NOTICE: Please notice that all the questions on this exam relate to hypothetical projects. Be through but succinct. Six pages max, page counts are for single spaced responses.
1. System Engineering Processes and the Work Breakdown Structure
Part a – SEMP Content
Describe a hypothetical System Engineering project scenario of your choice and then list and defend which management processes you would include in your Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). One key system engineering process is making structured decisions. This could be a technical trade study, selection of key supplier, an architectural trade-off, or any number of critical decisions that will impact the technical aspects of the project. Discuss one such decision on your project and the criteria that should be used to help make a selection decision.
Part b – WBS
Develop an outline of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project described in Part a. This WBS need not be exhaustive in terms of work items or complete in terms of management details, such as timeframes and timelines. Focus on and identify only the key elements of the WBS. Defend your choice of WBS style (product centric, work centric, or hybrid/other).
For parts 1a and 1b, try to limit your response to two pages (or less), 2.5 pp is max.
Part c (10 points) - SEP vs. SEMP
Define the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) and the Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). Compare and contrast the two. (One page max; use of a chart will really aid you.)
2. Product Technical Considerations
Part a – System Architecture
For the project identified in Part 1a, describe and/or diagram the system architecture (components, behavior of the components, and how the components interact).
Part b – SEMP Technical Considerations
Assume that the technical aspects of your program (requirements, architecture, design, test cases, etc.) are captured separate from the SEMP in either a modeling tool such as System Architect or in project deliverables such as design documents. Given the unique aspects of your architecture, describe engineering considerations that you would include in your SEMP and explain why they should be included. For example, you may have additional activities, forums, mechanisms, interactions, etc. that you would want to account for in your SEMP. You need not provide details about those considerations, provide only a list along with your rationale for why they must be included and expanded upon in the SEMP. For parts 2a and 2b, try to limit your response to two pages or less. Max is 2.5 pages.