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Managing the Diverse Workforce “e pluribus unum”
Learning Objectives
After studying Chapter 11, you will be able to:
1. Describe how changes in the U.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue. p. 384 2. Distinguish between affirmative action and managing diversity. p. 394 3. Explain how diversity, if well managed, can give organizations a competitive edge. p. 395 4. Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. p. 398 5. Define monolithic, pluralistic, and multicultural organizations. p. 400 6. List steps managers and their organizations can take to cultivate diversity. p. 402
Chapter Outline
Diversity: A Brief History Diversity Today
The Size of the Workforce The Workers of the Future The Age of the Workforce
Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action Competitive Advantage through Diversity and Inclusion Challenges of Diversity and Inclusion
Multicultural Organizations How Organizations Can Cultivate a Diverse Workforce
Top Management’s Leadership and Commitment Organizational Assessment Attracting Employees Training Employees Retaining Employees
Management CloseUp: Can Jimmie Paschall Uphold Marriott International’s Legacy of Diversity?
Marriott International traces its origins to a rootbeer stand opened in 1927 by J. Willard Marriott and his wife Alice in Washington, DC. Even then, the Marriotts were focused on providing hospitality. Today, Marriott International is one of the world’s leading lodging companies, with 300,000 associates and nearly 3,000 properties in the United States and 67 other countries and territories. How did the Marriotts achieve such success?
Then as now, the Marriotts believed that taking care of the customer begins with taking care of their associates. As the Marriott empire grew, top managers recognized that embracing the fundamental differences in their workers would be important to building broadbased customer service tailored to all of their customers—what the company calls “culturally competent” customer service. To help associates understand and appreciate cultural differences, Marriott established the company’s diversity program in 1989. Today, three of every five Marriott associates are members of a minority group. Women make up 55 percent of the workforce.
By making diversity a central feature in the company’s operations, Marriott International has set the standard—and created a competitive advantage—in the hospitality industry. As you read this chapter, consider what managers need to know to work with employees of highly diverse backgrounds. What special challenges face global diversity officer Jimmie Walton Paschall as she moves Marriott to the next level?
Diversity training is mandated for all new Marriott employees. Aside from race and ethnicity, the program includes training in generational diversity. Offered monthly, the program is widely regarded and duplicated by other employers. To further support diversity in its workforce, Marriott sponsors 11 employeeresource groups. Each specialinterest group has been operating for more than a decade and includes seniorexecutive champions who oversee the groups. The groups help the company recruit and retain associates from traditionally underrepresented population segments.
In an effort to extend Marriott’s U.S.based diversity program throughout the organization, the company created the position of global diversity officer and named Jimmie Walton Paschall to the post. 1
In Chapter 10, we described the laws that require equal opportunity and fair treatment in the workplace. In this chapter, we discuss why a proactive approach to developing and managing a diverse workforce has become not only a legal or moral obligation, but a fundamental business requirement as well. Executives at Marriott International point to their company’s exemplary record on diversity as a key element in its success. Managers who lack the ability to work with and effectively manage men and women of different colors, cultures, ages, abilities, and backgrounds will be at a significant disadvantage in their careers. And organizations that do not take the issue of managing diversity seriously will leave their organizations not only open to legal challenge but also far less able to compete effectively, at home and abroad.
In the United States, as we shall see, the number of racial and ethnic minorities is increasing at a far faster rate than the growth in the white, nonminority population, and women make up a sizable share of the workforce. American workers, customers, and markets are already highly diverse and becoming even more so every day. In addition, as we discussed in Chapter 6, businesses are increasingly global. Managers need to be much more aware of, and sensitive to, cultural differences to succeed in a world economy. We have also discussed throughout this book how vital creativity and innovation have become for organization success. These qualities are fostered in an atmosphere where different perspectives and bright people from all walks of life are celebrated. Few societies have access to the range of talents available in the United States, with its immigrant tradition and racially and ethnically diverse population. Yet getting people from widely divergent backgrounds to work together effectively is not easy. For this reason, managing diversity is one of America’s biggest challenges—and opportunities.
Managing diversity involves, first, such basic activities as recruiting, training, promoting, and utilizing to full advantage individuals with different
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backgrounds, beliefs, capabilities, and cultures. But it means more than just hiring women and minorities and making sure they are treated equally and encouraged to succeed. It also means understanding and deeply valuing employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organization.
This chapter examines the meaning of diversity and the management skills and organizational processes involved in managing the diverse workforce effectively. We also explore the social and demographic changes and economic and employment shifts that are creating this changing U.S. workforce.
Diversity: A Brief History Managing diversity is not a new management issue. From the late 1800s to the early 1900s, most of the groups that immigrated to the United States were from Italy, Poland, Ireland, and Russia. Members of those groups were considered outsiders because most did not speak English and had different customs and work styles. They struggled, often violently, to gain acceptance in industries such as steel, coal, automobile manufacturing, insurance, and finance. In the 1800s, it was considered poor business practice for white Protestant–dominated insurance companies to hire Irish, Italians, Catholics, or Jews. As late as the 1940s, and in some cases even later than that, colleges routinely discriminated against immigrants, Catholics, and Jews, establishing strict quotas that limited their number, if any were admitted at all. The employment prospects of these groups were severely diminished by this kind of discrimination, and it wasn’t until the 1960s that the struggle for acceptance by the various white ethnic and religious groups had on the whole succeeded.
Women’s struggle for acceptance in the workplace was in some ways even more difficult. When the Women’s Rights Movement was launched in Seneca Falls in 1848, most occupations were offlimits to women, and colleges and professional schools were totally closed to them. Women could not vote and lost all property rights once they were married. In the first part of the 20th century, when women began to be accepted into professional schools, they were subject to severe quotas. There was also a widespread, persistent assumption that certain jobs were done only by men, and other jobs only by women. Even into the 1970s, less than 40 years ago, classified ad sections in newspapers listed different jobs by sex, with sections headed “Help Wanted—Males” and “Help Wanted—Females.” Women who wanted a bank loan needed a male cosigner, and married women were not issued credit cards in their own name.2 Only when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (see Chapter 10) and other legislation began to be enforced was this kind of sex discrimination gradually eliminated. As we shall see, women are still underrepresented at the most senior levels of corporate life, and major disparities in other areas, like pay, still exist. But most jobs today once considered the exclusive province of men—including frontline military units as well as the executive suite—are now open to and occupied by increasing numbers of women.
Many of the rights all of us take for granted today—equal opportunity, fair treatment in housing, the illegality of religious, racial, and sex discrimination—received their greatest impetus from the Civil Rights Movement.
© Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LCU91036437.
The most difficult and wrenching struggle for equality involved America’s nonwhite minorities. Rigid racial segregation remained a fact of American life for 100 years after the end of the Civil War. Black voting rights, particularly in the South, were often viciously suppressed, and racial discrimination in education, employment, and housing throughout the United States was a harsh, daily reality. Years of difficult, courageous protest and struggle gradually began to eat away at both legal and social barriers to equality. Organizations like the NAACP, formed by a group of blacks and whites, began to use America’s court system and the Constitution to bring equality to African Americans and other people of color. The unanimous Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954 declared segregation unconstitutional, setting the stage for other legislation we discussed in the last chapter, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The consequences of America’s bitter racial legacy are still with us; the struggle for equality is far from complete. But many of the rights all of us take for granted today—equal opportunity, fair treatment in housing, the illegality of religious, racial, and sex discrimination —received their greatest impetus from the Civil Rights Movement.
Today, nearly half of the U.S. workforce consists of women, 14 percent of U.S. workers identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino, and 11 percent are black. Twothirds of all global migration is into the United States. Onethird of all businesses in the United States are owned by women, employing about 20 percent of America’s workers.3
The traditional American image of diversity has been one of assimilation. The United States was considered the “melting pot” of the world, a country in which ethnic and racial differences were blended into an American purée. In real life, many ethnic and most racial groups retained their identities, but they did not express them at work. Employees often abandoned most of their ethnic and cultural distinctions while at work to keep their jobs and get ahead. Many Europeans came to the United States, Americanized their names, perfected their English, and tried to enter the mainstream as quickly as possible.
Today’s immigrants are willing to be part of an integrated team, but they no longer are willing to sacrifice their cultural identities to get ahead. Nor will they have to do so. Companies are recognizing that they should be more accommodating of differences, and that doing so pays off in business. Managers are also realizing that their customers have become increasingly diverse and that retaining a diversified workforce can provide a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Diversity Today LO 1
Today diversity refers to far more than skin color and gender. It is a broad term used to refer to all kinds of differences, as summarized in Figure 11.1. These differences include religious affiliation, age, disability status, military experience, sexual orientation, economic class, educational level, and lifestyle in addition to gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
Figure 11.1 Components of a Diversified Workforce
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Although members of different groups (white males, people born during the Depression, homosexuals, Iraq war veterans, Hispanics, Asians, women, blacks, etc.) share within their groups many common values, attitudes, and perceptions, much diversity also exists within each of these categories. Every group is made up of individuals who are unique in personality, education, and life experiences. There may be more differences among, say, three Asians from Thailand, Hong Kong, and Korea than among a white, an African American, and an Asian all born in Chicago. And not all white males share the same personal or professional goals and values or behave alike.
Thus, managing diversity may seem a contradiction within itself. It means being acutely aware of characteristics common to a group of employees, while also managing these employees as individuals. Managing diversity means not just tolerating or accommodating all sorts of differences, but supporting, nurturing, and utilizing these differences to the organization’s advantage. Borders Books, for example, tries to match up the demographics of its workforce with the demographics of the communities in which its stores operate. Top managers at the company say that sales are better as a result. U.S. businesses will not have a choice of whether to have a diverse workforce; if they want to survive, they must learn to manage a diverse workforce sooner or better than their competitors do.
As Figure 11.2 shows, a sizable number of HR executives say their companies need to or plan to expand their diversity training programs. Although many companies initially instituted diversity programs to prevent discrimination, more are beginning to see such programs as a crucial way to expand their customer bases both domestically and worldwide. In fact, two out of three companies said they had broadened their diversity programs because of increasing globalization, according to a survey of 1,780 HR and training executives by the Bostonbased consulting firm Novations/J. Howard and Associates. A separate survey by Korn/Ferry International showed that approximately 85 percent of European recruiters, 88 percent of recruiters in Asia, and 95 percent of recruiters in Latin America either “strongly agreed” or “somewhat agreed” that being at least bilingual is critical to succeed in today’s business environment.
Figure 11.2 The Expansion of Diversity Programs in U.S. Companies
SOURCE: From Training, September 2004. “Time To Broaden Diversity,” by Gail Johnson. Copyright © 2004 by VNU BUS Publications USA Reproduced with permission of VNU BUS Publications via Copyright Clearance Center.
The Size of the Workforce
During most of its history, the United States experienced a surplus of workers. But that is now expected to change. Lower birthrates in the United States and other developed countries are resulting in a smaller labor force. An even more substantial slowdown in the pace of growth of the labor force is projected for the decade ending in 2016, as the babyboom generation retires.4
Employers are likely to outsource some work to factories and firms in developing nations where birthrates are high and the labor supply is more plentiful. But they will have to compete for the best candidates from a relatively smaller and more diverse U.S. labor pool. Employers will need to know who these new workers are—and must be prepared to meet their needs.
“Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival.”
Rene Dubos
The Workers of the Future
Until recently, white Americanborn males dominated the U.S. workforce. Businesses catered to their needs. However, while this group still constitutes the largest percentage of workers—about 80 percent of U.S. workers are white, and more than half of them are male—its share of the labor force is declining. Although the number of white male workers is expected to continue growing, the number of women and the numbers of Asian American, black, and Hispanic workers are expected to grow faster.5 This significant change in the workforce parallels trends in the overall U.S. population. Recently, the Census Bureau announced that, for the first time, about one in three residents of the United States is a racial or ethnic minority—a unique milestone in the nation’s history. The largest and fastestgrowing minority group is Hispanics, closely followed by African Americans. In several states—California, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Texas—and the District of Columbia, these minority groups plus Asians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders combine to make a population that is “majority minority.”6 These population trends affect not only the nature of the workforce but also the varied customers and
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markets managers must attract.
Gender Issues
One of the most important developments in the U.S. labor market has been the growing number of women working outside the home. Social changes during the 1960s and 1970s coupled with financial necessity caused women to enter the workforce and redefine their roles. Consider this:
Women make up about 47 percent of the workforce. The overall labor force participation rate of women rose throughout the 1970s through the 1990s and is now holding steady even as the participation rate of men gradually declines. Almost 60 percent of marriages are dualearner marriages. One of every four married women in twoincome households earns more than her husband does.7
Irene Rosenfeld has broken through the glass ceiling as CEO of Kraft Foods, overseeing the company with revenues upwards of $30 billion.
© AP Photo/Thibault Camus.
For many women, as well as their spouses, balancing work life with family responsibilities and parenting presents an enormous challenge. Although men’s roles in our society have been changing, women still adopt the bulk of family responsibilities, including homemaking, child care, and care of elderly parents. Yet some companies may still expect their employees, particularly at the managerial level, to put in long hours and sacrifice their personal lives for the sake of their jobs, organizations, and careers. Not only may these expectations put many women at a disadvantage in the workplace, but they also may cause companies to lose valuable talent. Companies that offer their employees the opportunity to balance work and family commitments are better able to recruit and retain women. These companies are offering familyfriendly benefits such as onsite child care, inhome care for elderly family members, and flexible work schedules, and they are taking advantage of newer technologies to permit more work from home. Still, weighing employees’ needs for flexibility against the organization’s need for productivity entails complex decisions that take into account different job requirements, as well as each employee’s contributions and motivation to meet goals under the flexible arrangement. Michele Coleman Mayes, senior vice president and general counsel of Pitney Bowes, agreed to let one attorney leave promptly at five o’clock each evening; the attorney works on her laptop at night as needed to meet her deadlines. But Mayes refused another employee’s request to work parttime because the person in that position needed to be available each day to handle requests for other departments. Mayes tells her employees that scheduling decisions “may not always be equal, but I will try to be fair.”8
The desire for flexible scheduling is often cited as a reason significant pay disparities still exist between men and women. The average fulltime working woman earns about 80 percent as much as men in the same job (recall the discussion in Chapter 10 about equal pay and comparable worth). However, the gap has shrunk most years since the 1970s; women’s earnings were just 63 percent of men’s in 1979. Still, a recent study found that the gap between the earnings of collegeeducated men and women actually increased after they spent 10 years in the workforce. Some of the difference is explained by women tending to choose lowerpaid occupations, work fewer hours, and devote time to bearing and raising children. But even when the researchers controlled for these and other known variables, onequarter of the pay gap remained unexplained. One of the researchers, Catherine Hill, speculated, “Part of the wage difference . . . is employers’ assumptions of what people’s choices will be. . . . Employers assume that young women are going to leave the workforce when they have children, and, therefore, don’t promote them.”9
Another concern involving female workers is the low representation of women in top jobs. As women—along with minorities—move up the corporate ladder, they encounter a “glass ceiling.” The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to move beyond a certain level in the corporate hierarchy. For example, just 12 women are chief executives of Fortune 500 companies—that’s 12 out of 500. Looking at all corporate officers of those companies, 16 percent are women, and less than 2 percent are minority women.10 Still, one positive trend is that women’s leadership is beginning to be seen at a broader range of companies. Besides Andrea Jung at the helm of Avon and Irene Rosenfeld at Kraft Foods, the executive ranks now include the likes of Pat Woertz at Archer Daniels Midland and Ursula Burns at Xerox. Table 11.1. lists top women executives and the companies for which they work.
Table 11.1 The AList: Top Women Executives
Rank Name Company Title 1 Indra Nooyi PepsiCo Chairman and CEO 2 Irene Rosenfeld Kraft Foods CEO 3 Pat Woertz Archer Daniels Midland President and CEO 4 Anne Mulcahy Xerox Chairman 5 Angela Braly Wellpoint President and CEO 6 Andrea Jung Avon Products Chairman and CEO 7 Susan Arnold Procter & Gamble Vice Chair, Beauty and
Health 8 Oprah Winfrey Harpo Chairman 9 Brenda Barnes Sara Lee Chairman and CEO 10 Ursula Burns Xerox CEO 11 Ann Livermore HewlettPackard Exec. VP, Technology
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Solutions Group 12 Anne Sweeney Disney Media Networks CoChair, and
President, Disney–ABC Television Group
13 Susan Desmond Hellmann
Genentech President, Product Development
14 Ginni Rometty IBM Sr. VP, Global Business Services
15 Ellen Kullman DuPont Exec. VP, Safety and Protection, Coating and Color
16 Safra Catz Oracle President 17 Heidi Miller J. P. Morgan Chase CEO, Treasury and
Securities Services 18 Judy McGrath Viacom Chairman and CEO,
MTV Networks 19 Carol Meyrowitz TJX President and CEO 20 Ann Moore Time Inc. Chairman and CEO 21 Christina Gold Western Union President and CEO 22 Amy Brinkley Bank of America Chief Risk Officer 23 Susan Ivey R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Chairman and CEO 24 Colleen Goggins Johnson & Johnson Worldwide Chairman,
Consumer and Personal Care Group
25 Susan Chambers Walmart Exec. VP
SOURCE: Top 25 from “50 Most Powerful Women in Business,” Fortune, October 13, 2008. © 2008 Time Inc. All rights reserved.
The percentage of female CEOs is expected to increase, but only slightly, reaching about 6 percent of Fortune 1000 CEOs by 2016.11
Some companies are helping women break through the glass ceiling. Accenture sponsors monthly networking events for its female employees and offers flexible schedules and parttime arrangements. Such efforts may be behind the results of a survey of managers in which 79 percent of female respondents said they could envision themselves holding a senior management post, compared with only 66 percent feeling that way at the start of their career.12 Table 11.2 shows the best companies for women executives according to the National Association of Female Executives.
Table 11.2 Top 30 Companies for Executive Women
Aetna, Hartford, CT Marriott International, Washington, DC Allstate Insurance, Northbrook, IL Merck & Co., Whitehouse Station, NJ American Electric Power (AEP), Columbus, OH
MetLife, New York, NY
American Express, New York, NY New York Times Co., New York, NY BristolMyers Squibb, New York, NY Office Depot, Delray Beach, FL Chubb & Son, Warren, NJ Patagonia, Ventura, CA ColgatePalmolive, New York, NY Pfizer, New York, NY Federated Department Stores, Cincinnati, OH
Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, IA
Gannett Co., McLean, VA Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH Gap Inc., San Francisco, CA Prudential Financial, Newark, NJ General Mills, Minneapolis, MN Rodale, Emmaus, PA HewlettPackard, Palo Alto, CA Sallie Mae, Reston, VA IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX Kraft Foods, Northfield, IL Walmart Stores, Bentonville, AR Liz Claiborne Inc., North Bergen, NJ Xerox Corporation, Stamford, CT
SOURCE: Re printed courtesy of NAFE (www.nafe.com) and Inkstoneditorial (www.inkstoneditorial.com).
As women have gained more presence and power in the workforce, some have drawn attention to the problem of sexual harassment, which is unwelcome sexual conduct that is a term or condition of employment. Sexual harassment falls into two different categories. The first, quid pro quo harassment, occurs when “submission to or rejection of sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions.” The second type of harassment, hostile environment, occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct “has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.” Behaviors that can cause a hostile work environment include persistent or pervasive displays of pornography, lewd or suggestive remarks, or demeaning taunts or jokes. Both categories of harassment violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, regardless of the sex of the harasser and the victim; in a recent year, more than 15 percent of complaints filed with the federal government came from males. If an employee files a complaint of sexual harassment with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the commission may investigate and, if it finds evidence for the complaint, may request mediation, seek a settlement, or file a lawsuit with the potential for stiff fines—and negative publicity that may damage the company’s ability to recruit the best employees in the future.
Harassment by creation of a hostile work environment is now more typical than quid pro quo harassment. But because it may involve more subjective standards of behavior, it puts an extra burden on managers to maintain an appropriate work environment by ensuring that all employees know what conduct is and is not appropriate and that there are serious consequences for this behavior. In fact, even when managers do not themselves engage in harassment, if they fail to prevent it or to take appropriate action after receiving legitimate complaints about it, they may still be held liable, along with their companies, if a lawsuit is filed. It is also important for managers to know that the “hostile work environment” standard applies to samesex harassment, as well as to nongenderrelated cases, such as a pattern of racial or ethnic slurs. Teenaged workers are a particularly vulnerable population, because they
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are inexperienced, tend to hold lowerstatus jobs, and often feel hesitant or embarrassed to speak up. The federal EEOC has made this concern a priority and launched a teenfocused page called “Youth at Work” on its Web site (at http://www.youth.eeoc.gov). The National Restaurant Association and National Retail Federation also have stepped up efforts to protect teens from harassment.13
One way managers can help their companies prevent harassment from arising, or avoid punitive damages if a lawsuit is filed, is to make sure their organizations have an effective and comprehensive policy on harassment in place. Table 11.3 shows the basic components of such a policy. Companies such as Avon, Corning, and MetroGoldwynMayer have found that a strong commitment to diversity leads to fewer problems with sexual harassment.14
Table 11.3 Basic Components of an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy
1. Develop a comprehensive organizationwide policy on sexual harassment and present it to all current and new employees. Stress that sexual harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Emphasis is best achieved when the policy is publicized and supported by top management.
2. Hold training sessions with supervisors to explain Title VII requirements, their role in providing an environment free of sexual harassment, and proper investigative procedures when charges occur.
3. Establish a formal complaint procedure in which employees can discuss problems without fear of retaliation. The complaint procedure should spell out how charges will be investigated and resolved.
4. Act immediately when employees complain of sexual harassment. Communicate widely that investigations will be conducted objectively and with appreciation for the sensitivity of the issue.
5. When an investigation supports employee charges, discipline the offender at once. For extremely serious offenses, discipline should include penalties up to and including discharge. Discipline should be applied consistently across similar cases and among managers and hourly employees alike.
6. Follow up on all cases to ensure a satisfactory resolution of the problem.
SOURCE: From George Bohlander, Scott Snell, and Arthur Sherman, Managing Human Resources, 12th ed. Copyright © 2001. Reprinted by permission of SouthWestern, a division of Thomson Learning, www.thomsonrights.com. Fax 800 7322215.
Before moving on, it is important to note that gender issues and the changing nature of work do not apply just to women. In some ways, the changing status of women has given men the opportunity to redefine their roles, expectations, and lifestyles. Some men are deciding that there is more to life than corporate success and are choosing to scale back work hours and commitments to spend time with their families. Worker values are shifting toward personal time, quality of life, selffulfillment, and family. Workers today, both men and women, are looking to achieve a balance between career and family.
Minorities and Immigrants
In addition to gender issues, the importance and scope of diversity are evident in the growth of racial minorities and immigrants in the workforce. Consider these facts:
Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers hold more than one of every four jobs in the United States. Asian and Hispanic workforces are growing the fastest in the United States, followed by the African American workforce. Three in 10 college enrollees are people of color. By 2020, most of California’s entrylevel workers will be Hispanic. English has become the second language for much of the population in California, Texas, and Florida. Foreignborn workers make up more than 15 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force. About half of these workers are Hispanic, and 22 percent are Asian. The younger Americans are, the more likely they are to be persons of color. One in 40 people in the United States identifies himself or herself as multiracial, and the number could soar to 1 in 5 by 2050.15
These numbers indicate that the term minority, as it is used typically, may soon become outdated. Particularly in urban areas where white males do not predominate, managing diversity means more than eliminating discrimination; it means capitalizing on the wide variety of skills available in the labor market. Organizations that do not take full advantage of the skills and capabilities of minorities and immigrants are severely limiting their potential talent pool and their ability to understand and capture minority markets. Those markets are growing rapidly. As the minority share of the population expands, so does their share of purchasing power. And if you sell to businesses, you are likely to deal with some minorityowned companies, because the number of businesses started by Asian American, African American, and Hispanic entrepreneurs is growing much faster than the overall growth in new companies in the United States. For example, more than half of the companies that started in California’s hightech Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants, and in a recent year, onefourth of patent applications in the United States identified an immigrant as the inventor or a coinventor.16
In many urban areas with large Asian, Hispanic, or African American populations, banks have deliberately increased the diversity of their managers and tellers to reflect the population mix in the community and attract additional business. If they did not, customers would readily notice and switch to other banks in the area where they would feel more welcome and comfortable. Such diversity—and collaboration among employees—permits increased customer service, helping banks maintain their competitiveness. For example, tellers approached by new immigrants who do not yet speak English immediately call on their bilingual colleagues for help. The bilingual colleagues are also in a better position to assist the bank customers with special problems, such as income transfers from abroad.
Even so, the evidence shows some troubling disparities in employment and earnings. Unemployment rates are higher for black and Hispanic workers than for whites—twice as high in the case of black men. Earnings of black and Hispanic workers have consistently trailed those of white workers; recent figures put the median earnings for African American employees at 77 percent of median earnings for white workers and the median earnings of
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Hispanics at just 70 percent. African Americans and Hispanic Americans are also underrepresented in management and professional occupations.17 This underrepresentation may itself help perpetuate the problem, as it can leave many aspiring young minorities with fewer role models or mentors that are so helpful in an executive career.
This disparity may exist even for similar jobs. There is also considerable evidence that discrimination may account for at least some of the disparities in employment and earnings. For example, in one recent study fictitious résumés were used to respond to helpwanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. Each résumé used either African American names like Lakisha and Jamal or whitesounding names like Emily and Greg. The résumés with whitesounding names were 50 percent more likely to get a callback for an interview than the same résumés with African American names. Despite equivalence in credentials, the often unconscious assumptions about different racial groups are very difficult to overcome.18
Nevertheless, significant progress has been made. As you can see from the examples in Table 11.4, talented members of minority groups are among the executives running companies and their divisions in a wide variety of industries. And some individuals and groups are highly successful. Average pay and unemployment rates for Asian Americans actually exceed those for white workers.
Table 11.4 Executives of Color: Selected Examples
Name Company Title Alvin Aviles New York City Health and
Hospitals Corp. President and CEO
Harvey Brownlee KFC Chief Operating Officer MeiMei Chan Seattle Times Co. Vice President, Advertising Kenneth I. Chenault American Express Chairman and CEO Karen Clark Horizon NJ Health President and Chief
Operating Officer Richard Cordova Children’s Hospital Los
Angeles President and CEO
Lorenzo Creighton MGM Mirage President and Chief Operating Officer, New York–New York Hotel & Casino
Digby A. Solomon Diez Daily Press, Newport News, VA
President, Publisher, and CEO
Ann Fudge Young & Rubicam Brands Chairwoman and CEO Darryl B. Hazel Ford Motor Co. Senior Vice President,
Ford; President, Customer Service
Douglas V. Holloway NBC Universal President, Cable Investments
Margaret Jenkins Denny’s Chief Marketing Officer Cleve Killingsworth Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Massachusetts President and CEO
William Lamar Jr. McDonald’s USA Chief Marketing Officer David Lopez Harris County Hospital
District President and CEO
Sam Odle Methodist Hospital and Indiana University Hospital
President and CEO
Clarence Otis Jr. Darden Restaurants Chairman and CEO Carol Terakawa Yahoo! Regional Vice President–
Southwest Don Thompson McDonald’s USA Executive Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer John Thompson Symantec Chairman and CEO Ronald Williams Aetna President and CEO
SOURCE: Sonia Alleyne, “The 40 Best Companies for Diversity,” Black Enterprise, July 2006, downloaded from Business & Company Resource Center, http://galenet.galegroup.com; Nicole Voges, “Diversity in the Executive Suite,” Modern Healthcare, April 10, 2006, http://galenet.galegroup.com; and National Association of Minority Media Executives, “Board of Directors,” NAMME Web site, http://www.namme.org, accessed May 21, 2007.
In addition, virtually every large organization today has policies and programs dedicated to increasing minority representation—including compensation systems that reward managers for increasing the diversity of their operations. Major companies such as FedEx, Xerox, Morgan Stanley Shell, and Sun Microsystems have corporate diversity officers who assist organization managers in their efforts to attract, retain, and promote minority and women executives. Many organizations are also working to ensure a continuing supply of minority candidates by supporting minority internships and MBA programs. Dun and Bradstreet, for example, sponsors summer internship programs for minority MBA students. Lockheed Martin has partnered with the American Management Association’s Operation Enterprise to establish twoweek paid summer internship programs for high school and college students. These internship programs help students and organizations learn about one another and, ideally, turn into fulltime employment opportunities. Table 11.5 shows the top 10 companies for diversity according to DiversityInc.com. For all these companies, developing, hiring, and retaining minority executives is critical for their ability to manage an evermorediverse workforce and to serve an increasing number of clients and customers with varied backgrounds.
Table 11.5 Top 10 Companies for Diversity Recruitment and Retention
1. Bank of America 2. Pepsi Bottling Group 3. AT&T
4. CocaCola Company
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4. CocaCola Company 5. Ford Motor Company 6. Verizon Communications 7. Xerox 8. Consolidated Edison Company of New York 9. J. P. Morgan Chase 10. PepsiCo
SOURCE: “The 2007 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity,” Copyright © 2007, DiversityInc.com. Reproduced with permission.
Mentally and Physically Disabled People
The largest unemployed minority population in the United States is people with disabilities. It is composed of people of all ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and ages. The share of the population with a disability is growing as the average worker gets older and heavier.19 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18 percent of the population reports having some degree of disability, and 6 percent of the workingage population say they have a disability that makes it hard for them to get and keep a job.20 Still, more than half of people with a disability held jobs during the year in which they were surveyed. And among those who are unemployed, many would like to find work.
In a recent magazine ranking based on companies’ representation of African Americans in four key areas—procurement, corporate board, senior management, and total workforce—Denny’s stood out as making the most improvement following their discrimination lawsuits several years back.
© AP Photo/Advantica.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), mentioned in Chapter 10, defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Examples of such physical or mental impairments include those resulting from conditions such as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; multiple sclerosis; HIV infections; cancer; heart disease; diabetes; mental retardation; psychological illness; specific learning disabilities; drug addiction; and alcoholism.21
New assistive technologies are making it easier for companies to comply with the ADA and for those with disabilities to be productive on the job. In many cases, state governments will pay for special equipment or other accommodations that workers need. Companies are discovering that making these accommodations can result in unanticipated fringe benefits, too. The National Industries for the Blind (NIB), a Wisconsin company that markets products under the Skilcraft brand name, is a case in point. Seventyfive percent of NIB employees are visually impaired. Because the company’s warehouse pickers have trouble reading instructions on paper, NIB installed a voice technology system that conveys instructions to workers through headsets. An added benefit is that the technology has raised the productivity of the entire operation. Accuracy has improved, and workers—both blind and sighted—are able to pick and ship orders faster using the headsets.
For most businesses, mentally and physically disabled people represent an unexplored but fruitful labor market. Frequently, employers have found that disabled employees are more dependable than other employees, miss fewer days of work, and exhibit lower turnover. Tax credits are also available to companies who hire disabled workers. In addition, managers who hire and support employees with disabilities are signaling to other employees and outside stakeholders their strong interest in creating an inclusive organization culture.
Education Levels
When the United States was primarily an industrial economy, many jobs required physical strength, stamina, and skill in a trade, rather than college and professional degrees. In today’s service and technology economy, more positions require a college education, and even a graduate or professional degree. Today’s prospective employees have responded by applying to college in record numbers. The proportion of the workforce with at least some college education has been growing steadily since the 1970s. The share of workers with a bachelor’s degree has more than doubled since 1970. At the same time, the share of workers with less than a high school diploma has tumbled from nearly 4 out of 10 in 1970 to below 1 out of 10 today. People with degrees in science and technology are in especially high demand. Employers often expand their search for scientists and computer professionals overseas, but visa requirements limit that supply. At the other end of the spectrum, in the current labor pool, 28 percent of foreignborn workers have not completed high school.22
The Age of the Workforce
The babyboom generation (those born between 1946 and 1964) is aging. Today, almost 4 out of 10 workers are age 45 or older, and the median age of America’s workforce is rising as the number of older workers swells, while the number of young workers grows only slightly. Industries such as nursing and manufacturing are already facing a tremendous loss of expertise as a result of downsizing and a rapidly aging workforce. Other industries will soon be in similar straits.23 As a result of these trends, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that entrylevel workers will be in short supply.
On the plus side, almost 70 percent of workers between the ages of 45 and 74 told researchers with AARP (formerly the America Association of Retired Persons) that they intend to work in retirement. Retirees often return to the workforce at the behest of their employers, who can’t afford to lose the knowledge accumulated by longtime employees, their willingness to work nontraditional shifts, and their reliable work habits, which have a positive effect on the entire work group.
For every young worker entering the workforce, two baby boomers are retiring.24
To prevent an exodus of talent, employers need strategies to help retain and attract skilled and knowledgeable older workers. Phased retirement plans
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that allow older employees to work fewer hours per week is one such strategy. Almost onethird of retiring faculty members at 16 University of North Carolina campuses take advantage of phased retirement, and the concept is catching on in many other public and private organizations. Other strategies include making workplace adaptations to help older workers cope with the physical problems they experience as they age, such as poorer vision, hearing, and mobility. This trend is a significant change from the practice in recent decades, when older workers were given incentives to leave to allow companies to reduce overhead and perhaps hire lessexpensive replacements. Table 11.6 shows how creative companies are rethinking their retirement policies and solving their skilledlabor shortage by finding ways to attract and retain people over 55. These companies save on turnover and training costs and capitalize on the experience of their older employees.
Table 11.6 Top Five Approaches for More Fully Utilizing Older Employees
Approaches to More Fully Utilizing Older Employees
Approaches Considered Very or Moderately Effective
Businesses That Have Implemented the Approach
Benefit packages targeted toward older employees
68% 18%
Parttime work arrangements with continuation of benefits
64 30
Educating managers about ways to utilize older employees
60 25
Increased availability of parttime work for older employees (regardless of benefits)
55 36
Skill training for older employees 55 44
SOURCE: From “American Business and Older Employees: A Survey of Findings,” Copyright © 2002 AARP. (WWW.AARP.ORG). Reprinted with permission via Copyright Clearance Center.
At the same time, companies need to compete hard for the smaller pool of young talent, being prepared for applicants who know the job market and are ready to demand the working conditions they value and the praise they were raised to expect. Bruce Tulgan, founder of Rainmaker Thinking, which specializes in researching generational differences, says Generation Y—today’s young workers—tend to be “highmaintenance” but also “high performing,” having learned to process the flood of information that pours in over the Internet.25 Many of these workers were raised by highly involved parents who filled their lives with “quality” experiences, so employers are scrambling to design work arrangements that are stimulating, involve teamwork, keep work hours reasonable to allow for outside activities, and provide for plenty of positive feedback. Employers are also updating their recruiting tactics to reach young workers where they are—online. Intermedia, which operates computer centers to host largescale Web and email software for small companies, says the social networking site LinkedIn helps the company reach wellqualified information technology workers. In the government sector, the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency have set up pages on Facebook, where members who register for access can read information about job openings.26
Today’s companies are learning the value of both young and older workers—and finding new ways to encourage them to collaborate. Pooling the knowledge of experienced workers with the energy and fresh ideas of younger workers can create a powerful workforce. Carolyn Martin of Rainmaker Thinking Inc. encourages her clients to develop mentoring programs so that important company and industry knowledge is passed from older to younger employees. “[Older workers] are walking out the door with a gold mine of experience, product knowledge, and historical perspective, and we’re letting them go,” she said at a recent economic conference. “Knowledge as power is out. Knowledge shared is in. Everyone, no matter what their age, is a teacher and a learner.”
Martin even suggests that employers seek to hire older workers who can teach younger ones. Typically, she says, members of the baby boom generation—who are now beginning to retire—go on to start second careers anyway. “Proactively recruit 50plus people,” she advises. “The older worker is cool. There are not enough GenX and Y to replace them all.”27
Managing Diversity versus Affirmative Action LO 2
For many organizations, the original impetus to diversify their workforces was social responsibility and legal necessity (recall Chapters 5 and 10). To correct the past exclusion of women and minorities, companies introduced affirmative action—special efforts to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past. The intent is not to prefer these group members to the exclusion of others, but to correct for the long history of discriminatory practices and exclusion. Viewed from this perspective, amending these wrongs is seen as the moral, ethical, and legal approach.
In Portland, Oregon, about onefifth of the city’s population consists of various ethnic minorities, but only 12 percent of new construction employees are minorities. To ensure that opportunities in this industry will be more available to minorities, the city government, Portland Development Commission, Port of Portland, and regional and state transportation departments have in the past few years established affirmative action programs to increase minority group members’ participation in public contracts. In the private sector, a recent agreement among the development commission, developers, and unions established a goal that 35 percent of the workforce engaged in projects along the Willamette River in Portland would be minorities and women.28
Such efforts, along with legal remedies to end discrimination, have had a powerful impact, transforming our society and organizations in positive ways that would have been unimaginable only a few decades ago. Today the immigrant nature of American society is virtually taken for granted—even seen as a source of pride. And women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities routinely occupy positions that in years past would have been totally closed to them.
Nevertheless, as we have seen, a legislated approach tends to result in fragmented efforts that have not yet fully achieved the integrative goals of diversity. Employment discrimination still persists, and even after decades of government legislation, equal employment opportunity (EEO) and affirmative action laws have not adequately improved the upward mobility of women and minorities. To move beyond correcting past wrongs to truly inclusive organizations requires a change in organization culture—one in which diversity is seen as contributing directly to the attainment of organization goals.
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Do you think that the election of our first AfricanAmerican President will have an impact on affirmative action programs and the management of diversity in companies throughout the country?
© The McGrawHill Companies, Inc./David Planchet/DAL.
Seen in this way, affirmative action and diversity are complementary, not the same. In contrast to EEO and affirmative action programs, managing diversity means moving beyond legislated mandates to embrace a proactive business philosophy that sees differences as a positive value. In the end, all employees are different. These differences may include the fundamental attributes of race, ethnicity, age, and gender we have been discussing, but they also may include less obvious attributes such as employees’ place of origin, their education, or their life experience. All these elements add to the richness of talents and perspectives managers can draw on. Managing diversity in this broader sense involves organizations making changes in their systems, structures, and practices to eliminate barriers that may keep people from reaching their full potential. It means treating people as individuals —equally, but not necessarily the same—recognizing that each employee has different needs and will need different things to succeed. But it also asks managers to recognize and value the uniqueness of each employee and to see the different ideas and perspectives each brings to the organization as a source of competitive advantage. In short, managing diversity is not just about getting more minorities and women into the organization. It is about creating an environment in which employees from every background listen to each other and work better together so that the organization as a whole will become more effective. This emphasis on coming together to benefit the whole has led many companies to now refer to diversity and inclusion as their objective.
Competitive Advantage through Diversity and Inclusion
LO 3
Today many organizations are approaching diversity and inclusion from a more practical, businessoriented perspective. Increasingly, diversity can be a powerful tool for building competitive advantage. A study by the Department of Labor’s Glass Ceiling Institute showed that the stock performance of firms that were high performers on diversityrelated goals was over twice as high as that of other firms. Another recent study found that companies with the highest percentage of women among senior managers had a significantly higher return to shareholders than companies with the lowest percentage. Conversely, announcements of damage awards from discrimination lawsuits frequently have had a negative effect on stock returns.29
Women are almost as likely as men to take jobs in science, engineering, and technology but are far more likely to quit, primarily because they feel isolated, lack mentors, find the work culture hostile, and are pressured to work long or rigid hours.30
There are many advantages—and some obvious challenges—to managing a diverse workforce. We discuss some of them in this section.
Ability to Attract and Retain Motivated Employees
For companies facing changing demographics and business needs, diversity makes good sense. Companies with a reputation for providing opportunities for diverse employees will have a competitive advantage in the labor market and will be sought out by the most qualified employees. In addition, when employees believe their differences are not merely tolerated but valued, they may become more loyal, productive, and committed.
Better Perspective on a Differentiated Market
Companies such as Avon, Prudential, Eastman Kodak, and Toys “R” Us are committed to diversity because as the composition of the American workforce changes, so does the customer base of these companies. Just as women and minorities may prefer to work for an employer that values diversity, they may prefer to patronize such organizations.
Many Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women have entered the middle class and now control consumer dollars. Similarly, each new generation has its own set of values and experiences, so diversity in ages can help the organization relate to more age groups of customers. As described in the “From the Pages of BusinessWeek” feature, a diverse workforce can provide a company with greater knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits of this diversified marketplace. This knowledge can assist companies in designing products and developing marketing
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campaigns to meet those consumers’ needs. In addition, for at least some goods and services, a multicultural sales force may help an organization sell to diverse groups. A diverse workforce also can give a company a competitive edge in a global economy by facilitating understanding of other customs, cultures, and marketplace needs.
The bottom line: Service
Diversity can help the organization succeed in new markets.
A “McKinsey of Pop Culture”?
Several months into his new job as vice president of U.S. marketing and advertising for General Motors, Mike Jackson came to the conclusion that the automaker was just not cool enough. Young, urban trendsetters on the East and West Coasts were not paying attention to GM’s cars. The message being sent to consumers, Jackson says, was all wrong. “We worried far too much about the sheet metal, color, etc.,” he explains. “What we really needed to worry about was connecting emotionally with our consumers.” So Jackson picked up the phone and called Steve Stoute.
More executives overseeing brands that have gone stale are turning to the 36yearold consultant and former music executive for help. Stoute’s agency, Translation Consultation & Brand Imaging, offers to imbue brands with a combination of hiphop ethos and practicality to help reposition products, from Chevy Impalas to Crest Whitestrips to Reese’s peanut butter cups. The end result is for brands to resonate with a younger, more trendy audience. His message: companies have not embraced the changes in the culture to be able to talk to a new generation of consumers.
As an African American with strong relationships to hiphop artists (JayZ is a good friend and business partner), Stoute knows how easy it is to pigeonhole Translation as a black ad agency. He immodestly characterizes his firm as “a McKinsey of pop culture.” By that he means that Translation is called upon by companies facing strategic challenges. “These are companies who know they have to take advantage of global trends, but at the same time are afraid of jeopardizing core businesses,” says Stoute. “We show them how to walk that thin line. It often comes down to showing them the language and tonality needed to reach consumers.”
But Stoute also says he’s helping executives understand a phenomenon that he refers to as the “tanning of America.” It’s a generation of black, Latino, and white consumers who have the same “mental complexion,” he says, based on “shared experiences and values.” Rap and hiphop, starting in the late 1980s when white suburban kids began snapping up music by mostly innercity artists, provided the first glimpse into this shift.
To connect McDonald’s to this world, Stoute helped create its “I’m lovin’ it” ad campaign featuring pop star Justin Timberlake. That was relatively easy. To top executives, it was all about coming up with a new ad. Stoute has encouraged them to go much further and told them they could be blowing a big opportunity for reaching young adults. They have a millionplus young people working for them who come to the job every day ashamed of what they are wearing. “The uniforms are ugly,” says Stoute. “If the workers were actually proud of what they were wearing, it could be a huge opportunity to promote the brand.” Stoute suggested McDonald’s hire top designers to redo the uniforms under urbancentric brands such as Sean John, Rocawear, FUBU, American Apparel, and Tommy Hilfiger. The chain is considering the move.
Stoute’s most important test will be changing perceptions about GM. The assignment is to help the carmaker increase awareness for its models among a growing and influential buyer group, 18 to 34yearolds who live in clustered metro areas on the coasts and along the perimeter of the southern United States. The task is to get them to think about GM the way they were already thinking about Toyota and other Japanese models. The mandate, says Stoute, was “to think of ways to spark contagious consumer behavior.”
So far, Translation has helped GM redeploy Tiger Woods from the Buick brand to what Stoute believes is a more convincing role, as a spokesman for all of GM. “Tiger and GM share similar values of integrity and, most importantly, diversity,” he says. Stoute also connected GM with JayZ on JayZ Blue, a branded, lavendertinted, electric blue that will be available on the GMC Yukon. Translation is also creating a campaign for the reissue of the Camaro, the iconic 1970s muscle car. Stoute is talking with the advertising agencies responsible for all GM models about marketing alternatives, such as social media, that go beyond traditional TV and print outlets.
It’s still too early to tell if GM is reaching new consumers. Unsurprisingly, Stoute believes the results so far are positive. Look no further, he says, than the January 2007 debut of JayZ Blue. From Detroit to Beijing, the news was featured on the front pages of 26 national and international Sunday papers.