Section A: (W4LO2, W4LO6, CLO2, CLO6)
The table below contains a few of the descriptors found in some key dimensions of the TTESS Rubric. Complete the table below using your resources and reading from this course. You may bullet your answers in this table.
Dimensions within the TTESS Rubric
Source(s) where the evaluator will gather evidence
Provide two examples of evidence that could be collected. Also create a reflection question to ask a teacher in order to facilitate reflection on instructional practice in each dimension.
Dimension 1.2
Data and Assessment The teacher uses formal and informal methods
to measure student progress, then manages and analyzes student data to inform instruction.
EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management
Fall 2018- Allen
1 of 13
Dimension 1.4 Activities
The teacher plans engaging, flexible lessons that encourage higher- order thinking, persistence and achievement.
Dimension 2.1 Achieving Expectations
The teacher supports all learners in their pursuit of high levels of academic and social-emotional success.
Dimension 2.4 Differentiation
The teacher differentiates instruction, aligning methods and techniques to diverse student needs.
Dimension 2.5 Monitor and Adjust
The teacher formally and informally collects, analyzes and uses student progress data and makes needed lesson adjustments.
Dimension 3.2 Managing Student Behavior
The teacher establishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations for student behavior.
Section B: (W4LO1, W4LO5, CLO3, CLO6)
This section of your assignment asks you to consider how you plan to evaluate and personnel management system on your campus. Evaluating your staff requires more than just saying we use the TTESS or my district’s evaluation system. As a principal you will need knowledge of teacher contracts, how to collect data to make personnel recommendations, and how to document appropriately to justify personnel decisions. You will need to decide how to manage all the components of personnel management including feedback, documentation, timelines, and personnel conferences. The principal must also ensure that each staff member will be given fair, honest, and equitable chance to have their entire year’s work in the classroom examined to determine the renewal or non-renewal of their contract. When creating your evaluation and management system for this assignment, be sure to include district policies and your learning from this course. In the space below type how you plan to manage a system to track staff members performance and behaviors over the school year to determine effectiveness, professional and student growth, feedback, support and employment decisions. Reminder that sometimes the information you gather will be used in the grievance process or a court case. Be specific about types of documentation, timelines, who will be involved in the process, and where to store the information. Write out your ideas for a personnel evaluation and management system on your future campus in paragraph form in the space below. Double spacing in not required. Use citations from your readings, district policies, and note legal ramifications if not done effectively.
Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
Part 2 of your Week 4 assignment focuses on the differences between two types of mindset: Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. In order to have a successful teacher evaluation system that facilitates continuous improvement of the pedagogical skills and increases student achievement, the principal must be aware of the characteristics of both types of mindset and create a culture in which all members of the staff are lifelong learners. The TTESS system was designed to be a reflective model that facilitates pedagogical growth, goal setting and an individualized professional development plan. The system also places the principal in the role of an instructional leader/coach that supports and monitors the staff to facilitate professional growth of all.
Section A: Leadership within a fixed and growth mindset
1. Read the two articles: (W4LO4, CLO4, CLO 5)
“Case Study: Transparency and Candor and a Growth Mindset” and “Manager’s Implicit Assumptions about Personnel.” Although these articles are about leaders in business and industry, you will examine how the ideas about growth and fixed mindset are transferrable to educational leadership. The activities in this section will help you consider how your mindset and the mindset of your staff can determine the effectiveness of the evaluation system.
2. In the table below, label the type of mindset with the characteristic or behavior listed. (W4LO4, CLO4, CLO 5)
Type of mindset (Growth or Fixed)
More data driven in performance change
Exaggerate observed behavior changes
Judgments are anchored in first impressions
Profit from mistakes
Open Conversation
3. In the table below, you will find the major components of the TTESS System. Provide an example of a teacher behavior that would represent each type of mindset and a skill you would need to possess as a leader in order to facilitate a staff member’s professional growth in that TTESS component. (W4LO4, CLO4, CLO 5)
Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset
Leadership skill needed by you in order to facilitate growth in your staff
Goal Setting
Professional Development Plan
Pre- Conference
Post Conference
Classroom Observation
Teacher Self Reflection
Section B. (W4LO4, CLO4, CLO 5)
As you transition from a teacher to a campus instructional leader, you will need to change your attitudes, perceptions, and skills in order to become a successful leader. The articles discussed change and how to best guarantee that change becomes a habit. This part of the assignment asks you to reflect on your current skills and learning this week to answer the following questions.
How has your mindset changed about the purpose of teacher evaluation as you have learned about TTESS model this week? How will your mindset need to change in order for you to effectively lead a system of teacher evaluation and supervision? How can you use information from this week’s learning when you become a principal to foster growth in instructional practice and professional development with your staff? What steps must you take as a leader to promote and sustain change on a campus? What skills do you still need to develop in order to become an effective instructional leader on your campus?
Synthesize your reflections and answers to the questions into paragraph form to explain how you will use the information learned this week to create a culture of life learning and embracing change to improve instructional practice in your future role as an educational leader. Please Remember to use APA citations as needed and scholarly writing. Type your answer in the space below. Double spacing is not necessary.
Week 4 Assignment, Part 3: (W4LO1, W4LO 3, W4LO5, W4LO6, CLO2, CLO3, CLO 4, CLO6)
Section A: Creating Refinement Plan
For this assignment, you will begin looking at instructional practice and support using the lens of an evaluator. Below you will find some evidence for a case study teacher that will be used in this assignment as well as Week 5 of this course. The evidence you see in the case study is only an example of some of the evidence that you might capture on a teacher during an evaluation.
For the purpose of this assignment we will only be using one dimension of the TTESS Rubric. Read Dimension 1.4 of the TTESS Rubric and analyze how the descriptors change at level. Then review the case study evidence provided to you for this week. You will need to use that case study evidence and score this teacher in TTESS Dimension 1.4 only. Then analyze the evidence and pinpoint one targeted area for refinement in instructional practice for this case study teacher. Review the information in the TTESS Appraiser Handbook for information and guidance on this specific dimension, how to pinpoint a refinement area, and how to create a refinement plan. You will then create a Refine Plan Form that could be used in a post conference with this case study teacher using the template below.
Case Study on a struggling teacher: 21 students are in the classroom.
Dimension1.4 Evidence:
Objective: By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to identify and tell out the parts of an animal cell.
Teacher started the lesson by having students read from the Science Textbook…10 pages silently
While student read silently. The teacher turned on Smartboard and pulled up a picture of a cell.
She read the objective. She then directed the students to the smart board. This is an animal cell. She then described and labeled the parts of the cell explaining each part’s function. She then showed two video clips.
The teacher showed two videos that did not align with the objective of the day. The teacher referenced that one of the video clips was prior learning from last week.
T- Now it is your turn. Get into your groups. S- moved and got into groups.
Instructional groups are arranged in all boys or all girls…. all of the same ability level.
All students are aware of their role within the group…note taker, timer, materials, leader.
Each group was given an iPad. Only 2 of the 5 groups used the iPad for the group work.
Two of the six activities in the lesson aligned with objective written on the board and reviewed at the beginning of the lesson. Ex. Worksheet on Parts of a Seed…Obj. was to learn about the parts of an animal cell…no reference to prior learning on a seed. Two videos…One on cell division and the other about the animal kingdom. As a group draw and animal cell and label the parts of the cell. Discuss with your group the parts of an animal cell and create a list of its characteristics. Write in journal what you learned from today’s videos.
Materials were not readily accessible for students. Teacher struggled to find the worksheet for this assignment and not all iPads were charged. No procedure observed for getting or putting up iPads.
Questioning was mostly in knowledge and comprehension. Called on the same students to answer Mary, Evan, Tyler, Addison, Jacob, Jose, Roberto, and Ethan.
Ex. What is this part? Look at the example to give you a clue. After 3 students 1 was able to answer. What is a cell? Called on 4 students…Teacher finally answered. How are animal cells different from plant cells? No answer…Teacher then said in your group you will create a poster that matches this model of an animal cell. Do animals have cells? All answered yes. Can you give me an example of an animal cell? No student called on. Teacher looked at clock and closed the lesson without an answer.
Student noted as Special Education during our preconference were not called on during questioning.
The teacher directed most of the activities and the students waited for her to tell them every step of the activity before completing it.
Refinement Plan Form
Refinement Area (TTESS Dimension): Objective for Plan: (0utcome for conference)
Self-Analysis Reflection Question(s) (write at least three):
Evidence from evaluation (Focus on Dimension 1.4):
Suggestion/Model for how to improve: (step by step explanation to guide the teacher to improve in this targeted area)