Post 1
Brianna Villyard
Sunday29 Sep at 20:24
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Question 17-1: The chapter explains five international marketing orientations. Which one most applies to Tommy Hilfiger? Explain why.
The five common marketing orientations are; production, sales, customer, strategic marketing and social marketing. Strategic marketing applies to Tommy Hilfiger most. As discussed in the text by Daniels and Sullivan (2018), Tommy Hilfiger is committed to continually selling product in multiple countries. They discover the individual country’s wants for fashion and adapt to them, selling different clothing in different ways depending on the country. Therefore, Tommy Hilfiger shows their combination of production, sales and customer wants to develop their marketing strategy.
Question 17-2: The chapter explains five elements in the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, brand, and distribution). In which of these have Tommy Hilfiger’s operating practices been the most standardized globally? Explain why this has been possible and desirable (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2018, Chapter 17).
When looking at the five elements in the marketing mix, Tommy Hilfiger’s operating practices has used brand as the most standardized globally. Tommy Hilfiger as mentioned in the text by Daniels and Sullivan (2018), had to purchase a cheap imitator company to keep the image of their brand in a positive light. Sehar, Ashraf and Azam state that a companies brand speaks to a person's image of how they want to be perceived or it pleases them. Tommy Hilfiger works diligently to find the image people in different countries react to and meets the target audiences wants.
Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H., & Sullivan, D. P. (2018). International business: Environments and operations (16th ed.). Retrieved from
Sehar, R., Ashraf, S. & Azam, F. (2019) The influence of social media’s marketing efforts on brand equity and consumer response. IUP Journal of Marketing Management. Retrieved from
Post 2
Jodie Quintanilla
Wednesday2 Oct at 9:18
Manage discussion entry
Question 17-1: The chapter explains five international marketing orientations. Which one most applies to Tommy Hilfiger? Explain why.
The international marketing orientation that most applies to Tommy Hilfiger would be the strategic marketing orientation. This is for companies that are committed to continual sales in a foreign market, so they adopt a strategy that will combine production, sales, and customer orientations. Tommy Hilfiger customizes its clothes in order to accommodate the foreign customers (Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan, 2018, pg.465). Tommy Hilfiger began selling its clothes in Europe in 1997, and they quickly learned that the markets in different countries are not the same as in the U.S. so, Tommy Hilfiger has made some changes in order to accommodate the customers in these different countries in which they wish to do business in (Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan, 2018, pg. 461). In order to sell a product, you have to make a product that people want and is attractive to the customer.
Question 17-2: The chapter explains five elements in the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, brand, and distribution). In which of these have Tommy Hilfiger’s operating practices been the most standardized globally? Explain why this has been possible and desirable (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2018, Chapter 17).
Out of the five elements in the marketing mix, Tommy Hilfiger’s operating practices have been the most standardized globally in promotion and branding, they promote a high-quality brand or products that include handbags, footwear, accessories, watches, and of course apparel. The headquarters are in New York City and the flagship stores are in London, Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Dusseldorf. The company has a widespread distribution channel that includes 1400 retail outlets and several department stores. They have created a mixture of best quality coupled with latest designs and classic style which has been very popular amongst its customers (Marketing91).
Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L.H., Sullivan, D.P. (2018). International Business: Environments & Operations. (16th ed.). [Electronic version]. Retrieved from!/4/2/2/2@0:0 (Links to an external site.)
Marketing91. (2019). Marketing mix of Tommy Hilfiger. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)