How Can We Characterize Contemporary
Joseph Stiglitz, “Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society”
(New Humanities Reader)
Franklin Foer, “Mark Zuckerberg’s War on Free Will” (linked on Sakai as
an excerpt from World Without Mind)
Karen Ho, “Biographies of Hegemony” (New Humanities Reader)
In all three essays listed above, we see examples of small “elite” groups that
wield both financial power and significant, sometimes unacknowledged
influence over others. Taking into account the power granted to these
groups by technological factors, regulatory capture, financial dominance, or
even just the widespread perception of elite status, please provide an
answer to the following question in an essay that makes use of evidence
from all three texts:
How can we characterize contemporary
Revised 8/18
Condensed Grading Criteria for Analytic Essays in 355:100, 101, 103, 201, & 301 For extended descriptions of these criteria, visit:
Articulates original, complex, and specific thesis in essay’s opening
Confidently acknowledges and incorporates essay’s broader stakes and implications
May embrace and incorporate questions that complicate or challenge thesis to refine overarching claim
Confidently close-reads textual evidence to arrive at original interpretive insights
Clear sense that essay contributes to ongoing intellectual conversation
May employ unanticipated interpretive contexts to make textual connections
Compelling progressive development of thesis throughout paragraphs
Transitions confidently communicate relations between essay’s multiple parts
Deliberate and effective use of topic sentences and other structural “signposts”
Exhibits evidence of proofreading
Includes few citational and/or formatting errors
May exhibit eloquent prose style
Articulates original, independent thesis in essay’s opening
Advances conceptually complex interpretive position
Begins to acknowledge essay’s broader stakes and implications
Engages a variety of textual evidence with confidence and authority
Cites texts to both support and complicate or refine thesis
Exhibits willingness to take interpretive risks when close-reading and making connections
Consistent progressive development of thesis throughout paragraphs
Effective use of topic sentences and transitions
May begin to incorporate explicit structural “signposts”
Articulates thesis in essay’s opening Advances clear interpretive position Thesis may be conceptually limited or
developed in a repetitive way
Engages a variety of textual evidence Cites texts to provide support for thesis Takes some interpretive risks when close-
reading and making connections
Progressive development of thesis throughout paragraphs
Structure of essay is deliberate and logical Clear effort to use topic sentences and
transitions throughout
Evidence of emerging independent thesis, but not clearly articulated in essay’s opening
Takes interpretive position at least once, and begins to sustain that position throughout essay
Thesis may be implicit or underdeveloped
Includes several moments of close-reading and uses adequate textual evidence
Begins to engage more complicated ideas in texts
Connections made within a text or between texts may be implicit or underdeveloped
Accurate sense of purpose and conventions of a paragraph
Begins to exhibit progressive development of thesis throughout paragraphs
Topic sentences and transitions begin to emerge, but may be underdeveloped or inconsistently employed
Takes interpretive position at least once Thesis may be imprecise or general Thesis may emerge at end of essay
following discussion of textual evidence
Makes effort to close-read at least once Accurate reading comprehension and
appropriate use of textual evidence Begins to make valid connections within a
text or between texts
Basic sense of purpose and conventions of a paragraph
Progressive development between paragraphs may be implicit or unclear
Some paragraphs may begin to exhibit emerging topic sentences
Exhibits little or no evidence of proofreading
Syntactical or semantic errors consistently impede meaning
Inadequate or missing citation of sources
No thesis in evidence Emerging thesis may be overwhelmed by
summary, paraphrase, or generalization Lacks meaningful connection between texts
and emerging thesis Demonstrates insufficient revision from
rough draft to final draft
Little or no evidence of close-reading Miscomprehends or misinterprets texts Overgeneralizes about texts Privileges writer’s opinions, anecdotes, or
extraneous material
Inaccurate or unclear sense of purpose and conventions of a paragraph
Minimal or no progressive development between paragraphs
Employs few or no topic sentences May rely on “five-paragraph essay” model