I have an expirment of lab for electrical engineering.
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many of my classmates are doing the same in the studypool please do it unique.Lab #6: Superposition Theorem Application Dr. Yacob Astatke Spring 2014 Lab #6: Superposition Theorem § Definition: "In any linear circuit containing multiple independent sources, the current or voltage at any point in the network may be calculated as the algebraic sum of the individual contributions of each source acting alone.“ § If the circuit has N independent sources, you must analyze the circuit N-times by removing all independent sources, except one. § Refer to the class notes from chapter 5 for more information about the theoretical steps required to understand the Superposition theorem. Lab #6: Superposition Theorem § To remove a voltage source: replace it by a short circuit. § To remove a current source: replace it by an open circuit. § Every problem reduces to the analysis of a single source circuit (we keep only one source). You can use techniques learned in chapters 3, 4 and 5 to analyze it. Lab #6: Superposition Theorem § Part I: Use Superposition theorem to compute the currents and voltages across the 3 resistors. § Assume : R= 1 KΩ , R1 = 330 Ω , R2 = 220Ω § Assume Vs1 and Vs2 to be DC voltages. Lab #6: Superposition Theorem § Part I: Use Superposition theorem to compute the currents and voltages across the 3 resistors. § Assume Vs1= AWG1= 4 VDC and Vs2= AWG2= 2VDC § Apply Vs1 and Vs2 from using AWG1, and AWG2 power supplies on your ANALOG DISCOVERY board. § NOTE: To generate a DC output from the Digilent Analog Discovery, make a sine wave with a 0V amplitude and then use the offset to move the signal to the DC voltage needed. §Example: AWG1 è Amplitude = 0 V and Offset = 4V §Example: AWG2 è Amplitude = 0 V and Offset = 2V §Note that the graphical display of the output for AWG 1 and AWG2 is a straight line equal to 4V OR 2V. Lab #6: Superposition Theorem § Part I: Use Superposition theorem to compute the currents and voltages across the 3 resistors. §Conclusion: all the calculated currents and voltages should match those measured using the multimeters. §Note: the ANALOG DISCOVERY board can only measure voltages. Therefore, you will need to use your hand-held multimeter to measure all your currents.