AUS. I 3. Compare glycerol with ethanol. a. They both contain 3 carbons in the skeleton. b. They both have the hydroxy on an interior carbon. Glycerol is a long chain alcohol; ethanol is a short chain alcohol. d. Glycerol is a triol; ethanol is not a triol. Ans: C 4. What is the correct IUPAC name for the following compound? CH3CH2CHCH2 CH3 CH2 он a. 3-methylpentanol b. 2-ethyl-1-butanol C. 2-ethylbutanol d. 1-ethyl-2-butanol Ans: 5. What is the correct IUPAC name for compound shown below? OH a. 1,3-cyclopentadiol b. 1,4-cyclopentanediol c. 1,3-cyclopentanediol d. 1,4-cyclopentadiol
6. What is the correct classification for this alcohol? CH3 CH3 CH2-CH-CH-CH3 он a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. Quaternary Ans: 7. Which of the following best represents hydrogen bonding in methanol a. CH3-
C. alkane d. alkyl halide Ans: (B) 10. What conditions must be used to carry out the following reaction? 2CH,CH,CH-OH + CH2CH2-O-CH,CH, + HO a. H.SO., 180°C b. H2SO4, 140°C C. HCI D. NaOH
d. NaOH Ans: 11. What is the organic product of the following reaction: OH CH;CHCH2CH3 + (0) - a. 8 HC-CH2CH2CH3 b. H,C=CHCH,CH, C. 8 CH3C-CH2CH3 d. CHOCH,CH,CH, Ans: 12. Rubbing alcohol contains the alcohol a. CH CH(OH)CH b. CH C(OH)(CH3)2 C. CH,CH,CH,OH d. CH C(OH)(CH3)2 Ans: 13. The phenol used in some mouthwashes and throat lozenges is a. cannabinol b. cresol c. hexachlorophene (d) hexylresorcinol Ans: D 14. When phenol dissolves in water, it functions as