Fill in each of the four sound devices with two examples from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In the last column, explain what effect you think the sound device / example has on the overall tone, mood, or theme of the poem. What emotions do these sound devices evoke?
Prewriting Worksheet
Student has completed prewriting worksheet fully and thoughtfully.
Student has completed the worksheet. A few answers do not show thoughtfulness.
Student has completed the worksheet. Several answers do not show thoughtfulness.
Student has completed the worksheet. Most answers do not show thoughtfulness.
Student has not completed the worksheet.
Ideas and Content
Clearly addresses significant themes from novel, provides relevant and insightful supportive quotes and examples from text.
Clearly addresses themes from novel, provides relevant supportive quotes and examples from text,.
Addresses themes from novel, provides some supportive quotes and examples from text.
Somewhat addresses themes from novel, provides few supportive quotes or examples from text.
Does not address themes from novel, does not provide supportive quotes or examples from text.
The paper follows a clear and logical train of thought related to thesis and effectively uses transitions.
The paper follows a logical train of thought related to thesis and uses transitions.
The paper follows a train of thought related to thesis with some transitions.
The paper does not follow a train of thought related to thesis and uses few transitions.
The paper does not follow train of thought related to thesis and fails to use transitions.
Fully engages the reader, uses colorful language, strong tone, voice, point of view.
Engages the reader, uses colorful language, good tone, voice, point of view.
Somewhat engages the reader, sometimes uses colorful language, inconsistent but appropriate tone, voice, point of view.
Rarely engages the reader, does not use colorful language, lacking appropriate tone, voice, point of view.
Does not engage the reader, does not use colorful language, lacking appropriate tone, voice, point of view.
Uses perfect citation, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, fonts, layout, length.
Uses correct citation, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, fonts, layout, length.
Generally uses citation, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, fonts, layout, length.
Uses poor citation, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, fonts, layout, length.
Uses incorrect citation, format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, fonts, layout, length.