Lab Exercise 1: Making Vanilla Ice Cream and Ice Cream Taste Test
Making Vanilla Ice Cream
In this exercise we will be making vanilla ice cream. The recipe makes about 1 cup of ice cream.
A. Ingredient Preparation
1. Obtain a 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag.
2. To this bag add:
a. ½ cup whole milk
b. ½ cup heavy whipping cream
c. ¼ cup table sugar (sucrose)
d. ¼ teaspoon vanilla or vanilla flavoring
3. Seal the bag
4. Mix the contents gently by squeezing or rocking the bag
5. Place this bag in the freezer while preparing for Part C
B. Ice Bath Preparation
1. Obtain a 1 gallon zip seal plastic freezer bag
2. To this bag add:
a. 3 cups crushed ice
b. ½ cup cold water
c. ¾ cup table salt (NaCl)
3. Seal the bag
4. Mix the contents gently by squeezing and rocking the bag
C. Ice Cream Making
1. Open the 1 gallon zip seal plastic freezer bag
2. Carefully place the 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag with the ice cream
Ingredients into the 1 gallon bag
3. Seal the 1 gallon bag
4. Gently rock the 1 gallon bag from side to side gently squeezing the contents
occasionally. (You may want to wear a pair of winter gloves since the bag will get quite cold).
5. Continue to rock and squeeze the bag for 10 to 20 minutes until the contents of the quart bag harden to form ice cream
6. Remove the quart bag from the gallon bag and dry the outside of the quart bat
7. Taste your ice cream
Ice Cream Taste Test
In this exercise, you will be taste testing different brands and qualities of ice creams
A. Preparation
1. Determine which flavor of ice cream your are testing: vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream, heavenly hash, etc.
2. Obtain at least two different brands of ice cream. (Be sure they are the same flavor). The samples should range in quality from inexpensive (store brand) to top quality
B. Tasting
1. Take a small amount of each ice cream and rate it on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (exceptional) for each of the following
a. Sweetness: Self-explanatory and a personal preference. Is it too sweet, not sweet enough, or exactly what you like?
b. Flavor: Self-explanatory and a personal preference. Is the flavor too weak, too strong, or exactly what you like?
c. Syrup: Syrupiness is associated with the addition of corn syrup as a sweetener
d. Bloom: Describes the emergence of the flavor as the ice cream melts in your mouth; typically described as delicate, full, rich or powerful
e. Body: The substance or structure of the ice cream. Typically described as weak, gummy, fluffy, or chewy
f. Texture: Refers to the relative smoothness of the ice cream; can be described as coarse, thin, or greasy
2. Record the results of the taste test in a data table
Ice Cream Brand
Homemade Ice Cream
Answer the following questions:
1. Rank the ice cream brands you tasted highest to lowest based on average score. Which ice cream brand scored the highest on your taste test? Which was the lowest?
2. Was there a correlation between the cost of the ice cream and the taste rankings? Was the correlation what you expected?
3. Compare the ingredients list for each of the ice creams tasted. Do the ingredients give you an indication why certain ice creams rated higher or lower in the scale?
SCI 125: The Science of Cooking
Lab Exercise 1:
Making Vanilla Ice Cream and
Ice Cream Taste Test
Making Vanilla Ice Cream
In this exercise we will be making vanilla ice cream. The recipe makes about 1 cup of ice cream.
Ingredient Preparation
Obtain a 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag.
To this bag add:
½ cup whole milk
½ cup heavy whipping cream
¼ cup table sugar (sucrose)
¼ teaspoon vanilla or vanilla flavoring
Seal the bag
Mix the contents gently by squeezing or rocking the bag
Place this bag in the freezer
while preparing for Part C
Ice Bath Preparation
Obtain a 1 gall
on zip seal plastic freezer bag
To this bag add:
3 cups crushed ice
½ cup cold water
¾ cup table salt (NaCl)
Seal the bag
Mix the contents gently by squeezing and rocking the bag
Ice Cream Making
Open the 1 gallon zip se
al plastic freezer bag
Carefully place the 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag with the ice cream
Ingredients into the 1 gallon bag
Seal the 1 gallon bag
Gently rock the 1 gallon
bag from side to side gently squeezing the contents
occasionally. (You may want to wear a pair of winter gloves since the bag will get
quite cold).
Continue to rock and squeeze the bag for 10 to 20 minutes until the contents of
the quart bag harden t
o form ice cream
Remove the quart bag from the gallon bag and dry the outside of the quart bat
Taste your ice cream
Ice Cream Taste Test
In this exercise, you will be taste testing different brands and qualities of ice creams
SCI 125: The Science of Cooking
Lab Exercise 1: Making Vanilla Ice Cream and Ice Cream Taste Test
Making Vanilla Ice Cream
In this exercise we will be making vanilla ice cream. The recipe makes about 1 cup of ice cream.
A. Ingredient Preparation
1. Obtain a 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag.
2. To this bag add:
a. ½ cup whole milk
b. ½ cup heavy whipping cream
c. ¼ cup table sugar (sucrose)
d. ¼ teaspoon vanilla or vanilla flavoring
3. Seal the bag
4. Mix the contents gently by squeezing or rocking the bag
5. Place this bag in the freezer while preparing for Part C
B. Ice Bath Preparation
1. Obtain a 1 gallon zip seal plastic freezer bag
2. To this bag add:
a. 3 cups crushed ice
b. ½ cup cold water
c. ¾ cup table salt (NaCl)
3. Seal the bag
4. Mix the contents gently by squeezing and rocking the bag
C. Ice Cream Making
1. Open the 1 gallon zip seal plastic freezer bag
2. Carefully place the 1 quart zip seal plastic freezer bag with the ice cream
Ingredients into the 1 gallon bag
3. Seal the 1 gallon bag
4. Gently rock the 1 gallon bag from side to side gently squeezing the contents
occasionally. (You may want to wear a pair of winter gloves since the bag will get
quite cold).
5. Continue to rock and squeeze the bag for 10 to 20 minutes until the contents of
the quart bag harden to form ice cream
6. Remove the quart bag from the gallon bag and dry the outside of the quart bat
7. Taste your ice cream
Ice Cream Taste Test
In this exercise, you will be taste testing different brands and qualities of ice creams
A. Preparation