The scientific method involves a set of processes to test a question (developed from an observation)
Asking Scientific Questions
Lab Activity
Adapted from :
Presentation Notes
These PowerPoint slides guide Parts 2 and 3 of the activity “Asking Scientific Questions.” Additional downloads and information related to pedagogy and implementation can be found on this resource’s webpage:
What drives the day-to-
day work of scientists?
Investigating, understanding, and developing explanations for how [the earth, the universe, systems, etc.] work.
Recipes are a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something.
A recipe for investigation is built from a scientific question.
So how do you come up with a scientific question?
To come up with a scientific question, we must first understand the common elements that define what science is.
Discuss: What is science?
To come up with a scientific question, we must first understand the common elements that define what science is.
Discuss: What is science?
Ultimate Goal: Explain the Natural World
How an introductory biology book defines science:
Science is the experimental, hypothesis-driven investigation of phenomena to elucidate: 1. patterns in nature 2. the processes governing the formation,
maintenance, and changing of those patterns
Where does cause and effect fit in?
Presentation Notes
Students should discuss their ideas first; then they can discuss them along with the "textbook" definition of science. The purpose of this slide is to pivot that discussion to cause and effect.
Explaining the natural world means using cause and effect!
Answering questions about cause and effect has led to most of the powerful insights offered in science.
Presentation Notes
Scientists ask many different types of questions for many different purposes. Six common types of studies are hypothesis-driven research, measuring specific values, measuring functions or relationships, constructing models, making observations and identifying patterns, and improving a product or process, including developing new scientific tools. Though many types of studies are used in science, scientists put a high degree of emphasis of asking scientific questions to determine cause and effect because the search for causes has led to some of the most important insights offered by science.
Cause and effect are such important ingredients that we have come up with different names for them in different fields of study, but they are all synonyms and mean cause and effect.
Presentation Notes
Pivot to synonyms activity.
Let’s demystify scientific jargon with a synonym game so you can reduce intimidation and let your brain start being creative.
Synonyms for Cause
Synonyms for Effect
Presentation Notes
Have the students leave a blank column in the middle of their chart paper that they will fill in later.
Synonyms for Cause Synonyms for Effect independent variable dependent variable
x y driver responding variable
generator f(x) process pattern agent force factor actor
source basis
Remember English grammar? What kind of words are cause and effect?
What type of word
connects subjects to
direct objects in a
So let’s think of some verbs that can link all those synonyms for cause and effect.
This is a third ingredient in your question.
Cause, effect, and a verb!
Synonyms for Cause Verbs Synonyms for Effect independent variable dependent variable
x y driver responding variable
generator f(x) process pattern agent force factor actor
source basis
Synonyms for Cause Verbs Synonyms for Effect independent
variable drives dependent variable
x generates y driver causes responding variable
generator regulates f(x) process controls pattern agent increases force decreases factor suppresses actor
source basis
So coming up with your recipe is not so hard.
Formulating a question that supports a recipe for investigating relationships between cause and effect also enables good communication.
Let’s see if we can identify cause and effect in scientists’ titles!
Small group assignment: Evaluate titles from recent journal articles. Identify the type of research described by the title as:
establishing a cause-and-effect relationship
something else
Highlight the potential causal agent(s) in yellow (or underline once) and highlight the effect(s) in green (or underline twice).
Presentation Notes
Adjust colors as necessary or use circles and boxes.
Scientific Method 7 STEPS
My toaster doesn’t toast my bread. There is something wrong with the electrical outlet.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND
Everyday example of using the scientific method 1. Observation My toaster doesn’t toast my bread. There is something wrong with the electrical outlet.
2. Question Why doesn’t my toaster work?
3. Hypothesis (answer) something is wrong with the electric outlet
4. Prediction
If something is wrong with the outlet, my coffeemaker also won’t work when plugged into it.
5. Experiment I plug my coffee maker into the outlet.
6. Result My coffeemaker works.
Scientific Method : Beriberi
In 1887 a strange nerve disease attacked the people in the Dutch East Indies. The disease was beriberi. Symptoms of the disease included weakness and loss of appetite; victims often died of heart failure. Scientists thought the disease might be caused by bacteria. They injected chickens with bacteria from the blood of patients with beriberi. The injected chickens became sick. However, so did a group of chickens that were not injected with bacteria.
Water soluble
Unknown Factor
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
The power of observation: Dr. Eijkman
One of the scientists, Dr. Eijkman, noticed something. Before the experiment, all the chickens had eaten whole-grain rice, but during the experiment, the chickens were fed polished rice. Dr. Eijkman researched this interesting case and found that polished rice lacked thiamine, a vitamin necessary for good health.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Sick Sick
Experiment to see if bacteria causes beriberi Test of hypothesis: Control vs. Injected group of chickens
Do the results indicate that the hypothesis should be rejected?
The hypothesis is rejected because the
Control group, that is the chickens which did not get the injection (bacteria from people infected with Beriberi ) was also infected.
Control group
Injected group
What should be the new hypothesis ? Beriberi must be caused by something else besides bacteria.
So Dr. Eijkman observed that it might be due a nutrient deficiency found in the food intakes of the chicken.
New Hypothesis: Beri Beri is caused by a thiamine deficiency.
How would you test it?
You would want to put half of the chickens on a polished diet (deficient thymine) and half on a whole grain diet (thymine fortified). See if the only half of the chickens gets the beriberi (thymine deficient).
Polished Rice Whole grain Rice
What have you learned?
Scientific Method
Questions are the basis for how scientists create the recipe for research, investigation, and experimentation.
Scientific recipes often have three main ingredients: cause, effect, and verb.
The creativity in questions simply comes from the novelty of the words placed in those blank statements. If no one has ever looked at that cause before in relation to that effect, it’s new!
A basic grammar lesson becomes a key for success in forming cause-and-effect scientific questions that can be used for further investigation. Not so hard!
The Scientific Method
The scientific method�involves a set of processes to test a question (developed from an observation)��
Asking Scientific Questions
What drives the day-to-day work of scientists?
To come up with a scientific question, we must first understand the common elements that define what science is.
To come up with a scientific question, we must first understand the common elements that define what science is.
How an introductory biology book defines science:
Explaining the natural world means using cause and effect!
Slide Number 9
Let’s demystify scientific jargon with a synonym game so you can reduce intimidation and let your brain start being creative. �
Slide Number 11
Remember English grammar? What kind of words are cause and effect?
What type of word connects subjects to direct objects in a sentence?
Slide Number 14
Slide Number 15
Slide Number 16
Let’s see if we can identify cause and effect in scientists’ titles!
Scientific Method
Slide Number 19
Everyday example of using the scientific method
Scientific Method : Beriberi
The power of observation: Dr. Eijkman
Slide Number 23
Do the results indicate that the hypothesis should be rejected? �
What should be the new hypothesis ?
What have you learned?