I’m working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.
The essay must be 3 - 4 pages and cite more than 3 citations. Double spaced.
Please see below first attached instruction and about the citations.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me and I will reply as soon as possible.
Assignment Instructions You are to assume the role of an internal auditor who has been asked to identify a minimum of three high quality propositions that management can implement to establish a tone at the top that conveys a commitment to integrity and ethical values. You are to write a memo that is no more than three single spaced pages addressed to the CEO and head of the audit committee of the Board of Directors with recommendations on establishing the appropriate tone. THE TONE OF THE MEMO NEEDS TO BE FORMAL. Provide a detailed description of each of the items and a persuasive argument as to why the item is useful for conveying the appropriate tone. Cogently make a case for why these propositions are important. General memo format: Memo heading (person addressed, writer, date, subject), initial by name, introductory paragraph (context, purpose, and preview), headed segments, and conclusion. (See specific instructions and grading rubric) Properly identify any sources you have used to help you in your research. Citations and references should comply with APA requirements. (See specific instructions and grading rubric) You should consider any relevant guidance (e.g. COSO, SOX) and provide a minimum of three (3) citations. It may take well over three sources to complete this assignment and do a good job. Note that simply finding three citations is not enough. Your citations need to be relevant. You need to do a thorough job finding what tone at the top means and how it is communicated. Be careful in citing nonauthoritative information. Memo Criteria Format and Adherence to the Assignment The appropriate title appears at the top (Memorandum). The appropriate headings appear (Date, To, From, and Subject) with 2-3 blank lines after. To: From: Job titles follow names and department names follow titles. (names, job titles, departments) Date: correct and current Subject: brief and precise Memo is left justified with no paragraph indents and one blank line in between paragraphs. Memo text is single-spaced. No formal salutation or closing lines appear. Appropriate end notations appear if necessary. Memo follows the assignment criteria in terms of form and content (i.e. outlines your reasons, background and implications/benefits) Style & Tone Purpose of memo clear Tone appropriate for primary audience. An appropriate amount of detail provided; memo is complete while being brief and concise. Information is well organized; writing is cohesive and flows well. Logical, cogent & coherent Visual cues (bullets, numbers, indenting, headings) used to aid readability and understanding Follows APA style guidelines.