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The american promise volume 2 6th edition pdf

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Black Youth in the Union Army, undated photo

Th is young African American soldier sits proudly in his Civil War uniform. Black Americans advocated for both freedom and equality from the beginning of the war. With emancipation, they achieved part of that promise.


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James L. Roark Emory University

Michael P. Johnson Johns Hopkins University

Patricia Cline Cohen University of California, Santa Barbara

Sarah Stage Arizona State University

Susan M. Hartmann The Ohio State University

BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN’S Boston ◆ New York

The American Promise A Concise History

FOR BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN’S Publisher for History: Mary V. Dougherty Executive Editor for History: William J. Lombardo Director of Development for History: Jane Knetzger Senior Developmental Editor: Heidi L. Hood Production Editor: Kendra LeFleur Assistant Production Manager: Joe Ford Editorial Assistant: Arrin Kaplan Production Assistant: Elise Keller Copy Editor: Susan Moore Indexer: Melanie Belkin Photo Researchers: Picture Research by Pembroke Herbert and Sandi Rygiel, Picture Research Consultants, Inc. Permissions Manager: Kalina K. Ingham Senior Art Director: Anna Palchik Text Designer: Jerilyn Bockorick Cover Designer: Marine Miller Cover Photo: Black Youth in the Union Army in undated photo. AP Photo. Cartography: Mapping Specialists Limited Composition: Cenveo® Publisher Services Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley and Sons

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For information, write: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 (617-399-4000)

ISBN: 978–0–312–66676–7 (Combined Edition) ISBN: 978–1–4576–4813–7 (Loose-leaf Format, Combined Volume) ISBN: 978–1–4576–3145–0 (Volume 1) ISBN: 978–1–4576–4814–4 (Loose-leaf Format, Volume 1) ISBN: 978–1–4576–3146–7 (Volume 2) ISBN: 978–1–4576–4815–1 (Loose-leaf Format, Volume 2)

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments and copyrights appear at the back of the book on page CR-1 which constitute an extension of the copyright page. It is a violation of the law to reproduce these selections by any means whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Getting students to engage with their history survey course is one of the toughest challenges instructors face. From the beginning, The American Promise has been shaped by our firsthand knowledge that the survey course is one of the most difficult to teach and, for many, also the most difficult to take. With this edition we have entirely rethought how the textbook can best capture students’ interest and support instructors in their classes, whether face-to-face or online. We have undertaken a major overhaul of this edition to bring a new option never before available — a truly concise narrative in a smaller format that is more accessible and affordable than ever. We also strove to offer more of what instructors asked to use in their classes — additional primary sources to foster historical skills and critical think- ing as well as features that consider the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world to give students the global perspective they need more than ever today. In addition, this concise edition comes with LearningCurve, an automatically graded, adaptive learning tool that helps students remember what they have read and tells instructors which topics students are having trouble with. Finally, this edition intro- duces a robust new interactive e-book built into its own course space that makes customizing and assigning the book and its resources simpler than ever. We are pleased this new edition packs in so much in such a concise and affordable format.

The Story of The American Promise Our experience as teachers and our frustrations with available textbooks inspired us to create a book that we could use effectively in our own classrooms. Our knowledge of classroom realities has informed every aspect of each edition and version of The American Promise. We began with a clear framework. We have found that students need both the structure a political narrative provides and the insights gained from examining social and cultural experience. To write a comprehensive, balanced account of American history, we focus on the public arena — the place where politics intersects social and cultural developments — to show how Americans confronted the major issues of their day and created far-reaching historical change.

Our title, The American Promise, reflects our emphasis on human agency and our conviction that the essence of America has been its promise. For millions, the nation has held out the promise of a better life, unfettered worship, equality before the law, representative government, democratic politics, and other freedoms seldom found elsewhere. But none of these promises has come with guarantees. As we see it, much of American history is a continuing struggle over the definition and realiza- tion of the nation’s promise.



Why This Book This Way


To engage students in this American story and to portray fully the diversity of the American experience, we stitch into our narrative the voices of hundreds of contemporaries, provide a vivid art and map program, and situate American history in the global world in which students live. To help students understand American history, we provide the best in pedagogical aids. While this edition rests solidly on our original goals and premises, it has taken on a new role to address the specific needs of brief book users.

The Birth of the Concise Edition Not long after we published the first full-length edition of The American Promise, we realized that many colleagues were seeking a text with all the features of a full- length book but in a briefer, more affordable version. We soon produced such a text in the first Compact Edition, which offered the richness of a full text with multiple special features, a rich art and map program, and ample pedagogy. But in time, the needs of instructors for a still more streamlined text became more acute. Students now entering the classroom are juggling more than ever before, and brief books represent more manageable reading, especially when instructors assign readings beyond the core text. We recognized that a truly concise book would be more attractive to many students and thus would be a version more students would likely read. With those thoughts in mind, we carefully crafted the new Concise Edition, which is shorter in narrative length, still affordable, less intimidating, and also smaller in size to allow students to more easily carry it to class and to their favorite places to read.

The Concise Edition is more than just another brief book, however. As authors, we continue to do our own abridgment to make a narrative that is both brief and rich with memorable details. To engage students more fully, we’ve given the book a new look and have reorganized some of its pedagogical tools so students who are pressed for time can see at a glance what they need to learn. The Concise Edition also offers more of what instructors tell us they really want — primary sources. To give students more direct engagement with the past and more opportunities for instructors to prompt historical thinking, we have expanded the number of document primary sources and added visual sources to the special features program as well. With today’s increasingly interconnected world and the increasing diversity of students, we felt it was essential to convey global connections, so we retained the popular international essays in the special features.

Because, like other instructors, we are eager to ensure students do read this rich material, we are proud to announce the Concise Edition comes with LearningCurve — a game-like online learning tool that can be assigned with each chapter and is automatically graded and scored. LearningCurve provides detailed reports on what students do and do not understand, which allows instructors to adapt lectures and class activities as needed. We are confident instructors will enjoy this feature because their students will come to class far better prepared than ever before. And so, like America itself over the centuries, the fifth edition of The American Promise: A Con- cise History is both recognizable and new.


Features We know that a history survey textbook is often challenging for many students. The benefit of this concise text is that we have made room for all of the essentials busy students need to succeed. Our book is designed to pique students’ interest while helping them with their reading and comprehension. We believe that three aspects of this new Concise Edition make it stand out from the crowd — the special features, visual program, and pedagogical support.

Special Features. We have designed the special features of this Concise Edition as interesting and informative in-depth examinations of key topics that can be used in class discussion or as homework. Each boxed feature concentrates on a historical thinking skill or models historical inquiry, the curiosity at the heart of our discipline. In addition to the questions that probe the substance of each spe- cial feature, we have added a new Connect to the Big Idea question to each fea- ture to help students understand the significance of the featured topic to the chapter as a whole.

Primary sources form the heart of the feature program in this edition. We are pleased to offer more Documenting the American Promise features than ever before — now doubled since the last edition. Each of these features juxtaposes three or four primary documents to show varying perspectives on a topic or an issue and to provide students with opportunities to build and practice their skills of historical interpretation. Feature introductions and document headnotes con- textualize the sources, and Questions for Analysis and Debate promote critical thinking about primary sources. In addition to bringing back some favorites enjoyed in the past, new topics have been added that are rich with human drama and include “Hunting Witches in Salem, Massachusetts,” “Families Divide over the Revolution,” “Mill Girls Stand Up to Factory Owners,” and “The Press and the Pullman Strike.”

Because students are so attuned to visuals and instructors have told us they want a variety of primary sources in this brief text, we have added a new Visualizing History feature to many chapters. Early Native American artifacts, nineteenth- century paintings, photographs by progressive reformers, early-twentieth-century advertisements, and twenty-first-century political cartoons are all presented as sources for examination. By stressing the importance of historical context and asking critical questions, each of these new features shows students how to mine visual documents for evidence about the past.

To demonstrate American history’s relevance in today’s increasingly global world, we felt it was essential to convey global connections in the feature program. Beyond America’s Borders considers the reciprocal relationships between the United States and the wider world and challenges students to think about the effects of transnational connections over time. With the goal of widening students’ perspec- tives and helping students see that this country did not develop in isolation, these features are enhanced by new America in Global Context questions at the end of the essay. New essays in this edition include “Fascism: Adolf Hitler and National Socialism” and “1968: A Year of Protest.”


Visuals. From the beginning, readers have proclaimed this textbook a visual feast, richly illustrated in ways that extend and reinforce the narrative. The fifth Concise Edition offers more than 400 contemporaneous illustrations — one-third of them new — along with innovative techniques for increasing visual literacy. In addition to the new Visualizing History special features that emphasize the use of images for historical analysis, one picture in each chapter includes a special visual activ- ity caption that reinforces this critical skill. More than 200 artifacts — from dolls and political buttons to spy cameras and sewing machines — emphasize the importance of material culture in the study of the past and make the historical account tangible.

Our highly regarded map program, with 165 maps in all, rests on the old truth that “History is not intelligible without geography.” Each chapter typically offers three to four full-size maps showing major developments in the narrative and two or three spot maps embedded in the narrative that emphasize an area of detail from the discussion. To help students think critically about the role of geography in American history, we include two critical-thinking map exercises per chapter. Revised maps in the fifth edition illustrate new scholarship on topics such as the Comanche empire in the American Southwest and events such as the 2012 election.

Pedagogy. The most exciting news about the pedagogy in this Concise Edition is the integration of a new adaptive learning tool — LearningCurve. When instructors assign it, LearningCurve ensures students come to class prepared. LearningCurve offers a game-like interface in which students earn quick points for what they under- stand but are given repeated practice on material — both factual and conceptual —that they still need to master. LearningCurve questions are linked to the corresponding sec- tions in the book so students can read and review the pertinent information they need to master. Prompts in the book remind students to log in and check their understand- ing of the chapter they have just read. Instructors benefit too because they can instantly see who has done the assigned reading and which pieces of information students strug- gle with most. With these detailed reports in hand, instructors can adjust lectures and class activities to address topics students are having trouble with and help them suc- ceed. Every new book comes with a code that unlocks LearningCurve; if students have bought a used book, they can purchase LearningCurve access separately online.

As part of our ongoing efforts to make The American Promise: A Concise His- tory the most teachable and readable survey text available, we paid renewed atten- tion to what would make the most effective pedagogy for a brief text. We started by reimagining our chapter openers with the needs of busy students in mind. Each chapter begins with new Quick Start instructions, a brief chapter outline, a chro- nology, and a concise but colorful opening vignette that invites students into the narrative with lively accounts of individuals or groups who embody the central themes of the chapter. New vignettes in this edition include the Grimké sisters speaking out against slavery, Frederick Jackson Turner proclaiming his frontier hypothesis, migrant mother Frances Owens struggling to survive in the Great Depression, and the experience of Vietnam War veteran Frederick Downs Jr.

We’ve enhanced the pedagogy within the chapters as well. Every major section now begins with an Essential Question that guides students toward comprehension


of main ideas. In addition, key terms, set in boldface type with new marginal glos- sary definitions, highlight important people, events, and concepts.

The Chapter Review section at the end of each chapter provides a thorough guide to ensure student success. A cross-reference to LearningCurve reminds stu- dents to use this adaptive quizzing tool to make what they’ve read stick. A list of Key Terms reminds students to reflect on items in the marginal glossary, while Essential Questions, repeated from within the narrative, focus on specific topics or events. Culminating Making Connections questions ask students to think about broad developments within the chapter. Student Center prompts at the bottom of the review page remind students to visit this site, where they will find free self- assessment quizzes, study aids, and other resources.

Updated Scholarship In our ongoing effort to offer a comprehensive text that braids all Americans into the national narrative and to frame that national narrative in a more global perspective, we updated the fifth Concise Edition in many ways. We have paid particular attention to the most recent scholarship and, as always, appreciated and applied many sugges- tions from our users that keep the book fresh, accurate, and organized in a way that works best for students.

Volume One draws on exciting new scholarship on Native Americans, leading to enhanced coverage of Pontiac’s Rebellion in chapter 6 and more attention to Indi- ans and their roles in the conflict between the British and the colonists in chapter 7. Chapter 9 expands the coverage of American interactions with Indians in the South- west, adding new material on Creek chief Alexander McGillivray. Chapter 10 greatly increases the coverage of Indians in the West, with a new section devoted to the Osage territory and the impressive Comanche empire known as Comanchería. In addition, several new Visualizing History features — on ancient tools used in Chaco Canyon, on Aztec weaponry and its weaknesses in the face of Spanish steel, on Mohawk clothing and accessories, and on gifts exchanged between Anglos and Indians on the Lewis and Clark trail — highlight the significance of Native American material culture over the centuries.

Volume Two also includes expanded attention to Native Americans — particularly in chapter 17, where we improved our coverage of Indian schools, assimilation techniques used by whites, and Indian resistance strategies — but our main effort for the fifth Concise Edition in the second half of the book has been to do more of what we already do best, and that is to give even more attention to women, African Americans, and the global context of U.S. history. In the narrative, we consider the ways in which the GI Bill disproportionately benefited white men after World War II. New features and opening vignettes focus on widely recognized as well as less well-known women who both shaped and were shaped by the Ameri- can experience: the depression-era struggle of Florence Owens (the face of the famous Dorothea Lange photograph Migrant Mother), the workplace reforms set in motion by progressive activist Alice Hamilton, and the World War I service of over- seas volunteer Nora Saltonstall. Chapter 16 includes new coverage of the Colfax massacre, arguably the single worst incidence of brutality against African Americans


during the Reconstruction era. Chapter 27 provides new coverage of civil rights activism in northern states.

Because students live in an increasingly global world and need help making connections with the world outside the United States, we have continued our efforts to incorporate the global context of American history throughout the fifth edition. This is particularly evident in Volume Two, where we have expanded coverage of transnational issues in recent decades, such as the U.S. bombing campaign in Vietnam and U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

In addition to the many changes noted above, in both volumes we have updated, revised, and improved this fifth Concise Edition in response to both new scholar- ship and requests from instructors. New and expanded coverage areas include, among others, taxation in the pre-Revolutionary period and the early Republic, the Newburgh Conspiracy of the 1780s, the overbuilding of railroads in the West during the Gilded Age, the 1918–1919 global influenza epidemic, finance reform in the 1930s, post–World War II considerations of universal health care, Latino activism, the economic downturn of the late 2000s, the most recent developments in the Mid- dle East, and the Obama presidency.

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge all of the helpful suggestions from those who have read and taught from previous editions of The American Promise, and we hope that our many classroom collaborators will be pleased to see their influence in the fifth edition. In particular, we wish to thank the talented scholars and teachers who gave generously of their time and knowledge to review this book: Kirk R. Abendroth, Vincennes University; Donna J. Benson, Winston-Salem State University; Edward Black, Jefferson State Community College; David Burleson, Doña Ana Community College; Brian Casserly, Bellevue College; John W. Catron, Santa Fe College; William J. Cuddihy, Long Beach City College; Andy DeRoche, Front Range Community College; Kimberly DesRoches, Western Nevada College; David Driscoll, University of Massachusetts – Lowell; Amy Drumb, Polk State College; Robert Elder, Valparaiso University; Mary Frederickson, Miami University of Ohio; Kirsten Gardner, The University of Texas at San Antonio; George Gerdow, Northeastern Illinois University; Nicki Gonzales, Regis University; Brian L. Hackett, Northern Kentucky University; Lindsey Hinds-Brown, Middle Tennessee State University; Antoinnette Hudson, Jacksonville State University; Clifton Huffmaster, Middle Tennessee State University; Carey Kelley, Missouri State University; William J. Lipkin, Union County College; Matthew Loayza, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Stephanie A. L. Molholt, The Community College of Baltimore County – Catonsville; Johnny S. Moore, Radford University; Steven Noll, University of Florida; Ellen Holmes Pearson, University of North Carolina Asheville; Robert D. Pittman, Lindenwood University/St. Louis Community College; Emily Rader, El Camino College; David B. Raymond, Northern Maine Community College; Daniel Rezny, St. Charles Community College; Tom Robertson, The Community College of Baltimore County; Thomas J. Rowland, University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh; Christopher Staaf, Georgia Gwinnett College; Richard Trimble, Ocean County College; James H. Tuten, Juniata College; Christina


A. Wilbur, Lamar University; Louis Williams, St. Louis Community College – Forest Park; and John Ralph Wilson, Lone Star College North Harris.

A project as complex as this requires the talents of many individuals. First, we would like to acknowledge our families for their support, forbearance, and toleration of our textbook responsibilities. Pembroke Herbert and Sandi Rygiel of Picture Research Consultants, Inc., contributed their unparalleled knowledge, soaring imagination, and diligent research to make possible the extraordinary illustration program.

We would also like to thank the many people at Bedford/St. Martin’s who have been crucial to this project. No one has done more than our friend, senior editor Heidi Hood, who managed the entire revision and supplements program. Heidi’s intelligence, knowledge of U.S. history, commitment to excellence, and unfailing good judgment saved us from many a misstep. Thanks also go to editorial assistant Arrin Kaplan for her assistance coordinating the pre-revision review, preparing the manuscript, and for working on the supplements, along with associate editor Jack Cashman. We are also grateful to Jane Knetzger, director of development for history; William J. Lombardo, executive editor for history; and Mary Dougherty, publisher for history, for their support and guidance. For their imaginative and tireless efforts to promote the book, we want to thank Amy Whitaker, John Hunger, Sean Blest, and Alex Kaufman. With great skill and professionalism, production editors Katherine Caruana and Kendra LeFleur pulled together the many pieces related to copyediting, design, and composition, with the able assistance of Elise Keller and the guidance of managing editor Elizabeth Schaaf and assistant managing editor John Amburg. Senior production supervisor Joe Ford oversaw the manufacturing of the book. Designer Jerilyn Bockorick, copyeditor Susan Moore, and proofreaders Linda McLatchie and Angela Morrison attended to the myriad details that help make the book shine. Melanie Belkin provided an outstanding index. The book’s gorgeous covers were designed by Marine Miller. New media editor Marissa Zanetti and media producer Michelle Camisa made sure that The American Promise remains at the forefront of technological support for students and instructors. President of Bedford/St. Martin’s Denise Wydra provided helpful advice throughout the course of the project. Finally, Charles H. Christensen, former president, took a personal interest in The American Promise from the start, and Joan E. Feinberg, co-president of Macmillan Higher Education, encouraged us through each edition.

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Adopters of The American Promise: A Concise History and their students have access to abundant extra resources, including documents, presentation and testing materials, the acclaimed Bedford Series in History and Culture volumes, and much more. See below for more information, visit the book’s catalog site at bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise/catalog, or contact your local Bedford/St. Martin’s sales representative.

Get the Right Version for Your Class To accommodate different course lengths and course budgets, The American Promise is available in several different formats, including three-hole punched loose-leaf Budget Books versions and e-books, which are available at a substantial discount.

• Combined edition (Chapters 1–31) — available in paperback, loose-leaf, and e-book formats

• Volume 1: To 1877 (Chapters 1–16) — available in paperback, loose-leaf, and e-book formats

• Volume 2: From 1865 (Chapters 16–31) — available in paperback, loose-leaf, and e-book formats

Any of these volumes can be packaged with additional books for a discount. To get ISBNs for discount packages, see the online catalog at bedfordstmartins.com /roarkconcise/catalog or contact your Bedford/St. Martin’s representative.

NEW Assign LaunchPad — the online, interactive e-book in a course space enriched with integrated assets. The new standard in digital history, LaunchPad course tools are so intuitive to use that online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses can be set up in minutes. Even novices will find it’s easy to create assignments, track students’ work, and access a wealth of relevant learning and teaching resources. It is the ideal learning environment for students to work with the text, maps, documents, video, and assessment. LaunchPad is loaded with the full interactive e-book and the Reading the American Past documents collection—plus LearningCurve, additional primary sources, videos, guided reading exercises designed to help students read actively for key concepts, boxed feature reading quizzes, chapter summative quizzes, and more. LaunchPad can be used as is or customized, and it easily integrates with course management systems. And with fast ways to build assignments, rearrange chapters, and add new pages, sections, or links, it lets teachers build the course mate- rials they need and hold students accountable.

Versions and Supplements



Let students choose their e-book format. In addition to the LaunchPad e-book, students can purchase the downloadable Bedford e-Book to Go for The American Promise: A Concise History from our Web site or find other PDF versions of the e-book at our publishing partners’ sites: CourseSmart, Barnes & Noble NookStudy; Kno; CafeScribe; or Chegg.

NEW Assign LearningCurve So You Know What Your Students Know and They Come to Class Prepared As described in the preface and on the inside front cover, students purchasing new books receive access to LearningCurve for The American Promise: A Concise History. Assigning LearningCurve in place of reading quizzes is easy for instructors, and the reporting features help instructors track overall class trends and spot topics that are giving students trouble so they can adjust their lectures and class activities. This online learning tool is popular with students because it was designed to help them rehearse content at their own pace in a nonthreatening, game-like environment. The feedback for wrong answers provides instructional coaching and sends students back to the book for review. Students answer as many questions as necessary to reach a target score, with repeated chances to revisit material they haven’t mastered. When LearningCurve is assigned, students come to class better prepared.

Send Students to Free Online Resources The book’s Student Site at bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise gives students a way to read, write, and study by providing plentiful quizzes and activities, study aids, and history research and writing help.

FREE Online Study Guide. Available at the Student Site, this popular resource pro- vides students with quizzes and activities for each chapter, including multiple-choice self-tests that focus on important concepts; flashcards that test students’ knowledge of key terms; timeline activities that emphasize causal relationships; and map quiz- zes intended to strengthen students’ geography skills. Instructors can monitor stu- dents’ progress through an online Quiz Gradebook or receive e-mail updates.

FREE Research, Writing, and Anti-plagiarism Advice. Available at the Student Site, Bedford’s History Research and Writing Help includes the textbook authors’ Suggested References organized by chapter; History Research and Reference Sources, with links to history-related databases, indexes, and journals; Build a Bib- liography, a simple Web-based tool known as The Bedford Bibliographer that gen- erates bibliographies in four commonly used documentation styles; and Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism, an online tutorial that reviews the consequences of plagiarism and features exercises to help students practice integrating sources and recognize acceptable summaries.


Take Advantage of Instructor Resources Bedford/St. Martin’s has developed a rich array of teaching resources for this book and for this course. They range from lecture and presentation materials and assess- ment tools to course management options. Most can be downloaded or ordered at bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise/catalog.

Bedford Coursepack for Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Canvas, Angel, Sakai, or MoodIe. We have free content to help you integrate our rich content into your course management system. Registered instructors can download coursepacks with no hassle and no strings attached. Content includes our most po pular free resources and book-specific content for The American Promise: A Concise History. Visit bedfordstmartins.com/coursepacks to see a demo, find your version, or down- load your coursepack.

Instructor’s Resource Manual. The instructor’s manual offers both experienced and first-time instructors tools for preparing lectures and running discussions. It includes chapter-review material, teaching strategies, and a guide to chapter-specific supplements available for the text, plus suggestions on how to get the most out of LearningCurve and a survival guide for first-time teaching assistants.

Guide to Changing Editions. Designed to facilitate an instructor’s transition from the previous edition of The American Promise: A Concise History to the current edition, this guide presents an overview of major changes as well as of changes in each chapter.

Computerized Test Bank. The test bank includes a mix of fresh, carefully crafted multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions for each chapter. It also contains volume-wide essay questions. All questions appear in Microsoft Word format and in easy-to-use test bank software that allows instructors to add, edit, re-sequence, and print questions and answers. Instructors can also export questions into a variety of formats, including Blackboard, Desire2Learn, and Moodle.

The Bedford Lecture Kit: PowerPoint Maps, Images, Lecture Outlines, and i>clicker Content. Look good and save time with The Bedford Lecture Kit. These presentation materials are downloadable individually from the Instructor Resources tab at bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise/catalog and are availa- ble on The Bedford Lecture Kit Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM. They provide ready-made and fully customizable PowerPoint multimedia presentations that include lecture outlines with embedded maps, figures, and selected images from the textbook and extra background for instructors. Also available are maps and selected images in JPEG and PowerPoint formats; content for i>clicker, a class- room response system, in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint formats; the Instruc- tor’s Resource Manual in Microsoft Word format; and outline maps in PDF for- mat for quizzing or handing out. All files are suitable for copying onto transparency acetates.


Reel Teaching: Film Clips for the U.S. History Survey. This DVD provides a large collection of short video clips for classroom presentation. Designed as engaging “lecture launchers” varying in length from one to fifteen or more minutes, the fifty- nine documentary clips were carefully chosen for use in both semesters of the U.S. survey course. The clips feature compelling images, archival footage, personal narra- tives, and commentary by noted historians.

America in Motion: Video Clips for U.S. History. Set history in motion with Amer- ica in Motion, an instructor DVD containing dozens of short digital movie files of events in twentieth-century American history. From the wreckage of the battleship Maine, to FDR’s fireside chats, to Oliver North testifying before Congress, America in Motion engages students with dynamic scenes from key events and challenges them to think critically. All files are classroom-ready, edited for brevity, and easily inte- grated with PowerPoint or other presentation software for electronic lectures or assignments. An accompanying guide provides each clip’s historical context, ideas for use, and suggested questions.

Videos and Multimedia. A wide assortment of videos and multimedia CD-ROMs on various topics in U.S. history is available to qualified adopters through your Bedford/St. Martin’s sales representative.

Package and Save Your Students Money For information on free packages and discounts up to 50%, visit bedfordstmartins .com/roarkconcise/catalog, or contact your local Bedford/St. Martin’s sales repre- sentative. The products that follow all qualify for discount packaging.

Reading the American Past, Fifth Edition. Edited by Michael P. Johnson, one of the authors of The American Promise, and designed to complement the textbook, Read- ing the American Past provides a broad selection of over 150 primary-source documents, as well as editorial apparatus to help students understand the sources. Available free when packaged with the print text and included in the LaunchPad e-book. Also available as a downloadable PDF e-book or with the main text’s e-Book to Go.

NEW Bedford Digital Collections @ bedfordstmartins.com/bdc/catalog. This source collection provides a flexible and affordable online repository of discovery- oriented primary-source projects and single primary sources that you can easily cus- tomize and link to from your course management system or Web site. Package discounts are available.

The Bedford Series in History and Culture. More than 120 titles in this highly praised series combine first-rate scholarship, historical narrative, and important primary doc- uments for undergraduate courses. Each book is brief, inexpensive, and focused on a specific topic or period. For a complete list of titles, visit bedfordstmartins.com /history/series. Package discounts are available.


Rand McNally Atlas of American History. This collection of more than eighty full- color maps illustrates key events and eras from early exploration, settlement, expansion, and immigration to U.S. involvement in wars abroad and on U.S. soil. Introductory pages for each section include a brief overview, timelines, graphs, and photos to quickly establish a historical context. Available for $5.00 when packaged with the print text.

Maps in Context: A Workbook for American History. Written by historical cartography expert Gerald A. Danzer (University of Illinois at Chicago), this skill-building workbook helps students comprehend essential connections between geographic literacy and historical understanding. Organized to corre- spond to the typical U.S. history survey course, Maps in Context presents a wealth of map-centered projects and convenient pop quizzes that give students hands-on experience working with maps. Available free when packaged with the print text.

The Bedford Glossary for U.S. History. This handy supplement for the survey course gives students historically contextualized definitions for hundreds of terms — from abolitionism to zoot suit — that they will encounter in lectures, reading, and exams. Available free when packaged with the print text.

U.S. History Matters: A Student Guide to World History Online. This resource, written by Alan Gevinson, Kelly Schrum, and the late Roy Rosenzweig (all of George Mason University), provides an illustrated and annotated guide to 250 of the most useful Web sites for student research in U.S. history as well as advice on evaluating and using Internet sources. This essential guide is based on the acclaimed “History Matters” Web site developed by the American Social History Project and the Center for History and New Media. Available free when packaged with the print text.

Trade Books. Titles published by sister companies Hill and Wang; Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Henry Holt and Company; St. Martin’s Press; Picador; and Palgrave Macmillan are available at a 50% discount when packaged with Bedford/St. Martin’s textbooks. For more information, visit bedfordstmartins.com/tradeup.

A Pocket Guide to Writing in History. This portable and affordable reference tool by Mary Lynn Rampolla provides reading, writing, and research advice useful to students in all history courses. Concise yet comprehensive advice on approach- ing typical history assignments, developing critical reading skills, writing effective history papers, conducting research, using and documenting sources, and avoid- ing plagiarism — enhanced with practical tips and examples throughout — have made this slim reference a best seller. Package discounts are available.

A Student’s Guide to History. This complete guide to success in any history course provides the practical help students need to be effective. In addition to introducing students to the nature of the discipline, author Jules Benjamin teaches a wide range of skills from preparing for exams to approaching common writing assignments, and explains the research and documentation process with plentiful examples. Package discounts are available.


Going to the Source: The Bedford Reader in American History. Developed by Victoria Bissell Brown and Timothy J. Shannon, this reader’s strong pedagogical framework helps students learn how to ask fruitful questions in order to evaluate documents effectively and develop critical reading skills. The reader’s wide variety of chapter topics that complement the survey course and its rich diversity of sources — from personal letters to political cartoons — provoke students’ interest as it teaches them the skills they need to successfully interrogate historical sources. Package discounts are available.

America Firsthand. With its distinctive focus on ordinary people, this primary documents reader, by Anthony Marcus, John M. Giggie, and David Burner, offers a remarkable range of perspectives on America’s history from those who lived it. Popular Points of View sections expose students to different perspectives on a specific event or topic, and Visual Portfolios invite analysis of the visual record. Package discounts are available.


Brief Contents

About the Cover Art i Preface: Why This Book This Way v Versions and Supplements xiii Contents xx Maps, Figures, and Tables xxix Special Features xxxii

1 Ancient America: Before 1492 2 2 Europeans Encounter the New World, 1492–1600 26 3 The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1601–1700 50 4 The Northern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1601–1700 76 5 Colonial America in the Eighteenth Century, 1701–1770 102 6 The British Empire and the Colonial Crisis, 1754–1775 130 7 The War for America, 1775–1783 158

8 Building a Republic, 1775–1789 188 9 The New Nation Takes Form, 1789–1800 216 10 Republicans in Power, 1800–1824 242 11 The Expanding Republic, 1815–1840 272 12 The New West and the Free North, 1840–1860 302 13 The Slave South, 1820–1860 332 14 The House Divided, 1846–1861 358 15 The Crucible of War, 1861–1865 386 16 Reconstruction, 1863–1877 418 Appendices A-1 Glossary G-1

Spot Artifact Credits CR-1 Index I-1 U.S. Political/Geographic and World Maps M-1 About the Authors last book page

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About the Cover Art i Preface: Why This Book This Way v Versions and Supplements xiii Brief Contents xix Maps, Figures, and Tables xxix Special Features xxxii


Ancient America, Before 1492 2

OPENING VIGNETTE: An archaeological dig helps uncover ancient North American traditions 2

Archaeology and History 4 The First Americans 5

African and Asian Origins 5 Paleo-Indian Hunters 7

Archaic Hunters and Gatherers 8 Great Plains Bison Hunters 9 Great Basin Cultures 10 Pacific Coast Cultures 10 Eastern Woodland Cultures 11

Agricultural Settlements and Chiefdoms 12 Southwestern Cultures 12 VISUALIZING HISTORY: “Daily Life in Chaco Canyon” 14 Woodland Burial Mounds and Chiefdoms 16

Native Americans in the 1490s 17 Eastern and Great Plains Peoples 18 Southwestern and Western Peoples 20 Cultural Similarities 20

The Mexica: A Mesoamerican Culture 21 Conclusion: The World of Ancient

Americans 23

CHAPTER REVIEW 25 LearningCurve bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise





The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century,

1601–1700 50 OPENING VIGNETTE: Pocahontas “rescues” John Smith 50

An English Colony on Chesapeake Bay 52 The Fragile Jamestown Settlement 53 Cooperation and Conflict between Natives and

Newcomers 54 From Private Company to Royal Government 55

A Tobacco Society 56 Tobacco Agriculture 56 A Servant Labor System 57 BEYOND AMERICA’S BORDERS: “American Tobacco and European Consumers” 60 The Rigors of Servitude 63 Cultivating Land and Faith 63

Hierarchy and Inequality in the Chesapeake 64 Social and Economic Polarization 65 Government Policies and Political Conflict 65 Bacon’s Rebellion 66

Toward a Slave Labor System 68 Religion and Revolt in the Spanish Borderland 68 The West Indies: Sugar and Slavery 69 Carolina: A West Indian Frontier 70 Slave Labor Emerges in the Chesapeake 72

Conclusion: The Growth of English Colonies Based on Export Crops and Slave Labor 73

CHAPTER REVIEW 75 LearningCurve bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise


Europeans Encounter the New World, 1492–1600 26

OPENING VIGNETTE: Queen Isabella of Spain supports Christopher Columbus’s risky plan to sail west across the Atlantic 26

Europe in the Age of Exploration 28 Mediterranean Trade and European Expansion 28 A Century of Portuguese Exploration 30

A Surprising New World in the Western Atlantic 31 The Explorations of Columbus 31 The Geographic Revolution and the Columbian

Exchange 33 Spanish Exploration and Conquest 35

The Conquest of Mexico 35 The Search for Other Mexicos 37 Spanish Outposts in Florida and New Mexico 38 New Spain in the Sixteenth Century 39 DOCUMENTING THE AMERICAN PROMISE: “Justifying Conquest” 42 The Toll of Spanish Conquest and

Colonization 45 The New World and Sixteenth-

Century Europe 45 The Protestant Reformation and the Spanish

Response 45 Europe and the Spanish Example 46

Conclusion: The Promise of the New World for Europeans 48

CHAPTER REVIEW 49 LearningCurve bedfordstmartins.com/roarkconcise


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