National Unit Details Unit Codes TAEASS401 Unit Titles Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools TAEASS402 Assess competence TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation Assessment Cover Sheet Students must include the following information and declaration of original authorship with their submission. student name: email: mobile: qualification: TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment unit codes & titles: Workplace Assessment TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools TAEASS402 Assess competence TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation Student Declaration I understand that competency will not be given if I do not meet the assessment evidence and activity requirements. I declare that this is my own work in accordance with Swinburne Plagiarism policy, as found on: I declare all documents submitted for assessment are my own work. Where I have used other sources, acknowledgements have been made. Student signature: Date: Learning Resources, Assessment Materials and Tools This Kit includes required tasks for assessment of the following units: National Unit Details Unit Codes TAEASS401 Unit Titles Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools TAEASS402 Assess competence TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation Please note: a checklist has been provided on the following page to assist with requirements throughout this 5 Day program. As some tasks will be assessed within workshop time, it is imperative that you come to each day prepared with required documents.
Program commencement - no specific requirements. Time for review and planning for managing time.
Plan, design and develop assessment tools
Between day 2 and 3 you are required to complete documentation for tool 1 ready to review on day 3.
You need to develop for Tool 1:
· Assessment Plan (Template A)
· Assessment Mapping (Template B)
· Assessment cover sheet (Template C)
· Instruction to candidate (Template D)
· Instruments - observation checklist and written questions (Template E & F)
· Record of assessment results (Template J)
· Marking Guide (Template K)
DAY 3 -
Reviewing Assessment tool
You need to bring a hard copy of the following documents that you have developed.
· Assessment Plan (Template A)
· Assessment Mapping (Template B)
· Assessment cover sheet (Template C)
· Instruction to candidate (Template D)
· Instruments - observation checklist and written questions (Template E & F)
· Record of assessment results (Template J)
· Marking Guide (Template K)
· One copy of Template L: Report on the trial and review of an assessment tool that will be used during the review.
Conduct assessment
Training & Assessment (not RPL)
You need to bring 4 hard copies of each of the following documents that you have developed and reviewed ready to conduct assessment.
Four copies of your assessment tool:
· Assessment Cover sheet (Template C)
· Instructions to candidate (Template D)
· Instruments (Template E & F)
· Record of results (Template J)
Also bring 4 copies of:
· Assessment brief checklist (Template M)
· Assessment feedback for (Template N)
· Assessment feedback for candidate (Template O)
Participate in validation
Please bring one copy of the documents you developed for task 3.1. Items listed below:
· Competency Map (Template B)
· Assessment Cover sheet (Template C)
· Instructions to candidate (Template D)
· Instruments (Template E & F)
· Record of results (Template J)
· Marking Guide (Template K)
· One copy of Template P: Assessment tool validation record
National Unit Details
Unit Codes
Unit Titles
Plan assessment activities and processes
Design and develop assessment tools
Assess competence
Participate in assessment validation
Assessment Information
TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Task 1: Knowledge questions - Written responses
Task 2: Plan assessment activities and processes (RPL)
Task 3: Design, develop and trial assessment tools
Task 4: Plan assessment activities and processes (training & assessment pathway)
Task 5: Assess competence
Task 6: Participate in assessment validation
Due Date
6 weeks from last day of workshop
General Information
Decision Making Rules
All assessment criteria within the task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactorily completed.
Reasonable adjustment
Reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks for a unit may be requested by the student for consideration by the facilitator for the methods by which evidence is collected. However, the evidence criteria for making competent/not yet competent decisions must be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
· the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue)
· the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
Special Consideration
Students can apply for special consideration if personal circumstances or illness have adversely affected their result in an assessment, or their ability to undertake an assessment. If they wish to seek special consideration, a special consideration form must be completed no later than 3 days after the due date of the assessment and submitted via e-mail to
Unit requirements and Assessment conditions
TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan the assessment process, including recognition of prior learning (RPL), in a competency-based assessment system.
It applies to individuals with assessment planning responsibilities.
In planning activities and processes, individuals are required to identify the components of assessment tools, analyse and interpret assessment tools, and develop assessment instruments (also known as assessment tasks) and assessment plans.
TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design and to develop assessment tools used to guide the collection of quality evidence, including their application in formative, summative and recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment.
It applies to experienced practitioners responsible for the development and/or delivery of training and assessment products and services.
TAEASS402 Assess competence
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement an assessment plan, and gather quality evidence to assess the competence of a candidate using compliant assessment tools.
It applies to teachers, trainers and assessors in enterprises and registered training organisations (RTOs) and those providing assessment advisory services.
TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to participate in an assessment validation process.
It applies to assessors and workplace supervisors with assessment validation responsibilities participating in, but not necessarily leading, the process.
Assessment support
Your Assessor for this program is contactable via email for any questions, queries or concerns you may have through the assessment process. Included within the cost of each workshop is an assessor guidance session. This session is mandatory and you will need to book in your time when you receive your invitation. This session is designed to provide you with a one on one conversation with your assessor where you can clarify aspects of the assessment that you are unsure about. It is not designed for you to send in drafts for review or to get extensive feedback on work you have completed thus far. The conversation with your Assessor will be followed up with an email outlining what was discussed.
Knowledge Questions
Task 1:
Knowledge questions
When preparing written responses to each of the knowledge questions, use examples to support wherever possible. These examples should be based on your own experiences and demonstrate your understanding of key concepts.
Acknowledge any sources of information you have used (websites, books etc.) by referencing the original source.
Best practice
a. Explain what CBA is and describe how it works.
b. CBA is a form of criteria-referenced assessment. Explain the differences between criteria and norm-referenced assessments.
c. CBA aims to be client-focussed. Describe one (1) example of how you may apply a client-focussed approach when planning, developing or conducting assessments in your workplace.
d. Describe at least two (2) examples of candidate rights and one (1) example of candidate responsibilities in CBA
e. Describe at least two (2) examples of assessors’ legal and ethical responsibilities in CBA
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Principles of Assessment
a. Name and define each of the four (4) Principles of Assessment.
b. Describe how assessors apply the Principles of Assessment when:
· planning assessment
· developing assessment instruments and tools
· assessing competence
· participating in assessment validation.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Rules of Evidence
a. Name and define each of the four (4) Rules of Evidence.
b. Describe how assessors use the Rules of Evidence when:
· planning assessment
· developing assessment instruments and tools
· assessing competence
· participating in assessment validation
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Dimensions of Competence
a. Name and define each of the four (4) Dimensions of Competence.
b. Describe how assessors use the Dimensions of Competence when:
· planning assessment
· assessing competence
· participating in assessment validation.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment
a. Briefly explain the similarities and differences between RPL and training-and-assessment pathway assessments.
b. Briefly describe the industry you work in (one sentence is sufficient), then describe one (1) reason why people in your industry or workplace may undertake RPL assessment.
c. Describe one example of a quality RPL process or approach that a RTO offering qualifications relevant to your industry, could offer.
d. Explain why your example is suitable for RPL assessments conducted in your industry or workplace.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Inclusive assessment practice
a. Define reasonable adjustment.
b. Provide one (1) example of a reasonable adjustment you could apply when assessing competence of individuals in your industry or workplace.
c. Research and identify at least two (2) sources of specialist support that you could access and use to support candidates—‘sources’ may include agencies, web-based information or activities, and/or specialist personnel:
· Name each source of specialist support you find
· Describe the type of support available from each source
· For one of the two sources of specialist support described above, briefly explain how you would organise this support, or help a candidate access this support, if required.
d. Name one (1) example of a cultural sensitivity or equity consideration that you may come across as an assessor in your industry. Describe one (1) way you could manage this issue to ensure a fair and equitable assessment.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
a. Describe the workplace health and safety (WHS) responsibilities associated with assessing competence in your workplace or industry. To do this, answer the questions below about the workplace/s or environment/s where you assess (or intend to assess):
b. How and to whom do (or could) you report safety hazards and incidents?
c. Briefly describe emergency procedures.
d. Must personal protective equipment (PPE) be worn? If so, list the PPE required and briefly explain why it is needed.
e. Explain how you will ensure that equipment to be used during assessment is safe to use and properly maintained.
f. How do (or could) you access WHS information relevant to assessments you plan and conduct?
Training packages and their use
a. Name the four (4) endorsed components of a training package and summarise the information found in each component.
b. Briefly explain what it means to ‘contextualise’ training package competency standards when using them as the basis for assessment.
c. Briefly explain guidelines for contextualising units of competency.
d. Describe how assessors can stay up-to-date with latest updates made to training packages and units of competency.
e. Explain what a training and assessment strategy (TAS) is. Describe how assessors use a TAS to plan and develop assessments.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Assessment instruments
Explain the difference between an assessment instrument and an assessment tool. List the main components of a typical assessment tool.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Describe the workplace health and safety (WHS) responsibilities associated with assessing competence in your workplace or industry.
To do this, answer the questions below about
a. Briefly describe workplace/s or environment/s where you assess (or intend to assess).
Answer remaining parts of this question based on the environment/s described in part A above:
b. How and to whom do (or could) you report safety hazards and incidents?
c. Briefly describe emergency procedures
d. Must personal protective equipment (PPE) be worn?
● if so, list the PPE required and briefly explain why it is needed.
● if not, briefly justify why PPE is not required.
e. Explain how you will ensure that equipment to be used during assessment is safe to use and properly maintained.
f. How do (or could) you access WHS information relevant to assessments you plan and conduct?
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Describe the different evaluation methods that can be used to trial and review assessment tools. Include examples from your own experience.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Management systems
Explain the information management system you have in your organisation and how assessment records are stored and maintained.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Assessment validation
a. Define ‘assessment validation’.
b. Explain the benefits of assessment validation
c. Other than assessment tools, describe one (1) aspect of assessment that you may focus on when participating in assessment validation.
d. Describe a systematic, ongoing process your workplace uses (or could use) to validate assessment—include validation that may be appropriate before, during and after an assessment.
e. Describe the legal and ethical obligations of those who participate in assessment validation—consider confidentiality, anti-discrimination and copyright, and other obligations.
To the candidate: replace this text with your response