CIVE302 Spring 2013 Dr. Dowell T. Johnson
Lab 4. Torsion of Member with Circular Cross-Section: Principal Strains and Stresses
Thus far our only focus has been on axial deformations which cause elongation or compression
of a member along their axis of application. Other types of deformation exist, though, such as
shear deformations which translate or slide the face on which they act. To help visualize this
behavior, in this lab a solid steel shaft with circular cross-section is loaded under pure torsion.
Torsion is caused when a moment is applied in-plane with the cross-section of the member,
twisting it and causing it to deform in shear. A visualization of this is provided below in Figure
Figure 4-1: Deformation of a body under shear conditions
Recall that the measurement devices used thus far only measure elongation or contraction
along their primary axis. Meaning that strain gages cannot directly measure these values.
Looking at more detail at Figure 4.1, it is clear that the shear strain, γ , is not a linear quantity
but an angle of distortion. We thus need additional techniques to be able to somehow
determine shear strain from linear-based measurement equipment.
For a bar in pure torsion, each section along the longitudinal axis rotates strictly in a plane; that
is, all points within the member follow a strictly a circular arc in the plane and do not translate
in either direction along the member axis. Note that this is not the case for non-circular cross-
sections, as torsion develops warping deformations which displace points axially in addition to
rotationally. This behavior is shown below in Figure 4-2, where it can be seen that point B at the
outermost fiber of the cross-section travels along the circumference of the circle to B’ at an
applied torsion of To.
Figure 4-2. Member deformation from applied torsion To
Torsional loading at a section causes shear stresses that are zero at the center of the member
and increase linearly with radius r to a maximum at the surface of the cylinder at r = R. Shear
stress is found from the section torsion T, radius r, and polar moment of inertia J as
Tr (4-1)
For a circular section, the polar moment of inertia is equal to the sum of moments of inertia
about the x and y axes as
To To
444 Rrr IIJ yx
Shear strain is found by dividing the shear stress by the shear modulus G, where the shear
modulus is found for a given material from material testing as the slope of the shear stress
versus shear strain plot. Thus shear strain is found from
Note the similarities in this equation to those seen in the previous labs. To calculate axial
stresses, we had a driving axial load P that was divided by the cross-sectional area – a geometric
property of the member. Then, to calculate strains, we divided this stress by the modulus of
elasticity – a material property of the section – and concluded that the deformation is a
function of the driving load P, the geometrical resistance of the member, and the material
resistance of the member. In the case of torsional strain, we see a similar pattern: a torque T
drives the deformation of the member, a geometric resistance forms via r and J, and a material
resistance forms via the shear modulus G.
Fixing a member on one end and applying a torsion To to the end free to rotate yields the
deformed shape given in Figures 4-2 and 4-3. At the left end of the member all points of the
cross-section are restrained from rotation and remain in the same place before and after
torsion is applied. At the right end of the member, however, torsional loading causes the cross-
section to rotate through an angle indicated by the movement of point B to B’. This point starts
at the top of the section but shifts along the perimeter of the cross-section. All points on the
surface at the right end of the member move through the same angle as point B, though,
generating a rotation of the full cross-section.
For the example shown in Figure 4-3, the torsion is constant along the member length which
results in a linear variation of deformation from Points A to B. In other words, the amount of
rotation at half the member length is one-half of the maximum rotation at the right end of the
member. To demonstrate this, two lines are given in Figure 4-3 that were originally parallel to
the member geometry and have deformed from load application. A stress element shows that
the original rectangular shape has been deformed due to shear stresses; the length of the sides
remain unchanged, but the amount of deformation of the corners on the left face and the
corners on the right face differ in magnitude. Applied and reacting torsions are indicated with
double arrows: arrows pointing away from the member indicate positive torsion while arrows
facing toward the member indicate negative torsion, with the rotational direction following
that defined by the right hand rule. Positive torsion definition is given for any slice of the beam
in Figure 4-4 and the torsion diagram for the example provided in Figure 4-3 is given in Figure
Figure 4-3. Side view of member under torsion with stress element indicated
To To
Stress Element
Figure 4-4. Definition of positive torsion for a short length of the member (slice)
Figure 4-5. Torsion diagram over member length
When the torsion is constant along a member length as in Figure 4-4 the rotation at its right
end, called the angle of twist, is given as
Tl (4-4)
TT +
If the torsion varies along the member length, however, rotation needs to integrated over the
length of the member similar to how distributed loads must be integrated for beam
displacements. To do this the twist of the member, which is the rotation per unit length, is
calculated for a given cross-section
The rotation at this cross-section is then calculated by integrating over the length
dx JG
An example of torsion that varies along the member length is given in Figure 4-6, with evenly
distributed torsion of To/L applied for the entire member length. There is no torsion in the
member at its right end and the torsion increases linearly to a maximum at the left of the
member. From statics, the torsion reaction at the fixed end is To and the torsion diagram can
be developed as shown in Figure 4-6. The torsion in the member at any section along its length
is given as
x Tx
T TT o
o o 1
Figures 4-6. Distributed torsion along member length with torsion diagram
Torsion given as a function of x in Eq. (4-7) is substituted into Eq. (4-6) to find member rotation.
l ol
dx JG
x T
dx JG
If the material is the same for the entire member and the cross-section is constant then J and G
are constant and can be moved out of the integral, as can the constant To, giving
lT dx
T o l
o B
2 1
This is half the rotation of a member that has constant torque along its length with the same
reacting torsion at its left end of To.
The stress element shown in Figure 4-3 distorts due to an upward shear stress on its left side
and, from statics, an equal and opposite shear stress on its right side (down) similar to how the
block in Figure 4-1(b) deforms. However, while this satisfies equilibrium of forces in the vertical
direction, equilibrium of the stress block as a whole is not satisfied: by themselves these shear
stresses form a couple and thus give a tendency for the block to rotate.
To correct for this, moments can be taken about one of the bottom corners of the stress block
to generate a balancing horizontal stress on the top face that imparts an equal but opposite
rotation to the vertical shear stresses. It is found that this horizontal shear stress is equal in
magnitude to the two vertical shear stresses, and equilibrium in the horizontal direction shows
that an equal but opposite shear stress forms on the bottom face. To help visualize this process,
an element is also shown at the top right of Figure 4-7 with these shear stresses indicated. The
stress element has dimensions of dx and dy, and when it has a square or rectangular shape it
vanishes to a single point.
With shear stresses defined at a stress element from torsion, it is possible to determine
maximum compressive and tensile stresses of the stress element that act on different faces of
the element (at different angles). These are called principal stresses and can be determined
through the use of Mohr’s circle as shown in Figure 4-7. For a given set of shear and normal
stresses on two planes of a stress element, Mohr’s circle is constructed. The horizontal axis is
for normal stresses on a plane and the vertical axis is for shear stresses on a plane. X and Y
planes are defined by passing the x and y axes through the element and the faces that are
intersected are defined, as indicated at the bottom right of Figure 4-7. There are two X planes
and two Y planes, and either one can be used in the following discussion as they are completely
Figure 4-7. Mohr’s circle with stress element and plane definitions
X (0, t )
Y (0, -t )
s 1s 2
f 1
f 2
x Planex Plane
y Plane
y Plane
To construct Mohr’s circle an X coordinate and Y coordinate are plotted, representing the
normal and shear stresses on X and Y faces, respectively, of the stress element being
considered. On the X plane of our stress element there is a positive shear and no normal stress,
resulting in the X point given in Figure 4-7. As discussed before, the X plane on either left or
right sides of the element can be used to determine the shear and normal stresses to plot in
Mohr’s circle.