Syllabus Page 1OL-Contemporary Mathematics-11/30/20 MATH1332.20201130.606811
OL-Contemporary Mathematics-11/30/20 (MATH1332.20201130.60 6811)
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MATH 1332
This page of your syllabus contains information that is standard for all MATH 1332, Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning), courses. Page 2 contains information that is specific to this course, such as the course schedule, grading policy, etc. Please be sure to read both pages.
Course Introduction
A. Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning), Math 1332, is a three semester hour course intended for Non-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors. Topics include introductory treatments of sets and logic, financial mathematics, probability and statistics with appropriate applications. Number sense, proportional reasoning, estimation, technology, and communication will be embedded throughout the course.
B. This course is for non-mathematics, non-science, and non-business students seeking mathematics credit for an AAS degree.
C. In support of the objectives of the Texas core curriculum, the course provides significant exercise of students’ critical thinking, communication skills, empirical and quantitative skills, and teamwork. These objectives form a foundation of intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.
1. Critical thinking skills include creative thinking, innovation inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. 2. Communication skills include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual media. 3. Empirical and quantitative skills include the ability to manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts to reach informed conclusions.
D. Prerequisites: DSMA 0301 or equivalent, or acceptable placement test score.
1. Apply the language, Set Notation, and Diagram Sets. (F1, F3, F4) 2. Perform Set Operations. (F3) 3. Determine the validity of an argument or statement and provide mathematical evidence. 4. Interpret and analyze various representations of data. 5. Demonstrate the ability to choose mathematical models to solve problems from real-world settings, including, but not limited to, personal finance, health literacy, and
civic engagement. 6. Solve Consumer Mathematics problems involving percent, interest, installment buying, home ownership, and investments. (F1, F2, F4) 7. Define, identify, and be able to solve problems involving points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, polygons, perimeter, area, circumference, and volume. (F1, F2, F3, F4) 8. Apply the Fundamental Counting Principle. (F1, F2, F3) 9. Compute Permutations and Combinations. (F1, F2. F3)
10. Solve statistical problems involving sampling, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, the normal distribution, and correlations. (F1, F2, F4, F6)
11. Construct graphs, scatter plots, and regression lines. (F1, F2, F4, F6) 12. Use technology to reinforce and supplement the learning process. (F1, F2, C18, C19) 13. Demonstrate critical thinking, communication, and empirical and quantitative skills. (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9)