1 Plan for review and agreement
This team contract will be distributed via email and reviewed by all PM Templates team members. An email stating agreement should be sent to the Project Manager by Monday, February 17th.
2 Team Mission
Our team mission is to provide a report of project management templates and show example usage. Also, we want to learn and apply project management processes to our PM Templates project.
3 Rules of Behavior
3.1 Code of Conduct As a project team, we will: 1. Work proactively, anticipating potential problems and try to prevent them 2. Keep other team members informed of information related to the project 3. Focus on what is best for the whole project team 4. See the team project through to completion 5. Work to provide a quality deliverable to our sponsor 6. Respect other team member’s ideas
3.2 Participation As a project team, we will: 1. Be honest and open during all project activities 2. Encourage diversity in team work 3. Provide the opportunity for equal participation 4. Encourage feedback on ideas and deliverables 5. Present new ideas or approaches that will benefit the team 6. Commuicate status to the project manager 7. Inform team members in advance if you will miss a meeting or project deadline
3.3 Communication As a project team, we will: 1. Include the entire team on all email correspondance related to the project 2. Respond to correspondance in a timely matter 3. Focus on solving problems, not blaming people 4. Present ideas clearly and concisely 5. Ask questions when instructions or ideas are not clear 6. Keep discussions on track 7. Have one discussion at a time
3.4 Problem Solving As a project team, we will: 1. Encourage everyone to participate in solving problems 2. Only use constructive criticism 3. Provide feedback when requested and suggest solutions to problems 4. Strive to build on each other’s ideas
3.5 Meeting Guidelines As a project team, we will: 1. Participate in weekly team status meetings 2. Record meeting minutes and make them available within 24 hours of all project meetings 3. Develop an agenda before all meetings with our project sponsor 4. Document major issues and decisions related to the project and send them out via e-mail to all team members and the project sponsor 5. Post meeting minutes and important documents to the team web site
Team Member Names
Performance Elements
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
1. Dependability
2. Preparation
3. Contributions
4. Attitude
5. Facilitator Role
Element Rating
1. Dependability Absent more than once or absent, no call/no reason 1
Absent once, but called with a valid reason (overtime, illness, etc.) 2
Always present, but sometimes stayed for less than half of the team meeting 3
Always present, and stayed for most of the team meeting 4
Always present for the entire team meeting 5
2. Preparation No apparent effort made to prepare for the team meeting 1
Occasional incomplete preparation, no valid reason 2
Occasional incomplete preparation due to a valid reason (overtime, illness, etc.) 3
Generally completes all assigned work 4
3. Contributions Sometimes behavior actually hinders a successful team meeting 1
No individual contribution to promote a successful team meeting 2
Minimal individual contributions to promote a successful team meeting 3
Significant individual contributions to promote a sucessful team meeting 4
Significant individual contributions + actively involved fellow team members 5
4. Attitude Vocally rude, mean-spirited 1
Shows non-vocal, but critical attitude toward fellow team members 2
Cooperative, but not really focused on learning 3
Cooperative, focused, works hard 4
5. Facilitator Role Did not serve as facilitator any week NA
No defined meeting goals; no agenda 1
Prepared agenda, but did not contact team members regarding the meeting 2
Prepared agenda, contacted team members, but did not follow the agenda 3
Completed agenda, involved fellow team members, completed all assigned work 5
Project Team Evaluation Form
Performance Level
Prepared agenda, contacted team members, followed agenda, but did not complete
all assigned work in allotted time
Not only meets assigned responsibilities but encourages and motivated fellow team
members to succeed
Consistently completes all assigned work + able to explain concepts clearly to others