6) Which passage shows the influence of the gods on the outcome of the duel between Arcite and Palamon?
a. The altar fires began to burn so bright / That Mars's temple soon was all alight.The floor gave up an odor sweet and grand.
b. The statue's hauberk then began to ring, / And with the sound was heard a murmuring: Though low and dim, and word was "Victory!"
c. A Fury sent from Pluto bounded right / Out of the ground (sent by request, of course, / Of Saturn), which so frightened Arcite's horse / It turned and reared
d. “Mine's the ruin of many high built halls, / The falling of the towers and the walls / On carpenter and miner.”
7) Which passage best illustrates the chivalrous behavior Arcite exhibits toward Palamon, just before his death?
a. But I bequeath the service of my spirit / To you above all creatures on the earth, / Since now my life must end, for what it's worth.
b. In all this world right now I know of none / So worthy to be loved as Palamon, / Who serves you and will do so all his life.
c. Alas, the woe, alas, the pain so strong / That for you I have suffered for so long!
d. Accept, I pray, my humble sacrifice.
8) Which passage explains why Arcite is upset when he is released from prison?
a. Fate's passed to you the dice to seek the prize, / You have her sight, which I no more shall see.
b. Of sleep and meat and drink he had so little / That lean and dry he grew, shaftlike and brittle; / His eyes were hollow, ghastly to behold, / His sallow skin like ashes pale and cold…
c. Now when he had endured a year or so / This cruel torment, all this pain and woe...
d. So feeble were his spirits and so low / That, if he spoke, no man would ever know / Him by his speech or voice, he had so changed.