1. Why have psychologists used different research methods to explore possible effects of violence viewing, and what have they learned?
2. After viewing a violent cartoon, little Riley becomes more likely to hit his baby brother. What two factors help explain this violence-viewing effect?
1. When people have recollections of long-ago child sexual abuse, what are two possible injustices?
2. Marisela seeks treatment for depression. To explore possible early childhood roots, the therapist hypnotizes her and in the process, Marisela recalls being sexually abused by her father at age 2. Why might some memory researchers be skeptical of Marisela’s resulting accusation of her father?
3. It’s often supposed that people repress memories of trauma, to banish the pain. How does evidence support or challenge this idea?
When long-ago child sexual abuse is disclosed, not believing an actual victim, and falsely accusing an alleged perpetrator, are two heartbreaking possibilities. In cases of “recovered” memories of child sexual abuse, misinformation and source amnesia may be at work.
1. What evidence and examples presented here suggest that we tend to fear the wrong things?
2. Why do we so often fear the wrong things?
An infographic, titled the fear factor shows the factors that exaggerate the fear of unlikely events. You can read full description from the link below
1. Aditi and Alberto both study how aging affects people’s temperament. Aditi does so by comparing the temperament of 40-year-olds with that of 80-year-olds. Alberto does so by following the same people over time, observing how their temperament changes at varying ages. What method did each of these researchers use?
2. What are the limitations of a cross-sectional study?
An infographic presents critical analysis for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. You can read full description from the link below