Obj-Orient Prog
The credit plan at TidBit Computer Store specifies a 10% down payment and an annual interest rate of 12%. Monthly payments are 5% of the listed purchase price, minus the down payment. Write a program that uses a textbox for the user to enter the purchase price. The program should display a table in a listbox of a payment schedule for the lifetime of the loan. Each row of the table should contain the following items:
· The month number (beginning with 1)
· The current total balance owed
· The interest owed for that month
· The amount of principal owed for that month
· The payment for that month
· The balance remaining after payment
The amount of interest for a month is equal to balance * rate / 12. The amount of principal for a month is equal to the monthly payment minus the interest owed.
Add the following comments to the beginning of the program.
Name: Your Name
Class and Section: CS 165 02
Assignment: Program Assignment 04
Due Date: See above
Date Turned in:
Program Description: You write a short description of what the program will do