skill practice opportunities in all aspects of your life, including working in assigned teams in this and other courses, planning social events for a campus or community organization, counsel- ing a troubled sibling or friend, managing end-of-semester deadlines, or handling a difficult issue with a boy/girlfriend or spouse. The sooner you begin—and the more you persist in—practicing what you learn in this course, the more you’ll be able to count on these skills as “automatic responses” when you need them as a manager.

PrefaCe xxiii

InstruCtor resourCes At the Instructor Resource Center, www.pearsonhighered.com/irc, instructors can easily register to gain access to a variety of instructor resources available with this text in down- loadable format. If assistance is needed, our dedicated technical support team is ready to help with the media supplements that accompany this text. Visit http://247.pearsoned. com for answers to frequently asked questions and toll-free user support phone numbers.

The following supplements are available with this text:

• Instructor’s Resource Manual • Test Bank • TestGen® Computerized Test Bank • PowerPoint Presentation

2015 QualItatIve BusIness vIDeo lIBrary Additional videos illustrating the most important subject topics are available in MyManagementLab, under the Instructor Resources: Business Today.

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In addition to the informal feedback we have received from colleagues around the world, we would especially like to thank the following people who have formally reviewed ma- terial and provided valuable feedback, vital to the revision of this and previous editions:

Richard Allan, University of Tennessee– Chattanooga

Joseph S Anderson, Northern Arizona University

Forrest F. Aven, University of Houston Lloyd Baird, Boston University Bud Baker, Wright State University John D. Bigelow, Boise State University Ralph R. Braithwaite, University of

Hartford Julia Britt, California State University Tim Bothell, Brigham Young University David Cherrington, Brigham Young

University John Collins, Syracuse University Kerri Crowne, Temple University

Joseph V. DePalma, Farleigh Dickerson University

Todd Dewett, Wright State University Andrew J. Dubrin, Rochester Institute

of Technology Steven Edelson, Temple University Crissie M. Frye, Eastern Michigan

University Norma Givens, Fort Valley State University Barbara A. Gorski, St. Thomas University Sara Grant, New York University David Hampton, San Diego State

University Jason Harris-Boundy. San Francisco

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