Many people have been feeling a hardship in choosing the best drink to take when they are working. The great desire to find a good tasty drink that is satisfactory matters a lot to the buyers. There are diverse drinks that provide a list to choose for the buyers. Fortunately coffee products and varieties offer diverse brands of tasty and amazing cold and hot drinks.
Coffee shop is a great producer of coffee products made in different styles to promote customer taste and satisfaction. Coffee shop understands the needs of the customers and we work tirelessly all time to ensure that our customers get their needed coffee types and varieties. We offer many brands of coffee items including Espro mug, drinking chocolate, frozen chocolate, chocolate espresso among many other coffee brands. There over 100 brands of coffee products produced depending on the interest and likeness of the customers (Waxman, 2013).
Coffee products act as a stimulator in various ways. This is the process of making the body active and lively to suit the environment. As a result coffee products such as the Espro traveller’s mug can be taken to reduce sleep when people are travelling to distant places. It can also be used during reading to reduce sleep and maintaining activeness of the body at all times. This makes the brain active and this increases concentration. Another importance of coffee is that coffee refreshes the mind and the body stays active and luxurious. Hence coffee products are ideal because of their luxurious and petrifying taste of greatness. Coffee brands are also cheaper thus affordable to all. They are found everywhere in the market in many countries of the world. The cost of coffee is affordable to the management of any organization that is concerned with buying coffee mugs for the staff workers during tea break and evening hours because of cold. Coffee has a good ability to reduce cold and keep the body warm at night and in the evening times. Thus the cost is efficient and manageable by even small businesses and individuals businesses. Coffee promotes good health measures because it does not have any side effect whatsoever. However, coffee drinks should be limited to a maximum number of twice in day due to addiction purposes. It contains caffeine which is addictive especially when taken many times in a day. Below are the summary of the benefits of coffee as a drink:
· Coffee is contains an amazing sweet taste
· Coffee is a stimulant
· It is an energizer
· It is cheaper and affordable by all
I have talked to my partner in business we have been able to determine the best way to deliver the coffee brands to our clients. We have also discussed the time of issuing coffee brands whereby we agreed to come supply them in moments of the day according to the instructions of our clients in job. We also have a program whereby our customers select their brands types such that we will be able to give what our customers expect (Low & Davenport, 2015).
We provide quality coffee which is made processed and packed experienced experts in making coffee. Our coffee is sweet and we do not brag about it. Many of our customers are satisfied with our services and they wish that we live longer to continue supplying them with the best coffee brands that they have always admired to have in life. We also have a communication channel and information sharing where we communicate with our customers to get their feedback about our brands. This gives us an opportunity to make necessary changes where they are needed to ensure our clients are enjoying our services (Waxman, 2013).
Waxman, L. (2013). The coffee shop: Social and physical factors influencing place attachment. Journal of Interior Design, 31(3), 35-53.
Low, W., & Davenport, E. (2015). Has the medium (roast) become the message? The ethics of marketing fair trade in the mainstream. International Marketing Review, 22(5), 494-511.