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10 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
we can communicate, the more dynamic our cultures will be, because the more they will be open to new ways of thinking and doing. It is not being parochial to believe that were more people to speak English- or Chinese. Spanish. Russian or Hindi-the better it would be. The real chauvinists are surely those who warn darkly of the spread of "American culture" and "Japanese technology."
7 At the core of the preservers' argument is the be- lief that a particular language is linked to a particular way of life and a particular vision of the world. "Each language has its own window on the world," write Nettle and Romaine. "Every language is a living museum, a monument to every culture it has been vehicle to ." It ' s an idea that derives from nineteenth century Romantic notions of cultural difference. "Each nation speaks in the manner it thinks," wrote the German critic and poet Johann Gottfried von Herder, "and thinks in the manner it speaks." For Herder, the nature of a people was expressed through its volksgeist-the unchanging spirit of a people. Language was particularly crucial to the delineation of a people, because "in it dwell the entire world of tradition, history, religion, principles of existence; its whole heart and soul."
Malik 's wtderly~na ~SUII'tp-tiort
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LOOk up vOrt Herder
a The human capacity for language certainly shapes ~ our ways of thinking. But particular languages almost ~o~d . . certainly do not. Most linguists have long since given dt.s·tw.:tLort up on the idea that people's perceptions of the world, and the kinds of concepts they hold, is constrained by the particular language they speak. The idea that French speakers view the world differently from English speakers, because they speak French, is clearly absurd. It is even more absurd to imagine that all French speakers have a common view of the world, thanks to a common language.
But if the Romantic idea of language has little influence, the Romantic idea of human differences certainly does. The belief that different peoples have unique ways of understanding the world became, in the nineteenth century, the basis of a racial view of the world. Herder's volksgeist developed into the no- tion of racial makeup, an unchanging substance, the foundation of all physical appearance and mental
~ Do all /~n~ULS-ts ~ree here?
How to Read Critically • 11
potential, and the basis for division and difference within humankind. Today, biological notions of racial difference have fallen into disfavor, largely as a result of the experience of Nazism and the Holocaust. But while racial science has been discredited, racial think- ing has not. It has simply been re-expressed in cultural rather than biological terms. Cultural pluralism has refashioned the idea of race for the post-Holocaust world, with its claim that diversity is good in itself and that humanity can be parceled up into discrete groups, each with its own particular way of life, mode of expression, and unique "window upon the world."
10 The contemporary argument for the preservation of linguistic diversity. liberally framed though it may be. draws on the same philosophy that gave rise to ideas of racial difference. That is why the arguments of Popham, Crystal, Nettle, and Romaine, on this issue if not on anything else, would have found favor with the late Enoch Powell. "Every society, every nation is unique," he wrote. "It has its own past, its own story, its own memories, its own ways, its own languages or ways of speaking, its own-dare I use the word-culture." Language preservers may be act- ing on the best of intentions, but they are treading on dangerous ground, and they carry with them some unpalatable fellow-travellers .
11 The linguistic campaigners' debt to Romanti- cism has left them, like most multiculturalists, with a thoroughly confused notion of rights. When Nettle and Romaine suggest, in Vanishing Voices, that "the right of people to exist, to practice and produce their own language and culture, should be inalienable," they are conflating two kinds of rights-individual rights and group rights. An individual certainly has the right to speak whatever language he or she wants, and to engage in whatever cultural practices they wish to in private. But it is not incumbent on anyone to listen to them, nor to provide resources for the preservation of either their language or their culture. The reason that Eyak will soon be extinct is not because Marie Smith Jones has been denied her rights, but because no one else wants to, or is capable of, speaking the language. This might be tragic for Marie Smith Jones-and frustrating for professional linguists- but it is not a question of
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12 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
rights. Neither a culture. nor a way of life. nor yet a language. has a God-given "right to exist."
12 Language campaigners also confuse political oppression and the loss of cultural identity. Some ~ groups- such as Turkish Kurds- are banned from using their language as part of a wider campaign by the Turkish state to deny Kurds their rights. But most languages die out, not because they are suppressed, but because native speakers yearn for a better life. Speaking a language such as English, French, or Spanish, and discarding traditional habits, can open up new worlds and is often a ticket to modernity. But it is modernity itself of which Nettle and Romaine disap- prove. They want the peoples of the Third World, and minority groups in the West, to follow "local ways of life" and pursue "traditional knowledge" rather than receive a "Western education." This is tantamount to ~ saying that such people should live a marginal life, excluded from the modern mainstream to which the rest of us belong. There is nothing noble or authentic about local ways of life; they are often simply degrading and backbreaking. "Nobody can suppose that it is not more beneficial for a Breton or a Basque to be a member of the French nationality, admitted on equal terms to all the privileges of French citizenship .. . than to sulk on his own rocks, without participa- tion or interest in the general movement of the world." So wrote John Stuart Mill more than a century ago. It would have astonished him that in the twenty-first century there are those who think that sulking on your own rock is a state worth preserving.
13 What if half the world's languages are on the verge of extinction? Let them die in peace.
Outline What You Read
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Briefly outlining an essay is a good way to see how writers structure their ideas. When you physically diagram the thesis statement, claims, and the supporting evi- dence, you can better assess the quality of the writing and decide how convincing it is. You may already be familiar with detailed, formal essay outlines in which struc- ture is broken down into main ideas and subsections. However, a brief and concise breakdown of an essay' s components provides a basic outline. Simply jot down a
How to Read Critically • 13
one-sentence summary of each paragraph. Sometimes brief paragraphs elaborating the same point can be lumped together:
• Point 1 • Point 2 • Point 3 • Point 4 • Point 5 • Point 6, etc.
Even though such outlines may seem rather primitive, they demonstrate at a glance how the various parts of an essay are connected-that is, the organization and sequence of ideas.
Below is a sentence outline of "Let Them Die":
Point 1: Many ancient languages will die as their last living speakers pass on .
Point 2: It is anticipated that over the next century, half of the world's 6,000
languages will disappear and with them the possibilities of understanding the world
in a unique way.
Point 3: Some anthropologists argue that to preserve a language is essential to
preserving human rights. If a language dies, according to some anthropologists, a
culture and the way of life of a people also dies.
~Supporters of linguistic diversity claim they protect minority groups
from cultural imperialism. But Malik claims that, in fact, their vision is backward-
looking and seeks to preserve the unpreservable .
~Since language is meant to enable communication, says Malik, a
language spoken by one person or just a few is not really a language. Rather, it is
like a private code or child's game.
Point 6: Cultural homogenization by which fewer languages are spoken by
greater numbers of people is actually a good thing, Malik thinks, as it enhances
communication and thereby produces more dynamic cultures.
Point 7: In paragraphs 7 and 8, Malik rejects the idea that a particular
language means that the thinking of the people who speak it is actually shaped by
the language. Rather he says language allows us to speak but does not shape the
views and values that we hold.
14 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
Point 8: Malik points out that romanticizing human differences and claiming
that different groups of people think and feel differently than other groups of
people depending on the language they speak is similar to the notions of racial
differences held by the Nazis. Racial stereotyping is simply being replaced by
cultural stereotyping.
~Those who argue for the preservation of linguistic diversity have good
intentions but are "treading on dangerous ground."
Point 10: Contrary to linguistic campaigners, Malik argues no culture or
language has a God-given right to exist. Although individuals have the right to
choose to speak a language, no one is obligated to listen to them or is obligated to
see that the language is preserved.
Point 11: Some linguists who argue that peoples of the Third World and
minority groups in the West should follow traditional ways of life are actually
relegating these people to a marginal life, excluded from modern society and its
Point 12: Malik says, let those languages on the verge of extinction die.
At this point, you should have a fairly good grasp of the author's stand on the issue. Now let us analyze Malik's essay in its parts and as a whole.
Summarize What You Read
Summarizing is perhaps the most important technique to develop for understand- ing and evaluating what you read. This means boiling the essay down to its main points. In your journal or notebook, try to write a brief (about 100 words) synopsis of the reading in your own words. Note the claim or thesis of the discussion (or ar- gument) and the chief supporting points. It is important to write these points down, rather than to highlight them passively with a pen or pencil, because the act of jot- ting down a summary helps you absorb the argument.
Now let us return to our sample essay. The following brief paragraph is a stu- dent summary of Malik's essay. To avoid plagiarism, the author's words are para- phrased, not copied. At times, it may be impossible to avoid using the author's own words in a summary, but if you do, remember to use quotation marks .
Kenan Malik's article addresses the problem of what to do about vanishing
languages. He rejects the arguments of linguistic preservationists. Preservationists
argue that when a language dies, a culture dies and that modern globalization
How to Read Critically • 15
is eradicating ancient traditions and values that have a fundamental right to
continue to exist. Malik argues that the loss of language is a natural, irreversible
progression. He further argues that, in fact, globalization and with it fewer
languages shared by more people actually enhances communication and human
well-being. Malik argues that by trying to force minority groups, whether they be
in the Third World or in the West, to hang on to ancient languages spoken only
by a few, linguistic preservationists are in fact relegating these people to a life
devoid of the benefits of mainstream culture and, in a sense, freezing them in an
outmoded culture.
Although this paragraph seems to do a fairly good job of summarizing Malik's essay, it is difficult to reduce an essay to a hundred words. So, do not be too dis- couraged when trying to summarize a reading on your own.
Question What You Read
Although we break down critical reading into discrete steps, these steps will naturally overlap in the actual process. While reading the essay by Kenan Ma- lik, you were simultaneously summarizing and evaluating Malik's points in your head, perhaps adding your own ideas or even arguing with him. If something strikes you as particularly interesting or insightful, make a mental note. Like- wise, if something rubs you the wrong way, argue back. For beginning writers, a good strategy is to convert that automatic mental response into actual note taking.
In your journal (or, as suggested earlier, in the margins of the text), question and challenge the writer. Jot down any points in the essay that do not measure up to your expectations or personal views. Note anything you are skeptical about. Write down any questions you have about the claims, views, or evidence. If some point or conclusion seems forced or unfounded, record it and briefly explain why. The more skeptical and questioning you are, the better a reader you are. Likewise, note what features of the essay impressed you-outstanding points, interesting wording, clever or amusing phrases or allusions, particular references, the general structure of the piece. Record what you learn from the reading and what aspects of the issue you would like to explore.
Of course, you may not feel qualified to pass judgment on an author's views, especially if that author is a professional writer or an expert on a particular sub- ject. Sometimes the issue discussed might be too technical, or you may not feel informed enough to make critical evaluations. Sometimes a personal narrative may focus on experiences completely alien to you. Nonetheless, you are an intelligent person with an instinct to determine if the writing impresses you or if an argument is sound, logical , and convincing. What you can do in such instances- and another
16 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
good habit to get into-is think of other views on the issue. If you have read or heard of experiences different from the author's or arguments with opposing views, jot them down. Even if you have not, the essay should contain some inference or reference to alternate experiences or opposing views (if it is an argument) from which you could draw a counterposition.
Let us return to Malik's essay, which, technically, is an argument. Although it is theoretically possible to question or comment on every sentence in the piece, let us select a couple of key points that may have struck you as presumptuous, over- stated, or inconsistent with your own experience.
Paragraphs 1-4: Malik spent the first four paragraphs of the essay summarizing
the impending loss of languages and quoting the reactions of language
preservationists, leading the reader to think this would be a pro-preservationist
piece. It is a real attention-getter when Malik suddenly states, "All seek to preserve
the unpreservable, and all are possessed of an impossibly nostalgic view of what
constitutes a culture or a 'way of life."' I had expected him to be sympathetic about
the loss of language.
Paragraph 4: Malik's tone is dismissive when he refers to the attempts of
campaigners for linguistic diversity to protect "the vulnerable against the nasty
forces of global capitalism" and later compares the campaign with "reactionary,
backward-looking visions, such as William Hague's campaign to 'save the pound."'
Will his sarcastic tone work for or against him? Gives him a superior air.
Paragraph 5: Malik makes preserving a disappearing language sound rather silly
when he says, "A language spoken by one person, or even a few hundred, is not a
language at all. It is a private conceit, like a child's secret code." I do not think
I agree with that. Why would it not be a language if it enables communication?
Paragraph 8: Malik makes an interesting point when he says, "The idea that
French speakers view the world differently from English speakers, because they speak
French, is clearly absurd." But maybe you could argue that they in fact do see the
world differently. Malik does not prove or disprove his statement. He just makes it.
Paragraph 10: I would like to hear the response of Popham, Crystal, Nettle, and
Romaine to Malik's charge that their attitude to language preservation links them
with biological notions of racial difference propagated by the Nazis. Is this not a
How to Read Critically • 17
Paragraph 12: Malik seems to gloss over language suppression used as a tool
to deny a group their rights as in the case of the Kurds and the Turks. Does this
example not prove how powerful language is in terms of conveying a culture and a
value system?
Paragraph 12: Hard to deny Malik's point in this paragraph about the
benefits of modernization. His charge that Nettle and Romaine's views about
language preservation are such that Third World peoples and minority groups in
the West would live marginalized lives makes one stop and think. In linguistic
preservationists' view, are we asking these people to live in a time capsule and let
the 21st c.entury pass them by?
Analyze What You Read
To analyze something means breaking it down into its components, examining those components closely and evaluating their significance, and determining how they relate as a whole. In part, you already did this by briefly outlining the essay. But there is more, because analyzing what you read involves interpreting and evaluat- ing the points of a discussion or argument as well as its presentation-that is, its language and structure. Ultimately, analyzing an essay after establishing its gist will help you understand what may not be evident at first. A closer examination of the author's words takes you beneath the surface and sharpens your understanding of the issue at hand.
Although there is no set procedure for analyzing a piece of prose, here are some specific questions you should raise when reading an essay, especially one that is trying to sway you to its view:
• What kind of audience is the author addressing?
• What are the author's assumptions about his audience?
• What are the author's purposes and intentions?
• How well does the author accomplish those purposes?
• How convincing is the evidence presented? Is it sufficient and specific? Relevant?
Reliable? Current? Slanted?
• How good are the sources of the evidence used? Were they based. on personal
experience, scientific data, or outside authorities?
• Does the author address opposing views on the issue?
• Is the author persuasive in his or her perspective?
18 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
What Kind of Audience Is Being Addressed?
Before the first word is written, a good writer considers the makeup of his or her audience- that is, its age group, gender, ethnic and racial makeup, educational background, and socioeconomic status. Also considered are the values, prejudices, and assumptions of the readers, as well as their political and religious persuasions. Some writers, including several in this book, write for a target audience-readers who share the same interests, opinions, and prejudices. For example, many of the essays in Chapter 9, "Political Wordplay," were written for people familiar with current events and issues. Other writers write for a general audience. Although general audiences consist of very different people with diversified backgrounds, expectations, and standards, think of them as the people who read Time, News- week, and your local newspaper; that is, people whose average age is 35, whose educational level is high school plus two years of college, who make up the vast middle class of America, who politically stand in the middle of the road, and whose racial and ethnic origins span the world. You can assume they are generally informed about what is going on in the country, that they have a good comprehen- sion of language and a sense of humor, and that they are willing to listen to new ideas.
Kenan Malik's essay appeared in Prospect, a publication with a reputation as a highly intellectual magazine of current affairs and cultural debate. The publication describes its readership as mature, educated, affluent, and discerning. Many of the readers are professionally accomplished and intellectually curious. A closer look at Malik' s essay tells us more:
• The language sounds like the essay is written for an educated audience with, most
likely, a college education.
• The tone suggests that he is appealing to a conservative audience-people who
might sympathize with Malik's idea that the attempt to preserve minority languages
on the verge of extinction is a rather futile and fruitless endeavor.
• Malik makes references to and assumes his reader is, if not familiar with, at least
interested in, the writings of linguists such as Suzanne Romaine, anthropologists
such as Daniel Nettle, and historians such as Miguel Leon-Portilla. He also makes
references to the German critic and poet Johann von Herder and to John Stuart Mill.
He makes references to historical events such as the Holocaust, the oppression of
Turkish Kurds today, and to the separatist movements past and present of the
Bretons and the Basques. He expects his audience to know some world history.
• Malik addresses readers who would be interested in an argument calling for some
knowledge of language, philosophy, as well as history.
How to Read Critically • 19
What Are the Author's Assumptions?
Having a sense of one's audience leads writers to certain assumptions. If a writer is writing to a general-but highly educated- audience, like Malik's, then he or she can assume a certain level of awareness about language and current events, certain val- ues about education and morality, and certain nuances of an argument. After going through Malik's essay, we can see he makes some assumptions about his audience:
• The examples supporting the thesis assume an audience familiar with and concerned
about current language debates, and 20th-century world history.
• When Malik says campaigners for linguistic diversity "portray themselves as liberal
defenders of minority rights, protecting the vulnerable against the nasty forces of
global capitalism," and when he later describes them as "bemoaning 'cultural homog-
enization,"' he assumes the audience is conservative and may believe that the push
to preserve dying languages is naiVe and out of touch with reality. He may also
assume the audience shares his sometimes caustic sense of humor.
• The references to the writings of linguists, anthropologists, philosophers, and historic
events such as the Holocaust, as well as to 19th-century Romantic notions of cultural
differences, show that Malik assumes his audience is widely read and curious.
What Are the Author's Purpose and Intentions?
A writer writes for a purpose beyond wanting to show up in print. Sometimes it is simply expressing how the writer feels about something; sometimes the intention is to convince others to see things in a different light; sometimes the purpose is to persuade readers to change their views or behavior. Of the Malik essay, it might be said that the author had the following intentions:
• To illustrate that, yes, many of the 6,000 languages spoken currently are on the
verge of extinction.
• To argue that attempts to preserve dying languages in the name of linguistic
diversity are futile and misguided.
• To impress upon the reader that the function of language most simply put is to communi-
cate. Thus, the fewer languages spoken the more likely true communication can occur.
• To dispel the concept that the preservation of a particular language is an inalienable
human right.
• To argue that if some languages are on the verge of extinction, "let them die in peace."
20 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
How Well Does the Author Accomplish Those Purposes?
Determining how well an author accomplishes such purposes may seem subjective, but in reality it comes down to how well the case is presented. Is the thesis clear? Is it well laid out or argued? Are the examples sharp and convincing? Is the author's conclusion a logical result of what came before? Now let us return to Malik's essay:
• He paints a very clear picture of the reality that many languages are disappearing.
• He keeps to his point for most of his essay.
• He makes his major points in a style that is blunt, succinct, and often humorous.
• He cites quotations from books and articles of those he opposes to present their
point of view.
• His opinions regarding language diversity are emphatically stated.
• He sometimes wanders into highly speculative territory. He points out similarities
between the thinking of language campaigners and 19th-century Romantic notions
about race. He then goes on to link the thinking of language campaigners to that of
those responsible for the Holocaust. That is a sobering stretch.
How Convincing Is the Evidence Presented? Is It Sufficient and Specific? Relevant? Reliable? Not Dated? Slanted?
Convincing writing depends on convincing evidence-that is, sufficient and relevant facts along with proper interpretations of facts. Facts are pieces of information that can be verified-such as statistics, examples, personal experience, expert testimony, and historical details. Proper interpretations of such facts must be logical and sup- ported by relevant data. For instance, it is a fact that the SAT verbal scores in America slipped a few points in 2010. One interpretation might be that students are spending less time reading and more time on the Internet or watching TV than in the past. But without hard statistics documenting the viewing habits of a sample of students, that interpretation is shaky, the result of a writer jumping to conclusions. ·
Is the Evidence Sufficient and Specific? Writers use evidence on a routine basis, but sometimes it may not be sufficient. Sometimes the conclusions reached have too little evidence to be justified. Sometimes writers make hasty generalizations based solely on personal experience as evidence. How much evidence is enough? It is hard to say, but the more specific the details, the more convincing the argu- ment. Instead of generalizations, good writers cite figures, dates, and facts; instead of paraphrases, they quote experts verbatim.
Is the Evidence Relevant? Good writers select evidence based on how well it sup- ports the point being argued, not on how interesting, novel, or humorous it is. For instance, if you were arguing that Alex Rodriguez is the greatest living baseball
How to Read Critically • 21
player, you would not mention that he was born in New York City and was ru- mored in the press to have dated pop singer Madonna. Those are facts, but they have nothing to do with Rodriguez's athletic abilities. Irrelevant evidence distracts readers and weakens an argument.
Is the Evidence Reliable? Not Dated? Evidence should not be so vague or dated that it fails to support one's claim. For instance, it would not be accurate to say that Candidate Jones fails to support the American worker because 15 years ago she purchased a foreign car. It is her current actions that are more important. Readers expect writers to be specific enough with data for them to verify. A writer supporting animal rights may cite cases of rabbits blinded in drug research, but such tests have been outlawed in the United States for many years. Another may point to medical research that appears to abuse human subjects, but not name the researchers, the place, or the year of such testing. Because readers may have no way of verifying evidence, suspicious claims will weaken an argument.
Is the Evidence Slanted? Sometimes writers select evidence that supports their case while ignoring evidence that does not. Often referred to as "stacking the deck," this practice is unfair and potentially self-defeating for a writer. Although some evidence may have merit, an argument will be dismissed if readers discover that evidence was slanted or suppressed. For example, suppose you heard a class- mate claim that he would never take a course with Professor Sanchez because she gives surprise quizzes, assigns 50 pages of reading a night, and does not grade on a curve. Even if these reasons are true, that may not be the whole truth. You might discover that Professor Sanchez is a dynamic and talented teacher whose classes are stimulating. Withholding that information may make an argument sus- pect. A better strategy is to acknowledge counterevidence and to confront it-that is, to strive for a balanced presentation by raising views and evidence that may not be supportive of your own.
How Good Are the Sources of the Evidence Used? Were They Based on Personal Experience, Scientific Data, or Outside Authorities?
Writers enlist four basic kinds of evidence to support their views or arguments: personal experience (theirs and others'), outside authorities, factual references and examples, and statistics. In your own writing, you will be encouraged to use com- binations of these.
Personal testimony should not be underestimated. Think of the books you have read or movies you have seen based on word-of-mouth recommendations. (Maybe even the school you are attending!) Personal testimony provides eyewitness ac- counts not available to you or readers-and sometimes eyewitness accounts are the most persuasive kind of evidence. Suppose you are writing about the rising alco- hol abuse on college campuses. In addition to statistics and hard facts, quoting the experience of a first-year student who nearly died one night from alcohol poison- ing would add dramatic impact. Although personal observations are useful and valuable, writers must not draw hasty conclusions from them. Because you and a
22 • Introduction: Thinking and Reading Critically
couple of friends are in favor of replacing letter grades with a pass-fail system does not support the claim that the student body at your school is in favor of the conversion.
Outside authorities are people recognized as experts in a given field. The appeal to such authorities is a powerful tool in writing, especially for writers wanting to per- suade readers of their views. We hear it all the time: "In a paper published in Nature magazine, scientists from MIT argued that ... ," "Scholars inform us that .... ," "According to his biographer, David Herbert Donald, Abraham Lincoln . ... " Although experts try to be objective and fair-minded, sometimes their testimony is biased. You would not turn to scientists working for tobacco companies for unbiased opinions on lung cancer, for example.
Factual references and examples do as much to inform as to persuade. If some- body wants to sell you something, they will pour on the details. Think of the televi- sion commercials that show sport utility vehicles climbing rocky mountain roads while a narrator lists all the great standard features-permanent four-wheel drive, alloy wheels, second-generation airbags, power brakes, cruise control, and so on- or the cereal "infomercials" in which manufacturers explain how their new Yumm- Os now have 15 percent more fiber to help prevent cancer. Although readers may not have the expertise to determine which data are useful, they are often convinced by the sheer weight of the evidence-like courtroom juries judging a case.
Statistics impress people. Saying that 77 percent of your school's student body approves of women in military combat roles is much more persuasive than saying "a lot of people do." Why? Because statistics have a no-nonsense authority. Batting averages, polling results, economic indicators, medical and FBI statistics, demo- graphic percentages-they are all reported in numbers. If accurate, they are hard to argue with, although they can be used to mislead. If somebody claims that 139 people on campus protested the appearance of a certain controversial speaker, it would be a distortion of the truth not to mention that another 1,500 attended the talk and gave the speaker a standing ovation. Likewise, the manufacturer that claims that its potato chips are 100 percent cholesterol free misleads the public, because no potato chips cooked in vegetable oil contain cholesterol- which is found only in animal fats . That is known as the "bandwagon" use of statistics-in other words, appealing to crowd-pleasing, healthy-eating awareness.
Now let's examine briefly Malik's sources of evidence:
• Malik uses statistics and personal experience very effectively in his opening para-
graphs to establish the extent of language extinction.
• Malik uses common sense to persuasive effect when he defines the purpose of
language-"The whole point of a language is to enable communication." To squelch
the idea that the protection of fading languages is an inalienable human right, Malik
uses the same blunt, commonsense approach, writing, "An individual certainly has
the right to speak whatever language he or she wants .... But it is not incumbent
on anyone to listen to them, nor to provide resources for the preservation of e1ther
their language or their culture."
How to Read Critically • 23
• Malik cites and quotes directly from the works of those whose ideas he opposes.
• Malik risks losing his audience at times with a somewhat academic discussion of the
similarities between the 19th-century Romantic idea of human differences and the
campaign to preserve languages. He also links the idea that language identifies a
people to some of the notions of racial differences responsible for the Holocaust.
• Malik evaluates the consequences of the recommendations of the "linguistic
campaigners," as he calls them. He quotes their ideas that minority people and Third
World people should follow "local ways of life" and "pursue traditional knowledge."
He fires back, "This is tantamount to saying that such people should live a marginal
life, excluded from the modern mainstream to which the rest of us belong."
Did the Author Address Opposing Views on the Issue?
Many of the essays in this book will, in varying degrees, try to persuade you to agree with the author's position or argument. But, of course, any slant on atopic can have multiple points of view. In developing their ideas, good writers will an- ticipate different and opposing views. They will cite contrary opinions, maybe even evidence unsupportive of their own position. Not to do so leaves their own stand open to counterattack, as well as to claims of nai:Vete and ignorance. This is particularly damaging when arguing some controversial issue. Returning to the Malik essay:
• Malik establishes the opposing point of view by quoting extensively from books and
articles written by linguists and anthropologists who are authorities in his field. He
does not shy away from stating the points of view of those he disagrees with.
Is the Author's Perspective Persuasive?
Style and content make for persuasive writing. Important points are how well a paper is composed-the organization, the logic, the quality of thought, the presen- tation of evidence, the use of language, the tone of discussion-and the details and evidence. Turning to Malik's essay, we might make the following observation:
• Malik is very persuasive in convincing his audience that language loss is a natural
progression in the human experience. Rather than seeking to preserve dying
languages, we should accept their loss as inevitable. Not only that, pressuring
small minorities to hang on to their language actually hinders a people's progress
by relegating them to a marginal lifestyle, outside the mainstream .