A two B. double C. half D. three 22. The combining form hemat/o means: A. The head B. The heart C. The blood D. The lungs 23.The combing form encephal/o mean: A. stomach B. kidney C. brain D. testes 24.The suffix -ectomy means: A removal, excision B. suspension C. hardening D. inspection 25. The suffix -tomy means: A. condition B. process of cutting C. swelling D. drooping
MEDICAL ACRONYMS/EPONYMS (Page 1 of 2) Medical acronyms are pronounceable words formed from the initial letters of each word or selected words in a phrase Medical eponyms are terms used in medicine which are named after people (and occasionally places or things. Give the meaning of the following ACRONYMS/EPONYMS (see textbook glossary. page 990-991) ACRONYMS AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome BUN- CABG - CPAP - GERD - HIPAA - MICU - MUGA- NICU - PEG- PERRLA - PICU - SIDS - SOAP - TURP - EPONYMS (GIVE person) for each eponym Alzheimer disease - Alois Alzheimer, MD, German neurologist, (1864-1915) Apgar score - Bell palsy -