Reading Journals for Tattoos on the Heart
For each chapter of this novel, you will write a typed 1–1.5 page reading journal that consists of three
distinct parts. Please label each part clearly and make sure to indicate which chapter you’re writing on.
1. Write a brief summary of the chapter.
Identify the key characters and summarize what happens in the chapter. (Go back to Chapter 2 of
“They Say, I Say” for tips on summary writing.) This section should be no longer than one
paragraph and should synthesize the central message of the chapter in your own words. There is
no need to list every single character and event. Choose the characters and events that
demonstrate the main lesson from the chapter.
2. Choose ONE of the following two options:
a. Option 1: Choose a quote from the chapter that you find interesting, important, controversial,
or otherwise significant. Provide the context for the quote: say who/what the quote refers to,
and cite the page number. Finally, respond to the quote in a thoughtful paragraph or two that
explains what you think it means and why you chose to write about it.
b. Option 2: Choose an idea, symbol, event, or key word that you think is important to the
chapter, and explain why. In a thoughtful paragraph or two, discuss the significance of this
element and say why you think Boyle chose to include it in this chapter.
3. Respond personally to the chapter.
Write a thoughtful paragraph or two explaining your reactions to reading this chapter. Did any
part of the chapter upset or inspire you? Were there any parts you could personally relate to?
Explain which part of the chapter stood out to you the most and why.
Please note: It is very important that you keep up with the reading as well as the journal assignments,
as they will help you prepare for discussions at every class meeting. You will also use this information
for your group presentations and for Essay 3.
These journals should be typed, double-spaced, in a 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Reading
journals that are not typed will not be accepted. Late journals will be given a maximum grade of half
These assignments are worth 30 points each (10 points per section). It is up to you to stay current on
these assignments. All reading journals are due on the same day that the reading is due.
See the next page →
Read pages… and do a journal for each chapter
...due IN CLASS on*
xi - 17 Preface & Introduction Monday, 4/13
19 - 39 Chapter 1 Wednesday, 4/15
41 - 60 Chapter 2 Friday, 4/17
61 - 82 Chapter 3 Monday, 4/20
83 - 108 Chapter 4 Friday, 4/24
109 - 128 Chapter 5 Wednesday, 4/29
129 - 145 Chapter 6 Friday, 5/1
147 - 166 Chapter 7 Monday, 5/4
167 - 186 Chapter 8 Friday, 5/8
187 - 212 Chapter 9 Monday, 5/11
*Due dates are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
Late Journal Coupon
This coupon entitles you to turn in ONE late reading journal without penalty. Your late journal must be
turned in at the next class period, with this coupon attached. If you turn in all your journals on time and
do not use this coupon, you will receive 15 extra credit points in your Homework grade category.
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Journal Chapter: _____________ Original Due Date: _________________
Date Turned In: ___________________