TERMINAL DIGIT FILING - WORKSHEET Arrange the 50 individual records on the next page of this worksheet into terminal digit order in the "Terminal Digit Filing Shelf". (If you prefer, you might print the linked document and then use scissors to cut out each of the numbers on the sheet and arrange them physically in terminal digit order in front of you.) The numbers in the blue boxes are the file guides – the left (bottom) number representing the secondary section, and the right (top) number representing the primary section. 1. Starting at the top shelf, moving from left to right, type or copy/paste the numbers of the records in correct sequence in the file spaces on the "Terminal Digit Filing Shelf" above. 2. The first record is listed on the Worksheet. 3. File guides are provided on the shelves. These identify secondary and primary digit groupings. Note: Because there are only 50 records to be filed, file guides will be required for only the groupings of records represented in the assignment. Also, there will be some empty spaces on the shelves.