A) What according to William Lutz are the dangers of doublespeak? Provide 2 examples cited in MLA format with the article's page numbers in parentheses. Answer in at least 4 sentences using your own words.
B) What are some examples in real life in 2019 where politicians or advertisers use doublespeak to confuse listeners and viewers?
Provide 2 current examples and explain what type of doublespeak you think they are and why you think these are examples of doublespeak. Answer in at least 6 sentences using your own words.
Clearly label your answers A and B and put them in separate paragraphs.WILLIAMLUTZ Wtlltau Lutz was bom in 1940 in Racine, Wisconsin. He received a BA from Dominican College, an MA from Marquette University, a PhD from the Universit)' of Nevada at Reno, and a JD from RutgersSchool of Law. Since 1971 Lutz has taught ar RurgersUniversity in Camden,NewJersey. For much of his careeqLutz'sinterest in words and composition has made him an active campaigneragainstmisleadingand irresponsiblelanguage.He is the author of the best-seller Doublespeak:Frcm ReuenueEnhancementto TerminalLio,lng(1989) and irs sequel,The New Doublespeak:\X/h1No One \Xlhat Anyone'sSayingAnymore (1996). For fourteen years, Knoa.us he edited rhe Quarterly Reuiewof Doublcspeak, He has wrirren, cowritten, or edited numerous other books, including The CcunbridgeThesaurusof AmericanEnglish and Firestormin Peshtigo:A Town, Its People,and rheDeadliestFire in AmericanHistorl(with DeniseGess,2002). ln 1996he receivedrhe George Orwell Award for DistinguishedConrribution ro Honesty and Clarity in Public Language. TheWorld of Doublespeak In theprevir'rus essay, Stephanie Ericsson examines rhedamage caused by the outrightlieswe tell eachorhereveryday.Bur what if our language doesn'r Iie, exactly,and insteadjust obscures meaningswe'd rathernot admit to? Suchintentionalfudging,or doublespeak, is the sorrof languageLutzspecializesin, andherehe usesclassification ro exposeits manyguises. "The World of Doublespeak" abridges the first chaprerin Lutz'sboc''kDoublespeak; rhe essay's title is the chaprer's subtitle. There are no potholes in the streetsof Tircson,Arizona, just "pavement deficiencies."The ReaganAdminisrration didn't proposeany new taxes,jusr "revenueenhancement"through new "user'sfees."Those aren't bums on the street,just "non.goal oriented membersof society."There are no more poor people,just "fi,scalunderachievers."There was no robbery of an automatic teller machine,just an "unauthorizedwirhdrawal."The parient didn't die becauseof medicalmalpractice,it wasjust a "diagnosticmisadventureof a high magnitude."The US Army doesn'tkill rhe enemyanymore,ir jusr "servicesthe target."And the doublespeakgoeson. Doublespeakis languagethat prerendsto communicatebut really doesn't. It is languagerhat makesrhe bad seemgood,the negativeappearpositive, the 347 348 C l assi fi cati on unpleasantappear attractive or at least tolerable. Doublespeakis language that avoidsor shiftsresponsibility,languagethat is at variancewith its real or purported meaning. It is languagethat concealsor prevents thor.rght;rather limicsit. doublespeak than extendingthor.rght, Doublespeakis not a matterof subjectsand verbsagreeing;it is a matter is incongruity,the inconof wordsand factsagreeing.Basicto doublespeak what really is. It is the incongruity betweenrvhat is said or left unsaid,and gruity betweenthe word and the referenr,betweenseemand be, betweenthe essentialfunction of language-communication-and what doublespeak does-mislead, distort,deceive,inflate,circumvent,obfuscate. How to SpotDoublespeak Most of the time you will recognizedoubleHow can you spotdoublespeak? speakwhen you seeor hear it. But, if you have any doubts,you can identifiT just by answeringtheseqr-restions: Who is sayingwhat to whom, cloublespeak under what conditions and circumstances,with whac intent, and with what results?Answering these cluestionswill usually help you identify as doublespeaklanguagethat appearsto be legitimateor that at first glancedoesn'teven appearto be doublespeak.