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Strategic marketing by cravens and piercy 10th edition ppt

25/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Strategic Marketing Plan

2) Search for Journal articles (2010 and above) Should not contain 2010 and below(refer to slide 13 for the references from those category)

3) Use "Strategic Marketing Group Assignment" Word doc to do point number 3 Market Analysis, Overall Market, Target Market Segmentation, Size & Growth Rate & Unmet Needs of Target Market(include those highlighted) ( Those under the name Evon only)

4) Refer to "BUS350 - TMA 2019 UILG" printed Page 12 - 14 on the guide read carefully what is required

5) Refer to the slides read carefully as well especially Slide 9 & 10 those word in red is a must to have

6) Follow the marking guide in "BUS350 - TMA 2019 UILG" and the slides

7) Have clear referencing and clear in-text citation(not in number kind)

8) There is a sample group assignment for you to reference

9) Take note of the language use

10) Urkund Score cannot exceed 10%

Unit Information and Learning Guide

Teaching period: May trimester 2019

This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning materials

which can be found on your MyUnits page.

Unit Coordinator Natasha Benson

School of Business College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences


Unit information

1. Information about the unit 1-2

2. Contact details 2

3. How to study this unit 3-4

4. Resources for the unit 4-5

5. Study schedule 6-9

6. Assessment 10-16

Learning guide

1. Introductory information 17

2. Unit delivery and organisation 18

3. Session 1 - Topics 1 & 2 19-21

4. Session 2 - Topics 3 &4 22-25

5. Session 3 - Topics 5 & 6 26-28

6. Session 4 - Topics 7 & 8 29-31

7. Session 5 - Topics 9 & 10 32-34

8. Session 6 - Topics 11 & 12 35-37


Appendix A: Policy on Group Projects 38-39

Appendix B: Group Charter / Agreement 40

© Published by Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, September 2018, August 2018

Originally written by Carol Osborne, January 2017

This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other

means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast or transmitted without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 1

Unit Information

1. Information about the unit

Welcome to BUS350 Strategic Marketing

1.1 Unit description

This is the final capstone unit which forms part of a marketing major degree. It provides

a comprehensive and practical understanding of the strategic marketing management

process in a competitive environment. A central focus is the preparation of a strategic

marketing plan for a specific product or service. The unit develops the generic skills of

strategic thinking, planning, design, formulation, implementation and communication. It

provides a succinct review of key issues in strategic marketing research and the current

state of the marketing industry.

1.2 Prerequisites

BUS273/BUS299 Consumer Behaviour; BUS235/BUS210 Marketing Research and

Analysis or MCC213 Communication Research (for Digital Marketing students)

1.3 Aims of the unit

The broad aims of the unit are to apply and critically use the tools in strategic marketing

in the context of contemporary business practice.

1.4 Learning outcomes for the unit

On successful completion of the unit you should be able to:

1. Identify and define the marketing problems in a range of business situations.

2. Develop and evaluate a range of strategic options.

3. Recommend the most appropriate strategy option for each situation.

4. Write and present a formal strategic marketing plan for a business.

1.5 Graduate attributes developed in the unit

This unit will contribute to the development of the following graduate attributes. Refer:



1. Communication

2. Critical and creative thinking

3. Social interaction

4. Independent and lifelong learning

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 2

5. Ethics

6. Social justice

7. Global perspectives

8. Interdisciplinary

9. In-depth professional knowledge

1.6 What you need to know

Further general information can be found at:


The information includes:

 Links to the Assessment Policy

 A description of Academic Integrity

 Links to information about:

examinations; non-discriminatory language; student appeals; student

complaints; conscientious objection and assessment policy

 Determination of grades from components/marks

 Information for equity students

2. Contact details

2.1 Unit Coordinator’s contact details

Name: Natasha Benson

Email: n.benson@murdoch.edu.au

2.2 Unit Manager’s contact details

Name: Dr Carol Osborne

Email: c.osborne@murdoch.edu.au

2.3 Local Affiliate contact details

Local affiliate details to be advised by Kaplan PM team

2.4 Administrative contact details

In the event that your Lecturer cannot be contacted, please direct queries to the

Administration Office as advised

Email: BGProgramSupport@murdoch.edu.au

Phone: +618 9360 2705

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 3

3. How to study this unit

As Strategic Marketing is a capstone unit, it draws together the skills and knowledge

developed in previous marketing studies. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate

your aptitude for the marketing profession by drawing on your knowledge of academic

theory and skills developed in application of marketing practice. Your demonstration of

these attributes will be highly regarded in the assessment of the unit. A self-directed

learning approach is important in achieving the unit learning outcomes and well

developed critical thinking skills and the application of theory and concepts are essential.

In the marketing profession, teamwork is an essential component in developing an

effective marketing plan and your ability to work successfully within a team environment

to complete a strategic marketing plan will demonstrate this skill and be an integral part

of this unit. Collaborative learning is an important element of the total learning process

and provides you with an opportunity to develop the necessary business skills to work in

teams, negotiate outcomes, and manage conflict resolution.

3.1 Contact time

There are 6 x 3.5 hour workshops and 1 x 3 hour revision session, one every second

week throughout the trimester. Students are required to complete reading and activities

before and after each workshop. Each workshop has three interconnected components;

pre-workshop, workshop and post-workshop.

Pre-workshop components may include: video

podcasts, online or text readings, discussion and other

collaborative learning activities

Workshop components may include: a review of the

pre-workshop materials, discussion questions,

summary lecture slides, case studies and other applied

learning activities

Post-workshop components may include:

summarising, collaborating and reflecting on the topic/s

covered and revision quizzes

3.2 Time commitment

As this is a 3 credit point unit, you are expected to spend 150 hours overall working on

this unit.

3.3 Attendance requirements All workshop sessions should be attended. Verbal participation in workshops is required. If students are unable to attend workshops due to unavoidable circumstances and written documentation is provided (e.g. Medical certificate), then written work can be submitted at the following session with the approval of the Lecturer.

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 4

3.4 Small group and interactive teaching and learning activities

The attached Policy on Group Projects (Appendix A) outlines the processes for

undertaking group projects. The attached Group Charter/Agreement (Appendix B)

outlines your rights and responsibilities as a group member. Both documents should be

acknowledged and agreed by each group member. To acknowledge your agreement,

each group member must sign the Student Declaration on Group Assessment (available

on the unit website under Help) and hand in the signed document to the Lecturer.

Collaborative group learning is an element of the learning philosophy for this unit and

accordingly requires students to participate in a group project and a group verbal

presentation. All group members should take equal responsibility for the tasks and

assessment outcomes. The collaborative learning process requires you to attend, and

contribute to all group meetings and minutes of these meetings should be recorded as a

series of Group Activity Records (available on the unit website under Help).

4. Resources for the unit

To undertake study in this unit, you will need:

4.1 Essential textbook

Walker O., Mullins J., Mavondo F., Gountas J., Kriz A. and Osborne C. (2015), Marketing Strategy: A Decision- Focused Approach, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, Australia,

ISBN: 978 174 3078778

(Please note – previous editions are not suitable as the case studies do not match)

Additional recommended reading:

 Palmatier R. & Sridhar S. (2017) Marketing Strategy, Palgrave UK

 Ferrell O. & Hartline M. (2014), Strategic Marketing Strategy Text and Cases,

6th ed. South-Western Cengage Learning, U.S.

 Cravens D & Piercy N. (2013), Strategic Marketing 10th ed., McGraw-Hill,


 Jain S., Haley G., Voola R. and Wickham M. (2012), Marketing Planning and

Strategy, Asia-Pacific ed., Cengage, Australia

 Hooley G., Piercy N. & Nicoulaud B. (2012), Marketing Strategy & Competitive

Positioning, 5th ed., Prentice Hall, U.K.

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 5

4.2 Newspapers/magazines

The following list of newspapers/magazines is indicative only and students are advised to

read widely and determine what additional materials are needed to satisfactorily complete

all their course work.

• The business sections of local/national newspapers • The Australian • The Financial Review • Economic Review • Harvard Business Review • The Economist

4.3 Peer Reviewed Marketing Journals

You are strongly advised to make use of peer reviewed journal articles in your readings,

to support your understanding of specific chapters and topics. Journals in the fields of

marketing, international business, consumer research, advertising, and marketing

research are recommended. A PowerPoint presentation on how to find academic journals

using the Murdoch Library is available on the unit website.

4.4 Databases

The following databases are useful for searching specific marketing topics and peer

reviewed journal articles and are accessible from the Murdoch University Library

homepage http://library.murdoch.edu.au

• Datanalysis • Academic Onefile • Factiva.com • ProQuest (ABI Inform)

For further on-line reference resources refer to Library Resources for Conducting

Research (available on the unit website). For information on reviewing reference

resources refer to Conducting a Literature Review (available on the unit website).

4.5 Online learning resources

Learning support material can be found on your MyUnits page for this unit, these

materials include:

 Unit Guide

 Lecture Podcasts and videos

 Lecture PowerPoints and PDFs

 Web case study readings

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 6

5. Study schedule


Session Topic Required reading Assessment

items due


Introduction and objectives

1. Market oriented perspectives

Underling successful corporate, business and marketing strategies Strategic marketing and corporate planning policy context

Walker et al. Ch. 1

2. Corporate strategy decisions

Market implications, scope, objectives, strategic options and resources Strategic business unit (SBU) level decisions and strategies Brand and marketing operations level decisions and strategies

Walker et al. Ch. 2


3. Business strategies and their marketing implementations

Focusing on strategic decisions, how businesses compete, and choosing the appropriate business strategy for the business environment

Walker et al. Ch. 3

4 (1). Understanding market opportunities

Assessing market and industry attractiveness The macro market versus the micro market 4 (2). Measuring market opportunities

Forecasting and market knowledge Techniques such as market research and measuring databases

Walker et al. Ch. 4

Walker et al. Ch. 5


5. Targeting attractive market segments

Defining market segments for strategic planning, choosing the best segment

Walker et al. Ch. 6 Case study analysis due

6. Differentiation and brand positioning

How do we differentiate and position a product? Why are they both strategically important for marketers?

Walker et al. Ch. 7


7. Marketing strategies for new market entries

Marketing strategies and sustaining competitive advantage New product and market development and entry approaches

Walker et al. Ch. 8

8. Strategies for growth markets

Market leader and market follower strategies Defensive, flanking and attack strategies

Walker et al. Ch. 9

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9. Strategies for mature and declining markets

The transition from growth to maturity Maintaining market share

Walker et al. Ch. 10 Group Project due

10. Marketing strategies for the digital economy

Bricks vs clicks market strategies Threats and opportunities for marketers, and decision frameworks for business in the digital economy

Walker et al. Ch. 11


11. Organising and planning for effective implementation

Designing administrative relationships for different competitive strategies, organisational structures and marketing plans

Walker et al. Ch. 12

12. Measuring and delivering marketing performance

Designing marketing metrics and strategic monitoring systems

Unit revision

Walker et al. Ch. 13 Verbal / PowerPoint presentations due

7 Revision

*The Unit Coordinator may vary the content and/or sequence of the schedule for the workshops as shown.

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Session Topic Submissions / tasks

required during workshop


Text case study: Samsung

“Samsung: changing strategies to build a global brand”

Ch. 1, pages 2-4, plus background reading chapter 1 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Confirmation of group allocations

Confirmation of group meetings

Text case study: AirAsia

“AirAsia’s strategic decisions – short-haul versus long-haul services”

Ch. 2, pages 51-53, plus background reading chapter 2 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 page 52 of the text


Web case study: Lego

“Lego rebuilt – brick by brick”

Unit website , plus background reading chapters 1-3 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Submission of signed Student Declaration regarding groups

Web case study: Antz inya Pants Coffee vs. Starbucks (part 1)

“Cold Brewed Coffee from the Antz Nest” plus

“How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks”

Unit website , plus background reading chapters 1-5 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Sales Forecast in Excel (part 2)

Instructions on the unit website

Qu. 1 & 2 on the unit website

Prepare a sales forecast in the Excel template provided


Web case study: Kill_Kapture

“Tough Luxury”

Unit website, plus background reading chapter 6 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Case study analysis for submission due

Text case study: Subway

“Fast food turns healthy”

Ch. 7, pages 171-172, plus background reading chapter 7 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website


Web case study: Pet Rock & Tamagotchi

“Pet Rock and Tamagotchi”

“Marketing Case Study: The Tamagotchi (1996)”

“End of a ‘70s legend as Pet Rock ad-man dies”

Unit website , plus background reading chapter 8 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Allocation of group presentation times

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 9

Text case study: Singapore

“Singapore taps growth market in Australia”

Ch. 9, pages 256-259, plus background reading chapter 9 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 3, 4 & 5 page 258 of the text

5 Web case study: Zara

“Fast Fashion” and “Zara: fast fashions really fast”

Unit website , plus background reading chapters 9 - 10 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Group Project due

Web case study: Audi A1

“Audi utilises social media”

Unit website, plus background reading chapter 11 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 2, 3 & 4 at the end of the case study on the unit website

6 Text case study: Nokia

“Reorganising to accommodate changing markets and technology”

Ch. 12 pages 336-338, plus background reading chapters 11-12 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1, 2 & 3 on the unit website

Verbal / PowerPoint presentations due

Text case study: Walmart

“Metrics pay for Walmart”

Ch. 13 pages 364-365, plus background reading chapter 13 in Walker et al. (2015) Strategic Marketing 3rd ed.

Qu. 1 on the unit website

7 Revision

*The Unit Coordinator may vary the content and/or sequence of the schedule for the workshops as shown.

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 10

6. Assessment

Assessment for this unit is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Policy.


6.1 Schedule of assessment items You will be assessed on the basis of the following:

Assessment item

Description Aligned



Value Due

Case study analysis Individual written analysis of a case study

1 & 3 30% Beginning of

Session 3

Strategic Marketing Plan

Group Project - Strategic Marketing Plan for a business presented in report format

2 & 4 20% Beginning of

Session 5

Verbal / PowerPoint Presentation

Professional group presentation of the Strategic Marketing Plan

3 & 4 10% Session 6

Examination Two hour closed book final exam 1, 2 & 3 40%

During examination


6.2 Assignment submission

 It is the responsibility of students to keep a copy of all assignments handed in for assessment and to ensure that group assignments have been submitted on their behalf

 Once assignments have been submitted they cannot be re-submitted for re-assessing

 The Unit Coordinator will use software called Urkund when viewing work that you submit. Urkund is a pattern-matching system designed to compare work submitted by students with other sources from the Internet, journals/periodicals and previous submissions. Its primary purpose is to detect any submitted work that is not original and provide a thorough comparison between the submitted document and the original sources

 More information about how to avoid plagiarism is contained within the Murdoch Academic Passport (MAP) unit:

https://moodleprod.murdoch.edu.au/course/view.php?id=2684 .

 University policies on academic integrity can be accessed here: http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-technologies/What-you-need-to-know/

6.3 Assessment deadlines

 Students can apply for extensions to the submission deadlines due to unavoidable circumstances where written documentation is provided (e.g. medical certificate). Applications for extensions must be submitted before the due date. The Lecturer should be notified and the assignment can only be submitted after the submission time and date, provided the student has written acknowledgement from the Lecturer with an agreed time and date for the late submission.

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6.4 Assessment details

6.4.1. Case study analysis (30%)

 The use of case studies has been incorporated throughout the unit to provide a range of ‘real world’ business examples. They introduce a selection of business case studies which include product successes and failures. Some also demonstrate how businesses have tackled challenges and as a result regained market dominance. Your recognition of the issues faced in the marketing environment is required. Informed discussion with relevance to previous and current marketing studies is also required in response to the questions posed by the case studies.

 You are required to provide a written analysis of one case study – Kill_Kapture (under session 5 on the unit website). The answers to the case study analysis are to be typed (single line spacing), minimum of 1,000 words plus any appendices and a reference list. Provide answers to the following:

1. Identify the demographic characteristics of the target market for Kill_Kapture.

2. In psychographic segmentation of the target market for the Kill_Kapture

brand, how does the concept of self-orientation apply?

3. What type of targeting strategy is Kill_Kapture using?

 The written answers should be used to contribute to the class discussion of the topic. Wider reading is encouraged and referencing to academic journals should be used where appropriate.

 Refer to the case study analysis marking guide (below) for detailed marking criteria.

 The assignment is to be submitted together with an Urkund similarity report via the unit website link before the beginning of workshop Session 3.

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a total of 30% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.

Case study analysis marking guide

The assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

Objective/Criteria Pass Credit Distinction High




3 questions answered in sufficient depth minimum 1,000 words, with well informed, logical discussion

5 6 7 8 10

Understanding of academic theory - analysis of relevant theories with application to the case study

3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6

Understanding of broader concepts - additional research demonstrated with discussion from a broader perspective which provides support to the analysis

3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 12

Academic research - 4 peer reviewed academic journal articles correctly cited and referenced and with relevance to the discussion

2 2.4 2.8 3.2 4

Quality of writing - clarity in writing, concise, avoiding grammatical and spelling errors

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2

Overall report presentation – correct referencing, appropriate appendices and correct formatting. Urkund report provided.

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2

6.4.2. Group Project - Strategic Marketing Plan (20%)

 The group project is designed to develop your knowledge and practical skills in creating a written Strategic Marketing Plan. It is expected that each group member will make an equal contribution to the project.

 Group size is ideally 4 students.

 Students are expected to carry out thorough research which will find a market niche for a product (good or service). Research will include an analysis of competitors, the target market and external macro environmental factors. Strategic objectives will be developed which link to a marketing position and value proposition. The task is as follows:

Situation: Your group is working as the Marketing Department for a company producing either goods or services.

The Task: Your responsibility is to produce a Strategic Marketing Plan for a nominated product and present this as a business report.

Timing: The Strategic Marketing Plan is to be undertaken within 12 months.

Budget: You are required to nominate realistic budgets for each item of the recommended marketing strategy. All budgeted expenditure needs to be cost effective, justified and relevant. The budget items will vary depending on the product and the recommended strategy. The Product: Your group can select a product (either a good or service) and confirm the selection with your Lecturer. The product can be for a business which already exists or you can develop an entirely new product. If using a product which already exists, none of the existing marketing strategy is to be used in your project.

Limitations: The project should be kept within a realistic budget and be directed to a clearly defined target market (of your choice).

Creativity: The sky’s the limit. You are at liberty to develop brands, logos, packaging, product ranges, service strategies, sales launches, pricing strategy, distribution networks, mass media strategy and communication, social media strategy and communication and creative concepts.

Research: To do a good Strategic Marketing Plan, you need to carry out appropriate research. You are to allocate a research budget within the 12 month development period however, as a student group; you will need to conduct research to assess the validity of your proposed plan. You will need to carry out your own research for your product as well as using existing data where available

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 13

in order to come up with reliable data and valid solutions for the strategic focus. Evidence of your research should be presented in the report.

Assumptions: You can make any reasonable assumptions regarding the size of the business, its operations, financial backing, production facilities and existing products.

Written presentation: Your Strategic Marketing Plan needs to be; clearly written, well structured, up to date, well researched, commercially viable and market focused. It should be presented as a professional business document.

Format: The Strategic Marketing Plan is to follow the sections as detailed on pages 25 - 27 of the text (Walker et. al. 2015). Marking will follow the sections as detailed in the marking guide. It is to be presented as a formal business report.

Length: Minimum 10 typed pages (excluding the report cover page) plus appendices and other references, 12 point type, single line spacing. Exceeding 10 typed pages will not be penalized however, the report should be concise and excessive information downloaded from the Internet is not recommended.

 Important Note: The Strategic Marketing Plan should not include any material developed or written for any previous units or projects studied at Murdoch University or elsewhere. The project must be original work and backed with appropriate theory and concepts. Any assumptions made throughout the plan must be clearly justified with proper references.

 Refer to the following for referencing:


 Group Activity Records (example on the unit website under Help) should be completed for each group meeting and signed copies attached to the final submission of the group project

 Refer to the group project marking guide (below) for detailed marking criteria.

 The assignment is to be submitted together with an Urkund similarity report via the unit website link before the beginning of workshop Session 5.

 The submission should include the report with appendices and Group Activity Records.

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a total of 20% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.

Group Project - Strategic Marketing Plan marking guide

The assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

Objective/Criteria Pass Credit Distinction High




Executive Summary – summarises content including the report findings in a meaningfully and succinct manner

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 14

The product / business – identifies the mission and clearly emphasises appropriate points of SMART objectives, viable value proposition or positioning statement provided – should be clearly outlined, articulate and demonstrating thorough understanding

1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 3

Market analysis –well researched identification of the target market, identify the size and potential of the market, identify the unmet needs of the target market, macro trend categories, wants and needs the product serves – should be well defined, analysed and explained

3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6

Competitor assessment – well researched assessment of the competitive environment including the industry’s five competitive forces, critical success factors, direct and indirect competitors and possible impact of your marketing strategy

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2

Marketing strategy – statement of the overall marketing strategy, thorough discussion of the marketing mix elements and how these will be tailored to your marketing objectives and the service organization

2.5 3 3.5 4 5

Marketing expenditure budget – provide a spread sheet of the recommended marketing expenditure budget and activities for 1 year – should show good managerial judgement and accurate cost estimates not guesses

.5 .6 .7 .8 1

Implementation and control plan – provide a 12 month timeline (Gantt chart) for marketing functions from the implementation of the plan – should be realistically planned and task orientated

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Contingency plan – identify possible problems and action to be taken if problems arise

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Overall report presentation – correct formatting, appropriate appendices for supplementary graphics and tables and correct referencing. Urkund report provided

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Quality of writing - clarity in writing, concise, avoiding grammatical and spelling errors

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Group activity records – copies of all group activity records attached which reflect group meetings and activities

.25 .3 .35 .4 .5

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 15

6.4.3. Group Verbal / PowerPoint Presentation (10%)

 A summary of the Group Project: Strategic Marketing Plan is to be presented as a verbal presentation together with a PowerPoint slide presentation during workshop Session 6

 The presentation is to take no longer than 15 minutes and students are to use their own laptop or USB drive for the presentation

 Only the key points are to be covered to keep within the allocated time

 Group members are to be appropriately dressed for a business presentation

 All group members are to contribute to the verbal presentation

 The PowerPoint presentation should include a theme, appropriate tables or graphs, key figures, key points and timelines

 A penalty of 10% (the total mark allocated for the assessment) will apply if a group does not present their verbal presentation on the specified date and time

 Non-attendance by an individual group member will result in a penalty of 5% (the amount allocated for the verbal part of the assessment) for the individual student. The remaining 5% for the group production of the PowerPoint slides will still be available for assessment provided the student contributed to the work

 All other students are to attend the presentations. At the conclusion of the presentation, they are to make relevant suggestions and pose appropriate questions to the presenting group.

Verbal / PowerPoint Presentation marking guide The assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:

Objective/Criteria Pass Credit Distinction High




Verbal presentation – each group member presents in a logical and effective manner, appropriately dressed, easily understood and appropriate to the slide presentation, group members are all well informed and can knowledgeably respond to questions, business like presentation, presented within the allocated time

2.5 3 3.5 4 5

PowerPoint presentation – slides follow a theme and present the material in a clear and easily understood manner, sufficient amount of information provided, appropriate type size, appropriate use of graphics and colour

2.5 3 3.5 4 5

6.4.4. Examination (40%)

 The final examination will be held during the examination week. It is the responsibility of each individual student to check the examination date and time prior to the examination. Students should bring their student card identification to the exam.

 The final exam may assess material from all 12 topics, chapters 1-13 of the text (Walker et al. 2015), the workshop case study readings and any additional case

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 16

study readings. It is designed to assess your knowledge, understanding and application of all key topics covered in the unit

 The format will be 40 multiple choice questions and 4 short answer questions

 Duration 2 hours (10 min reading)

 Closed book, no notes or any other materials are allowed in the exam

Examination marking guide

Objective/Criteria Pass Credit Distinction High




40 multiple choice questions chapters 1-13 and all workshop sessions

10 12 14 16 20

4 short answer questions each worth 5% chapters 1-13 and all workshop sessions

10 12 14 16 20

*The Unit Coordinator may vary the format of the examination and components of the assessments

6.5 Determination of the final grade

 The final mark is an aggregate of all the assignments and the exam mark.

Therefore, students need to achieve a satisfactory performance overall, which is (≥

50%) in all the assessable components to pass this Unit.

The marks are determined by the Murdoch University policy as follows:


See Section 11 of the Assessment Policy regarding grades

Notation Grade Percentage Range

HD High Distinction 80 – 100

D Distinction 70 – 79

C Credit 60 – 69

P Pass 50 – 59

N Fail Below 50

DNS Fail Fail, the student failed to participate in

assessment components that had a combined

weighting of 50% or more of the final mark.

SA Supplementary Assignment 40 – 49*

SX Supplementary Exam 40 – 49*

*The award of the grade of SA or SX shall be at the discretion of the Unit Coordinator except where clause 11.8 applies.

6.6 Marking schedule and timing of feedback

Two weeks is normally allowed to mark and return assignments and for publishing of

results. Discussions on marking will only be possible within 10 days of the return of a

marked assignment and requests must be sent via email to the Lecturer.

Murdoch University – Strategic Marketing BUS350 – TMA 2019 17

Learning Guide

1. Introductory information

BUS350 Strategic Marketing is a ‘capstone’ unit which forms part of a Marketing major.

The term ‘capstone’ is widely used to describe a course or experience that provides

opportunities for a student to apply the knowledge gained throughout their undergraduate

degree. This involves integrating graduate capabilities and employability skills, and

occurs usually in the final year of an undergraduate degree. (Holdsworth et al. 2009)1

In essence, a capstone subject gives students the opportunity to:

 Integrate the knowledge they have gained and to see how it all fits together.

 Consolidate the key skills they will require in their professional lives, including:

- The ability to collaborate and work effectively in a team

- The capacity to communicate effectively and

- The ability to think critically and to reconcile theory with practice

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