SHRI ANGALAMMAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)SIRUGANOOR,TRICHY-621105.DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGBATCH 2008-12/ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-12/7thSEMESTEREC1403SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT 1OVERVIEW OF SATELLITE SYSTEMS, ORBITS ANDLAUNCHING METHODS2 Marks Questions1.What is a satellite?2.How is frequency planning and frequency allocation done for the entire world?3.List out the frequency bands used for satellite services?4.Write down some satellite services?5.What are active & passive satellites?6.Why satellite frequency spectrum is in microwaves?7.What is an orbit? Discuss its significance.8.What are the different types of orbit?9.Distinguish between stationary and non-stationary orbits. 10.What do you understand by polar orbiting satellites?11.Distinguish between prograde & retrograde orbits? 12.Write down Kepler’s laws of planetary motion? 13.Define period of satellite.14.Write the equation of motion.15.Write about the following:INTELSAT& U.S. DOMSATS16.What are orbital perturbations? 17.What is atmospheric drag? 18.Write information on: Calendars, universal time, Julian dates & sidereal time 19.Define the following: Sub satellite point, Inclination, Mean anomaly &True anomaly20.What are orbital elements? 21.Explain apogee, perigee & line of apsides?22.What is geocentric equatorial & top centric Horizon co-ordinate system? 23.Why are transformations between coordinate systems required?24.What is meant by earth station referred to the IJK frame?25.What arethe orbital parameters required to determine a satellite's orbit?16 Marks Questions1. a. How are frequency allocations for satellite services done?b. Discuss about various satellite services2. a. Derive Kepler’s laws of planetary motionb. Write notes on: Intelsat, U.S.Domsat, polar orbiting satellites
3. a. Describe the various orbital elements and orbital parameters with suitable diagramb. Write down the applications and advantages of satellite communication4. a. Explain Orbital perturbations. b. The semi major axis and the semi minor axis of an elliptical satellite orbit are 20000Km and 16000Km respectively. Determine the apogee and the perigee distances.5 a. What arethe active and passive satellites? Explain in detail about various types of orbit and their relative merits and demerits.b. Write the applications of satellite communication and write your comment on the future trend in satellite communication.6. a. Derive the expressions for the six orbital elements using the Newton’s laws. What is their significance?b. How are the satellites positions estimated using the sub-satellite points?7. a. Explain theneed for satellite communication.b. What are the different types of satellite orbits? Discuss their merits and demerits.c. A low orbiting satellite has an 8-hour prograde orbit. How long during each orbit will and earth station be able to communicate with it above an elevation angle of 15?8. a. Discuss about frequency allocations for satellite services.b. What are the effects of a non-spherical earth on the orbital mechanics of satellite?c. Calculate the radius ofa circular orbit for which the period is 1day.-------x-------Problems1.a. Calculate radius of a circular orbit for period of revolution 1day.b. Calculate the apogee and perigee heights for the orbital parameter e=0.0011501; assume a mean radius of earth as 6371km.2.A satellite is orbiting in the equatorial plane with a period from perigee to perigee of12h. Given that e=0.002, calc. the semi major axis. the earth’s equatorial radius is6378.1414km.3.Calculatethe average length of the civil year in the Gregorian calendar?4. Determine which of the following years are leap years: a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 2000 d) 21005.Calculate the time in days, hrs, min, & sec for the epoch day 324095616765.6. Find the Julianday for 13 h UT on 18 Dec 2000.7. Find the time in Julian centuries from the reference time Jan 0.5,1900 to 13 h UT on 18 Dec 2000.