Nirali Makwana
Polk State College
Homework Assignment- 5
Dr. Paul Howe
February 9,2020
1. The term bureaucratic has a pejorative connotation to most people. Can you think of any positive aspects of a bureaucracy?
The positive aspect of bureaucracy makes it effective in organizing. Promoters for administration have positive perspectives progression on having in an association. They state that since there is a levels of leadership, there will be explicit jobs and undertakings for individuals associated with the offices. This way Supporters for administration have positive perspectives on having pecking order in an association. They state that since there is a level of leadership, there will be explicit jobs and assignments for individuals associated with the divisions.
2. Think of a crisis situation you are familiar with involving a group, team, organization, or country, and analyze it in terms of the leader–follower–situation framework. For example, were the followers looking for a certain kind of behavior from the leader? Did the situation demand it? Did the situation, in fact, contribute to a particular leader’s emergence?
In an organization a there was an introduction to a new management system where employees will be vetted on during their three month appraisal. None of the employees had gone through the performance improvement training they looked into their leader to initiate the conversation with the management in regards to creating awareness to the system .The team looked to the leader to speak up for them as this was one of his leadership quality and skills required.
3. Can you identify reward systems that affect the level of effort students are likely to put forth in team or group projects? Should these reward systems be different than those for individual effort projects?
A reward system that effect the level of effort group projects is ensuring that there is a price to be won, students perform effectively when they are aware of the rewards that come with the performance they deliver on their group project. This will promote team work among students pushing them to deliver their best work as well as the recognition that comes with winning.
Mini case
4. Discuss the three input components of the Congruence Model as they apply to the success of IKEA.
The Congruence Model recommends that so as to completely comprehend an association's presentation, you should initially comprehend the association as a framework that comprises of some fundamental components.
Environment all elements, including foundations, gatherings, people, occasions, and so forth. Outside of the limits of the association being examined, however potentially affecting that association. Then again, comprises of everything without exception that is happening outside of the association.
Resources: Anything the association can use to its advantage, including HR, innovation, capital, data, and so on. Just as less unmistakable assets. For IKEA, there are unmistakable side and impalpable side help it. In unmistakable side, expanded deals, benefits, and piece of the overall industry offer expanded capital assets to keep on financing development and advancement.
History: History helps you be in the advantage for the years that you have worked and the business you bring, the history in the market plays a very crucial part. IKEA has been in the business for years and its competency is crucial in the module
5. Consider Schein’s four key organizational culture factors as described in Highlight 12.6. What examples can you identify within the IKEA organization that contributes to the company’s strong corporate culture?
Myths and Stories. These are the stories about the association that are breathed easy and impart an account of the association's fundamental qualities. Ideally an employee could tell you stories about their boss and his leadership skills, he rode around in his pickup truck, how he welcomed individuals in the stores, and how he kept an eye on "simply appear" at changed occasions.
Images and antiques" are objects that can be seen and saw and that portray different parts of the way of life. In practically any structure, for instance, images and antiquities give data about the association's way of life. For instance, an association may have confidence in libertarian standards, and that may be reflected in for all intents and purposes everybody having a similar size office. Or then again there can be signs of flushness, which pass on a totally different message.